The General Election

The Socialist Party will be contesting one seat in the general election, Jarrow, where our candidate will be John Bissett. Unfortunately, because of a recent change in the law making it a condition for a party’s name to appear on the ballot paper that it refuse to accept “foreign” donations—which we have refused to accept because, standing for world socialism, we reject the concept of a “foreigner” and assert our right to accept financial help from socialists and workers in any part of the world—our name will not be appearing on the ballot paper alongside that of our candidate. Nevertheless, John Bissett will be standing as the official candidate of the Socialist Party and this will be made clear on all the election material we will be producing.

If you want to help out in the election campaign to get the socialist message across, contact North East
at: Secretary, 10 Scarborough Parade, Hebburn, NE31 2AL.
Phone: (0191) 489 0253.

Offers of help from “foreigners” welcome.

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