The Socialist Party of Great Britain was founded in 1904 as a breakaway from the Social Democratic Federation (SDF), which had been dominated by Henry Hyndman who controlled the party’s printing press giving Hyndman undue influence over the party. But a deeper reason was that the SDF was seen to be descending into reformism. Those who believed in that strategy for the SDF described themselves…
Socialism is almost globally misunderstood and misrepresented. Socialism will be a transformation of society and many of the things that most people take for granted, as “just the way things have to be”, can and will be changed to establish socialism. The case for socialism rests upon the fact that the capitalist social system cannot provide a…
From the October 1971 issue of the Socialist Standard The World Socialist Movement does not support the Labour Party or the Democratic Party. In our view, these parties are organizations with confused and vague ideas about changing society and improving the lot of working people. It has now become little different from the Conservative Party or the Republicans — another “team” to…
From the July 1973 issue of the Socialist Standard The part of the case that separates socialists most firmly from all other attitudes is our insistence that reform will not do. It is the cause of the most pressure and argument by those who want our energy given to their causes: there are struggles going on for…
From the July 1973 issue of the Socialist Standard The object of socialism is to unite humanity and solve social problems by building a society which can satisfy the universal need for cooperation and material security. Socialism involves a creative outlook concerned with the quality of life. In association with others, the individual will develop himself as…
From the December 1973 issue of the Socialist Standard Marx usually referred to the society he aimed to see established by the working class as “communist society”. Precisely because he believed that “communist society” would be the outcome of the struggle and movement of the working class against its capitalist conditions of existence, Marx always refused to…
Stephen Shenfield, the speaker, is the present general secretary of the WSPUS
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