Instant recoil

July 15, 2024

Outpourings of condemnation from world leaders at the ‘horrific and heinous’ assassination attempt on Donald Trump, while Biden with dazzling political acumen called it ‘not appropriate’. In truth a lot of people must have privately wished the attempt had succeeded. Trump is an abject and repulsive metaphor for capitalism’s screw-you ideology. But the rich naively love Trump and dismiss concerns about his MAGAlomania as Trump Derangement Syndrome. And many poor Americans think he’s their friend, like turkeys welcoming Thanksgiving.

The shooter, barely out of his teens, wasted his life for a separate delusion. Politicians, even ones like Trump, can’t change how capitalism fundamentally works, so shooting him wouldn’t make any difference. If the collective misery of the 99% is ever to end, capitalism itself needs putting down.