Historical article on the Balkans conflict, 1912
World War I, 1914
Versailles and the League of Natiions
The rise of Hitler to power in Germany is an event which the workers of all countries should study with care. It is not an isolated phenomenon, but part of a world-wide overflowing of discontent.
That the Nazi Government, or what has come to be known as Hitlerism, is a menace to the peace of the world, is a fact as much recognised by Socialists as by all those who support the war. No Socialist will deny that all the Hitler regime stands for is repugnant and revolting to every ideal which he strives to establish.
What might be termed the sequel to the historical incident we know by the above term has been, and is being written in the blood of thousands of starving, pestilence stricken Indian workers and peasants of Bengal
Reflections on World War II after Hiroshima
The Labour Government’s blundering methods in Palestine are the offspring of attempts to harmonise conflicting policies.
The Governments of Israel, Britain, France and Russia, when they resorted to war in October 1956 in pursuit of their own separate objectives, have at the same time struck a decisive blow to achieve something they never sought and are hardly aware of.
Causes of war
Reflections on France and the social movements of 1968
The economic causes of the Gulf War
A brief history of human society and the different forms of social organisation the led up to class society.
What happened on these occasions? Not socialist revolutions, as some claim. But they were significant in the history of the struggles of our class. They are significant because the sort of people who dismiss the possibility of revolutionary upheavals were dismissing it seconds before these events blew up in their faces.
What Caused The Two World Wars?
- Causes of war
Russian Revolution was not socialist
Russian Revolution was not socialist
India fifty years after independence
Nationalist violence in Northern Ireland
Labour vouchers are a device suggested to govern demands for goods in socialism, much as money does today under capitalism. The WSM opposes labour vouchers entirely because they will not be needed or desirable.
A critique of Socialist Industrial Unions (SIUs) – unions representing entire industries, with the stated aim of creating a socialist society.
Trotskyism is a blend of Leninism and Reformism, committed on paper to replacing private capitalism with state capitalism through a violent insurrection led by a vanguard party, but in practice working to achieve state capitalism through reforms to be enacted by Labour governments.