God’s Own Copper

September 8, 2015

    “God works in mysterious ways. Given my love of God and my belief in God and in Jesus Christ, I have to accept that I may well be used by God in this way.” (James Anderton, Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, 18 January 1987)

William Morris 1834-1896

December 12, 2011

“A life in which every human being should find unrestricted scope for his best powers and faculties.”


March 10, 2011


Some people claim that human beings can be divided into races on the basis of physical characteristics like skin colour, and racism is the theory that one group of people, identified in this way as a “race”, is superior to another. Racism results in hostility towards the group thought of as inferior, the practice of discrimination and persecution, and in some cases it has led to genocide.

Despite the fact that there is no evidence to support racism it continues to cause suffering for those who are its victims. Today, as in the past, different ideas and theories have been used to support racism, and different groups have been singled out as the victims of racist oppression.

Material World:Beyond “peak oil” –- dirty oil

December 1, 2010

It is widely held that the world has reached or possibly passed “peak oil” – the point beyond which oil production is expected to decline. Some suggest that “peak gas” is likely to follow within a few years, while two recent reports claim that even “peak coal” too might be reached by 2025 (energybulletin.net/node/29919). If so, 20 years from now all three hydrocarbons may be in decline.
This is good news, isn’t it? Doesn’t it force the capitalists to switch to cleaner and less harmful sources of energy?

Yes, market forces will push things in this direction, but not very fast. It is projected that even in 2040 oil production will have fallen only to half its current level (peakoil.com). The normal functioning of capitalism will take several decades to complete the transition – much too late to prevent climatic catastrophe.