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We need World Socialism right now & here
Our Slogans
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it." - Marx
Change the world with Socialism!
Capitalism means legal plunder based on wages-slavery; end capitalism!
If capitalism exists, so exist exploitation, plunder, war, terrorism and pollution; end capitalism!
Stop production for profit, start production for use to save environment and our species from the risk of universal death!
Wages-slavery or starvation death-these are not alternatives, but a two- pronged terrorism!
End wages-slavery to end starvation death!
End employment with universal ownership via universal suffrage!
Throw away election manifestos; just win Socialism!
Abundance for all – that is Socialism. Principle: From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.
Socialism needs you – you need Socialism; recognize Socialism – vote only for Socialism!
Elect mandated MPs (actually delegates) for Socialism only!
Inscribe on the banner: "the annulment of all property and territorial rights; all that is on and in the Earth becomes the common heritage of the whole humanity".
Establish universal ownership world-over by organizing the working class worldwide!
Emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class itself.
Join us to develop the independent leaderless democratic organization of the working class!
Religion and Socialism exclude each other.
Indiscriminate construction of factories during capitalism’s decadence brings little ‘development’ with more unemployment, poverty and pollution.
Take the road of cooperation for life to end competition for a living!
Workers have no country; you have nothing to lose but your chains; you have a world to win; workers of the world unite!
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