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Month: August 2022

The Class Struggle 2/3

The Futility of Reform. Social Reform Explained. 14. The basis of the present system is class ownership of the means of producing wealth. The class that rules has always maintained that basis, as no other foundation for their system is possible. 15. Various changes are made, however, in the manner of conducting the system and in the…

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The Class Struggle 1/3

Relations between Capitalists and Wage Workers defined. 1. The population today is made up of all kinds of people, showing much variation in their persons and habits. They differ in size and age, health and mind, dress and looks, and in every family circle, we see wide differences in form, mind and conduct. With all this…

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Joseph Dietzgen, El Filósofo Obrero

JOSEPH DIETZGEN es de hecho un filósofo descuidado. ¿Cuántas personas saben que él fue el hombre que Marx introdujo en el Congreso de la Primera Internacional de 1872 como “nuestro filósofo”? ¿O que fue Dietzgen, no Plejánov, quien acuñó por primera vez la frase “materialismo dialéctico”?  ¿O que durante los primeros treinta años de este siglo los Ensayos…

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Who we are 3/3

“Never in history has there been such a glaring contrast between what could be and what actually exists.” The World Socialist Parties of the United States, New Zealand and India, the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the Socialist Party of Canada are companion parties in the World Socialist Movement (WSM) – which sadly remains an aspiration…

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Who we are 2/3

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.”  The World Socialist Movement (WSM) are not the socialist “party” that Marx (or even our Declaration of Principles) envisages, ie the working class as a whole organised politically, for socialism. That will come later. At the moment, the WSM can…

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Who we are 1/3

“Towards a better understanding of the world, in order to change it.” Ideas are social and artificial national borders cannot contain them, as we are presently seeing. When the World Socialist Movement (WSM) talk about revolution we are not using the word as a recruitment gimmick. The sort of world we want there will be…

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El cinturón bíblico de Estados Unidos puede estar regocijándose por la decisión de la CorteSuprema de restringir los abortos de “niños por nacer”, pero siempre ha habido una notablefalta de preocupación expresada por los niños vivos que mueren innecesariamente en todo elmundo por causas relacionadas con el hambre. Según UNICEF, 40 millones de niños en…

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Hace cien años se publicó este año la obra más notoria en alabanza de la manipulación políticadesde El príncipe —¿Qué hacer?,de Lenin. Crimen… y ¿Castigo? ¿Qué hay que hacer de Lenin? es un lado de una polémica entre los socialdemócratas rusos enel exilio a finales del siglo 19. El movimiento socialdemócrata ruso surgió cuando una…

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