Party News: Socialist Action

On May 7, the workers of Islington South and Finsbury will have a chance to register a vote for world socialism: a system of society in which human beings will stand in social equality to the means of living. That many of them will not wish to cast their votes for social revolution cannot be denied, but that every effort will be made to persuade them is certain. The socialist campaign is already underway and even if the workers who reside in the constituency do not yet know it, they are about to have their minds assailed from all directions by the powerful case for a world without poverty or deprivation.


Why do we contest elections? Firstly, because to confront and defeat the arguments of the pernicious apologists for the profit system at election time has considerable propaganda value. Secondly, because socialists are democrats. No, not the defenders of that perverse “democracy’ which requires the working class to follow like sheep their political leaders. We are democrats in that we stand for a new system which will not be characterised by the divisions of class, sex, age or race. Only when a conscious majority want and understand socialism will the new social order be created. The ballot box is a means of registering that consciousness. And thirdly, because election campaigns help to organise workers in a particular area. Islington branch hopes to come out of the campaign with new recruits to our recently increased numbers.


Why are we contesting Islington South and Finsbury? The branch is a strong and enthusiastic one and the local workers are in just as much need of fresh political thinking as those in any other constituency. Every household will be receiving an election manifesto. Houses will be canvassed; street corner meetings arranged; eardrums blasted by our loud-speaker messages; indoor meetings held to clarify the electoral issues. Any worker in the constituency who does not want to come into contact with socialists (lest he catches a dose of political intelligence) had better keep away from the area as from April.


Those local workers who want to lend a hand are invited to help us in the following ways:


  1. MANIFESTO DISTRIBUTION. From mid-April, manifesto distributors will be required on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The meeting place is the Angel tube station at 7pm. If you cannot make those times or if you want to do some distributing on your own during the day, make contact with the election agent who will give you some manifestos and a list of houses to cover.
  2. SOCIALIST STANDARD SELLING. The Party only wants politically conscious votes, so plenty of literature will have to be sold in the constituency in the month before the election. Either come to Chapel Street market any Saturday in April from 11am until 3pm or get in touch with the election agent who will book you a place on the rota for tube station selling.
  3. ATTEND OUR PUBLIC MEETINGS. Come along to the public meetings in Islington in the weeks before the election. Bring along any friends who can be persuaded to come, even if you know that they are not yet in agreement with socialist ideas. Details of all meetings will appear in the Socialist Standard.
  4. DONATIONS. This campaign will cost money. Manifestos have to be printed, halls have to be booked. Members and sympathisers may not have much to spare, but any coins, notes, postal orders and cheques will be gratefully received and acknowledged by the election agent. We will report on how our funds are going in future issues of the Socialist Standard.
  5. GET IN TOUCH WITH THE BRANCH. Let us know any ideas you may have for furthering our propaganda during the election campaign. Send us names and addresses of anyone in the Islington area who may be interested in hearing from us.


Remember, we cannot promise you “Socialism in one Borough”, but we can urge you to reject Sir Horace Cutler and his opportunist colleagues in County Hall and make the great political leap from poverty to freedom.


Islington Branch