Party News: Election Fund
At the Autumn Delegate Meeting last year a resolution was passed recommending the establishment of an Election Fund. The object of the Fund is to build up financial resources to help the Party to contest elections — local, national and European. Support for the Fund is now being sought from all members of the Party and also from others who recognise and value the Party’s work. We particularly appeal to those who understand the necessity for the Socialist Party to undertake electoral activity and are willing to contribute on a regular, committed basis.
The cost of contesting the one seat where we stood in the UK Parliamentary Election last June was around £1,200. and our campaign was conducted responsibly and prudently. Taking into account the prospect of a substantial increase in the deposit called for, and the hope that at the next General Election we shall be strong and confident enough to put forward perhaps more candidates, the Party needs to be thinking in terms of having several thousands of pounds in hand when the opportunity comes. This may well be the European Election in June, 1984. The next UK General Election may be as far off as 1988, within the next few weeks, or at any time between; so, the sooner we start saving and planning, the better.
The Fund will be controlled by the Executive Committee, subject to Party Rules on Electoral Activity and to Conference and Delegate Meeting Resolutions. Contributions will be acknowledged, if requested, and regular contributors will be kept informed of the Fund’s progress. We have available Bankers’ Standing Order Forms in the hope that as many as possible will use this method. Please write or telephone Head Office if you would like us to send one. We realise not everyone operates a bank account, either on principle or for other reasons, and we have prepared a similar form of commitment for those members who wish to make a regular contribution through their Branch Treasurer. Of course, many members and sympathisers will wish to make an occasional contribution to the Fund as and when they are able, rather than undertake a regular commitment, and all such contributions will be equally welcome.
We ask you to reflect seriously on how best you can respond to this call, and then let us know what you intend to do. We have already had an encouraging response.
Parliamentary Committee