Cuando el socialismo se haya establecido, las condiciones sociales habrán cambiado, y esto se hará más notable en dos aspectos. En primer lugar, los individuos humanos no tendrán más problemas de provisión material. Todos tendrán acceso a las cosas que necesitan para vivir y disfrutar de la vida, como la comida, ropa, vivienda, salud, transporte…
Partido Socialista de Gran Bretaña (SPGB, por sus siglas en inglés). Un partido que fue fundado en 1904, por lo que es uno de los partidos más longevos de la historia moderna. Este partido es uno de los principales promotores de la idea del socialismo como como un sistema de producción descentralizado, sin intercambio comercial…
Another year with all its possibilities — gone. Another year with all its potential — upon us. This New Year our fellow workers must make a resolution that they cannot break. They must resolve that socialism is an immediate issue, to be decided now. Socialism offers to the hungry full bellies, to the out of work useful labour, to the over-worked…
There have been countless COPs and scientific conferences on the climate and the environment over the years. Only someone skilled in sophistry would ascribe to them any significant success. It is an accepted opinion that the ‘landmark’ Paris Agreement of 2015 to maintain global warming at 1.5C has failed. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse,…
We in the World Socialist Movement do our best to present our case for socialism as the solution to global warming and all its accompanying crises. Capitalism is the root cause of most of the environmental problems we face and is also the biggest obstacle to implementing solutions. Yet few recognise the culpability of capitalism,…
A multitude of government departments, industry bodies, scientific committees, NGOs and think tanks plus myriad grassroots pressure groups and political organisations, offer up arguments to support their solutions to global warming and the climate crisis bringing all sorts of ideas. The World Socialist Movement (WSM), too, presents our own unique analysis that only a revolutionary…
The World Socialist Movement wish all our fellow workers a speedy end to the degrading, inhuman society we live under.
In order to keep the workers acquiescing to the system of lunacy that is capitalism, its supporters continually have to invent scapegoats and point to them as the cause of the hardship experienced by the working class. Capitalism is strikingly adept at erecting barriers among its people. It divides them into nations and “races.” Capitalism is a system…
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