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Arbeiter von Wien (music)

Workers all over the world have been moved to admiration by the heroic resistance of the Austrian workers, fighting in defence of their trade union and political organisations. These men were organised in a party to which we are opposed, a party whose policy we know to be wrong, but that should not, and does…

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Neither exploiter nor exploited

Our age is one of continuous discoveries in science and technology yet the problems of humanity seem to be unmanageable.  Despite global communications men and women are still divided by nationalism and racial prejudice. Science serves the ends of the capitalist system. It serves the military might of nations. It serves industrial efficiency not by satisfying community’s needs, other than by…

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Don’t be a nationalist

Capitalism is completely out of control. It is. as the World Socialist Movement has always said, a system of economic and social anarchy. Capitalism is an unplanned system. Each company chases after profits, quite without any care of how this affects others. Each nation-state (which is a gang of capitalist thieves dominating one territory) carries on regardless…

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A world socialist administration

It is sometimes argued that world socialism would mean the power of central control over local democracy. There is a lot of debate over different options where the control should be placed. But a system of world democratic administration in socialism need not be based in either world, regional or local spheres. We can envisage an integrated system…

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Bundeslied Bet und arbeit (music video)

Bundeslied für den Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeiterverein – Eines der bekanntesten deutschen Arbeiterlieder. Es entstand 1863, als Ferdinand Lasalle den Schriftsteller und Dichter Georg Herwegh (1817-1875) aufforderte, für den Allgemeinen Deutschen Arbeiterverein (ADAV, einen Vorläufer der SPD) ein Lied zu verfassen, das die Gemeinschaft stärken sollte. Das Bundeslied fand schnell Aufnahme in Arbeiterkreisen und wurde ebenso…

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Socialism: One World

The World Socialist Movement consists of individuals who have come together for one purpose: to assist in the urgent task of establishing worldwide socialism. We define socialism as a society in which all the resources of the world are used in common to meet all the needs of all the people of the world, without…

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One World, Ready or Not

Just as capitalism is a world system of society, so too must socialism be. There never has been, and never can be, socialism in just one country because its material basis is the worldwide and interdependent means of production that capitalism has built up. The bulk of the wealth produced in the world today is…

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A Unified One World

To solve the many problems confronting humanity what is needed is a change in the basis of world society from existing class ownership to a world in which the Earth’s resources have become the common heritage of all. Socialists devised the slogan “One World” as a concise description of the society we are striving for. Socialism…

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Socialism: a world of free access

Editorial from the Winter 1986-7 issue of the World Socialist We inhabit a world of potential abundance for all, but it is also the case that we have trapped ourselves within a social system of mass deprivation. Throughout the world, millions and millions of our fellow men and women are denied the satisfaction of their basic needs….

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