By Their Works Ye Shall Know Them

Those politicians who are out for political fraud, must, in the very nature of things, persue their object by means of fraud The explanation is that since they wish to practise fraud upon their victims, they must always cloak the truth for fear their dupes may become enlightened. On the other hand the honest politician has no use for the dupe The realisation of his object demands that everyone who stands with him shall do so in knowledge and understanding. Therefore when trickery is resorted to, it shows that those who use it depend upon ignorance, and hence are engaged upon fraudulent enterprise. These few words are sufficient introduction to the following.


  “Tooting. At a meeting held at the S.DP. Rooms on Saturday. December 30, the following resolution was unanimously carried, members of the I.L.P. and S.P.G.B. being present, although these organisations, unfortunately, were not officially represented: ‘That, in the opinion of this meeting, it is desirable that a branch of the B.S.P. be formed in the Tooting Ward of the Borough of Wandsworth, and urges the several Socialist organisations in the said ward to take steps to wind up their affairs, in order to unite in said branch, and also calls upon the assistance of all unattached Socialists.’ ”

Justice.” Jan. 6th.


As this is clearly an implication that members of the S.P.G.B. were present at the time the resolution was put to the meeting, and that they therefore acquiesced in it, the following letter was sent to “Justice.” It is significant that it was refused publication.


141. Eswyn Road. Tooting, S.W.


Jan. 14, 1912

To the Editor of “Justice.”
Referring to a report in last week’s issue of “Justice.’’of a public meeting held at the S.D.P. Rooms, Tooting, on Saturday, the 30th ult, with the object of forming a local branch of the British Socialist Party, I, as the only member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain present on that occasion, wish to point out that that being the case, your report was incorrect inasmuch as it says “members” of the S.P.G.B. were present. I should also like to add that I only arrived toward the end of the meeting, after the resolution referred to had been put, so it is obviously incorrect and misleading to state that members of the S.PG.B. were present and the resolution was carried unanimously.
I trust you will insert this letter in your next issue and so remove any misconception arising through the inaccuracy of your report

Yours, etc., D. B. Campbell.