- Economics: Frequently Asked Questions
- Neo-Liberalism: Old Religion Repackaged
- Why profit gets priority A straightforward explanation of why the profit motive is paramount in today’s society.
- Economists – not on this planetWhy economists present a narrow and misleading view of the world.
- Where do profits come from?A clear definition of profit. How government statistics show that profit is made at the expense of the working class majority.
- Booms and slumps – what causes them?In 1821, the highly respected bourgeois economist David Ricardo stated that overproduction is impossible under capitalism. (1) Regular economic slumps have occured ever since – and what has been their cause???
- Introduction to Marxian economics 1: the labour theory of valueA summary of Marx’s explanation of wages, prices, profit and commodities.
- Introduction to Marxian economics 2: the rate of profitMarx’s analysis of long term trends in the rate of profit.
- Money screws you up How the market system take over our lives.
- A capitalist criticises capitalismA review of ‘The Crisis Of Global Capitalism’ by George Soros.
- Major Douglas rides again (In Depth: Economics)The revival of currency crankism.