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  • in reply to: Music #248979

    Music for non-sung speech by the group Tin Men and the Telephone.

    I find this a genius marriage of (excellent) music and text.

    ALB will have to tell us what Marine Le Pen is saying.

    The last two (next post) are from Trump talking.

    First three:


    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 8 months, 3 weeks ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Two ex-socialists go funny #248963

    And here is the preface (in English) to the German translation:

    First german translation of an important work on the period of transition

    in reply to: Two ex-socialists go funny #248962

    Regarding the booklet by L.L Men, ‘Two Texts for Defining the Communist Programme’ ( here https://libcom.org/article/ll-men-two-texts-defining-communist-programme ),

    it, or rather the ‘What is Socialism? part of it, has recently (!) been published in German by Red & Black Books.

    See council-communist Fredo Corvo’s ‘Critical Notes on L.L.Men, “What is Socialism?” ‘:

    Critical Notes on L.L.Men, “What is Socialism?”

    (If you read Spanish, also click ‘Spanish with a critique by Aníbal’.)

    in reply to: Killers of the Flower Moon #248561

    That SLP review mentioned by Almamater of the Jennings book is on (newspaper) page 2 here, just under ‘at large’:


    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248498

    ‘First Tel Aviv anti-war demonstration reveals the limits on protest in today’s Israel’:

    First Tel Aviv anti-war demonstration reveals the limits on protest in today’s Israel

    in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #248497

    Much much more interesting, an interview with Milei in the Economist (no firewall):https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/yqYUdj

    in reply to: Argentina: the crisis is hitting the workers #248495

    Here is what they say about Milei at the Mises Institute:


    And, by the way, here is Michael Rectenwald, who is seeking the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party in the US:https://rectenwald2024.com

    He’s an ex-left-communist ex-comrade of Loren Goldner’s.

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Music #248269

    ‘Let’s bury little Nickolai along with his mother’.

    The mother being Dagmar of Denmark, widow of Alexander III.

    But for an empress she could have been worse. Kropotkin (‘The Present Crisis in Russia’. 1901) relates:

    ‘It so happened, however, that when the police were beating the students on the Neva bridge, the Dowager Empress passed by, and was cheered by the students. So she spoke to her son: “They were quite loyal,” she said; “they cheered me. Why do you allow the police to treat them so brutally?” The result was that the ex-Minister of War, General Vannovsky, was appointed to make a general inquiry. He proved that there was not the slightest reason for calling in the police, lectured the police authorities, canceled nearly all the orders of exclusion of students, and released all of them.’

    in reply to: Music #248254

    ‘Hey, hey, daloy politsey!'(‘Down with the Police’):

    in reply to: Music #248251

    All right, let this be the wrongly named thread for anarchist music then.

    Another anarchist hymm, this one about the Makhnovshchina. Done here by the rock band ‘Jomo and the Libertarians’:

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Music #248216

    I am baffled:

    1) The statement ‘Banned in both China and Taiwan!’ is utter nonsense. On what basis is it made?

    2) There is already a thread where the Internationale is posted, why start another one, and why with the title ‘Forgotten history’?

    3) Why has the intent to post a Chinese-language version of the song resulted in seeking it from a channel apparently devoted to alternate history (‘Kaiserrreich’)?

    4) If this posting was meant as a joke (to me an incomprehensible one), why not put it in ‘Off Topic’?

    Further, despite the illustrious ur-history, just like red flags, the Internationale (supposing it had much merit even to start with) has been totally besmirched by its use by stalinists and other leninists. (Just one example: it was after all, the national anthem of the USSR until 1944.)

    It may be objected that stalinists and so on likewise make use of the CM, Capital etc etc, are these too to be abandoned because of ‘contact pollution’? No. Texts have substance. Red flags and the Internationale are only of symbolical significance, and there is no need to try to ‘reclaim’ them or otherwise fight over patrimony rights.

    KAZ, are communist anarchists also overcome by a rush of pleasing neurotransmitters upon hearing the Internationale, or are they a bit smarter than that? (Or perhaps, there are versions with obviously anarchist lyrics, a bit parallel to the De Leonist or IWW or Charles H Kerr version having ‘The Industrial Union Shall be the human race’ for ‘L’Internationale sera le genre humain’?

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #248152

    Article by the group Friends of the Classless Society: ‘Germany at War’:


    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248075

    Re Robbo’s #248064 above —

    On this topic, an ll minute interview of Lee Fang by Glenn Greenwald:

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248032

    ‘the Hamas organisation, who are both anti-Israeli and anti-semitic’, says the article.

    But for what it’s worth, which is not much, unlike in their 1988 Charter (which was explicitly anti-semitic), in their 2017 Charter, they *apparently* claim they are not. See points 16 and 17: https://palwatch.org/storage/documents/hamas%20new%20policy%20document%20010517.pdf .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248031

    Ah, KAZ is here. Excellent. KAZ, what is AnarCom Network? I mean what is it in relation to the Anarchist Communist Group? Is the ACG part of it?? Are there ‘programmatic’ (political) differences? (If you answer in Paleo-Londonian or Cockney or whatever that demotic is that you’re prone to use, I won’t understand it, so don’t. I am but a linguistically innocent trans-Atlantican.)

    AnarCom Network // Revolutionary Anarchist Communists

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