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Month: January 2022

Cómo se crearon los dioses

(Un estudio en el materialismo histórico) Introducción Cuando entré en contacto con el Partido Socialista de América, en la primavera de 1910, escuché a algunos de sus miembros hablar sobre la Concepción Materialista de la Historia. Nunca había escuchado el término antes y tenía curiosidad por saber qué significaba. Al acercarme a esos miembros, les…

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From the archives of the WSP (India) 3/3

Capitalism and Revolution Capitalist “Capital is a collective product. … Capital is, therefore, not a personal, it is a social power.” – Marx and Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Moscow, 1977, p. 51 Marx discerned that capital “presents itself as an independent substance” – “Capital, also, is a social relation of production. It…

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From the archives of the WSP (India) 2/3

Marx’s Alternative “It is true that Marx did not believe in drawing up recipes for the cookshops of the future, but he did describe the basis of the society he thought was going to replace capitalism: “an association of free men, working with the means of production held in common” (chapter 1 of Capital); “a…

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Entramos en otro nuevo año y, como en años anteriores, el nuevo año está bajo la perspectiva inminente de una guerra. Los trabajadores pueden ser llamados una vez más a participar en otra matanza donde hombres, mujeres y niños sufrirán. Es fácil culpar a los individuos por iniciar guerras, y algunos son ciertamente culpables, pero…

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From the archives of the WSP (India) 1/3

ASCENDANCE/DECADENCE OF CAPITALISM  Capitalism was progressive during its ascendance i.e., in its formative stage. During this phase, all its necessary formations and reformations were progressive, even though it emerged having been drenched in sweat and blood. Consequently, both the capitalist and working classes were sprouting at their decisive point in time. They were growing –…

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Happy New Year

We wish all our web visitors a Happy New Year. We very much wish them that but at the present time, the signs of the coming new year being happy are none too hopeful.  At the dawn of another new year, it is fitting that we look backwards at the past. 2021 was the year in which the world…

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