The following Books can be obtained from Head Office :—
Anarchism and Socialism. Plechanoff. 3/6, paper 1/2
Civil War in France. Marx 2/9.
Conditions of the Working Class in England in 1844.. Engels. 5/-
Critique of Political Economy. Marx. 6/6.
18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon. Marx. 3/6.
Evolution of Property. Lafargue. 3/6, limp 1/6.
Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. Engels. 3/6.
Poverty of Philosophy. Marx. 6/6.
Revolution and Counter-Revolution. Marx. 3/6» limp 1/6.
Social and Philosophical Studies. Lafargue. 3/6.
Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. Engels. 3/6, limp 1/6.
Postage extra.
(Socialist Standard, August 1920)