By the Way

The worthlessness of the Labour Party has been pointed out in the columns of the “S.S.” over and over again, and whilst the only excuse they have to offer for the miserable fight (!) they put up is that their number is so small, what can their supporters think of them in view of Mr. Outhwaite’s (M.P. for Hanley) article on the strike in South Africa ?

In referring to the miners’ strike of last year, and asking whether “our Parliament can bring pressure to bear in any way,” he says :

“I am not very hopeful. When again and again during the crisis precipitated by the use of Imperial troops last summer, I strove to move the adjournment of the House, Mr. Macdonald kept the Labour Party quiet. When I moved the reduction of the Colonial Secretary’s salary there were only five members of the La­bour Party present while I was speaking, and only six when Mr. Keir Hardie spoke in sup­port.” (“Reynolds’s,” 18.1.14.)

The above extract serves a useful purpose in again showing the hypocrisy of the Labour Party.


In the same article there is much food for thought, bearing in mind that on the Labour programme they have Nationalization of the Railways, etc., as an instalment of the good things to come which the Labour Party are out for. It is worth while to note how the railwaymen fared in South Africa, where the railways are State property.


While the capitalist Press is busily engaged in proclaiming the fact that the year 1913 was a record one, that “our” trade had gone up by leaps and bounds unprecedented, I take the following from a trade journal as an example of many that show there is a reverse side to this picture:

“A surplus of from four to five hundred compositors failed to find employment even in the busiest week of the year, while a great many more had only a few weeks’ work during the whole twelve months.” (“London Typo­graphical Journal,” Jan.|1914.)

From the foregoing the workers can readily see how important a matter it is to them that “our” trade last year excelled all previous re­cords. At a time when trade is booming hun­dreds, nay, hundreds of thousands, of men are suffering enforced idleness, and Trade Unionism fails to touch the spot. To the disciples of Caxton I would say, in Socialism lies your only hope !


I notice in the same journal reference is made to the Printers’ Strike of 1911. Now that things have evidently settled down again, with disas­trous results to the noble “four hundred,” the readers of the “London Typographical Journal” are to be dosed once more with the rot that the employers and the employees are like unto the Siamese twins. But let the Journal speak for itself :

“The incidents of 1911 are gradually fading into a welcome obscurity, and a better feeling between employers and employed is evident on all sides to the advantage of everyone concerned.”

“Better feeling” between the robbed and the robbers. This after talking about “Eight and we can’t wait” !


The way the workers and their children are fed occasionally leaks out. During the past week the newspapers have told us how narrowly some children missed eating unfit meat when a Manor Park butcher was fined for supplying unsound meat to the East Ham Education Committee.

“The meat was to be used to feed necessi­tous children. . . It was examined by the medical officer of health, however, found, to be unfit, and condemned. . . Most of it was undergoing decomposition.” (“Daily News” 21.1.14.)


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