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  • in reply to: The new recession is arriving? #208173
    Paul Mattick’s lastest piece, ‘Magic Money’: https://brooklynrail.org/2020/10/field-notes/Money-Magic
    in reply to: Bertrand Russell #206051

    Mattick jnr’s ‘Marx’s Dialectic’: https://libcom.org/library/marxs-dialectic-paul-mattick-jr

    in reply to: Streets protests in the USA #205911

    ‘The cancellation of professor Adolph Reed, Jr.’s speech and the DSA’s promotion of race politics’ :

    in reply to: Wolff, co-ops and socialism #205894

    O’Neil’s ‘Exploitation and Workers’ Co‐operatives: a reply to Alan Carter’ can be freely downloaded here: http://booksdl.org/scimag/get.php?doi=10.1111/j.1468-5930.1991.tb00286.x&key=RWM8YCRWC4X1LFBZ

    in reply to: BBC and propaganda #205876
    In this recent article involving sociologically-significant gradiations of skin pigmentation in Sudan and environs can be seen a reference to the word ‘abid’ as used as term of racist abuse: light skinned toward the darker skinned, and darker skinned toward the still darker skinned. (Arabs toward non-Arabs, and also among Arabs themselves.): https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/black-lives-matter-sudan-200813141537238.html
    in reply to: Streets protests in the USA #205848

    That site whose link I gave in the earlier post — nonsite.org — reflects the views of Adolph Reed and co.


    Yesterday in the New York Times there was an article about Reed, with the title ‘A Black Marxist Scholar Wanted to Talk About Race. It Ignited a Fury’ and the subtitle ‘The cancellation of a speech reflects an intense debate on the left: Is racism the primary problem in America today, or the outgrowth of a system that oppresses all poor people?’: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/14/us/adolph-reed-controversy.html




    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: We can feed the world with technology #205669

    Cf. At the bottom of this page the dissenting comment from ‘Stavos’, an enemy of unnecessary frugality:



    in reply to: BBC and propaganda #205450

    Same word:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_(Arabic)




    Also: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF#Arabic

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Streets protests in the USA #205448
    There are various articles here showing (although from a socdem/reformist perspective) the class-divisive capitalist-compliant nature of BLM-ism: https://nonsite.org/race-class-blm
    in reply to: Socialist Standard No. 1391 July 2020 #205039
    Looking at the situation in the US it seems that neo-leftism ultimately sets its sights on communitarian egalitarianism, such that, taken to a logical conclusion, the various IdPol demographic categories would obligatorily be represented in government and other public bodies in proportion to their respective weights in the population. Not only monetary compensations awarded to entire ‘communities’ are a possibility. It is also possible that in the interests of just historical compensation that the non-‘POC’ representation-proportion would be downgraded to one degree or another*.  The result: the exact same capitalism as before, but with a redistribution of genealogically-coded power throughout the hierarchies of state and economy**. And this would be called ‘justice’. ‘
    * Cf  positive descrimination / affirmative action / quota systems in Tsarist Russia (against number of Jews in universities) / anti-non-Malay employment-measures in Malaysia.
    ** Especially if the system were somehow extended to the private-sector economy, a more complex affair.
    To say that this is class-divisive is an understatement. And People like Kevin McDonald (not the film director!) would welcome such tendencies — including just the ongoing emotionalist cancelism over symbols). For him and his ilk: at last a way to bring the stupidly liberal-minded White Race, kicking and screaming, to its senses!
    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #204638

    WSWS: ‘UK Labour leader Keir Starmer uses bogus anti-Semitism accusation to sack Rebecca Long-Bailey’:


    in reply to: Useful talk #204301

    ALB, Yes, do ask him.

    in reply to: Two ex-socialists go funny #204299
    Replying to several posts above:
    1) DJP:  My apologies! Bad memory! 
    2) Stuart: What you say rather misses the point doesn’t it?  If you had not gone and …. de-remembered(?) what you must have known from your years in the SPGB, then no one would be remonstrating with you about presenting a universe in which the choices are limited to central planning vs the market, and there would be no need for you to be writing to convey high-minded sentiments to ex-comrades. Perhaps it would be more fitting to speak of substantive matters, eh?, such as for example Robbo’s fourth paragraph, here: https://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/forum/topic/two-ex-socialists-go-funny/#post-203813
    3) ALB wrote:  ‘In fact a comparison of the two texts suggests that Binay Sarkar had a copy of L.L. Men’s pamphlet in front of him when he wrote that chapter, ‘ 
    Yes indeed. I didn’t want to clutter up the matter with pettiness (?) so did not mention that  Sarkar’s earlier ‘The Bolshevik coup d’etat in Russia 1917 – 1921’ https://www.academia.edu/7730770/The_Bolshevik_coup_detat_in_Russia_1917_-_1921 (which was written right during or right after his break with left-communism) not only has has similar argument about ‘war communism’ as made as in the more recent Sarkar article but at that time he had the good manners at one point to quote LLM by name.  
    4) To no one in particular: I hope that if there is further discussion of the LLM book (Robbo’s contribution for example), the focus will be on what LLM says about ‘war communism’. These other things: what left-communists …. council-communists … anarchists …. and others thought was possible or not in 1917, and what they think of the SPGB, these are old, much discussed debated topics.   
    in reply to: Two ex-socialists go funny #203952
    Robbo —

    Is the version of The “Economic Calculation” Controversy that you recently posted to Dissident Voice ( https://dissidentvoice.org/2020/03/the-economic-calculation-controversy ),

    which the tireless jondwhite has even more recently posted as PDF on libcom (https://libcom.org/files/The_Economic_Calculation_Controversy_Dissident_Voice.pdf ) the same as what you published under the same title in Common Voice in 2005, or is it revised? A lazy question. I have not read the new (?) one but from looking at scattered sentences it seems to be identical. If changes have been made (I mean of content, not phrasing etc),of what nature are they?
    in reply to: Two ex-socialists go funny #203951
    Robbo — Given that you used to write things there (your thread https://libcom.org/forums/thought/economic-calculation-argument which you began in 2007 and seem to have abandoned in 2010 even though others unsatisfactorily continued it in your absence until 2014), is it reasonable to assume that you still look at libcom from time to time, and saw https://libcom.org/library/ll-men-two-texts-defining-communist-programme, and saw my note (second post under it)?
    I would like to ask what you think of LLM’s demolition of the myth of ‘war “communism” ‘ vs that of Binay Sarkar. (I find the latter’s nearly incomprehensible.)
    If I am polluting this thread with off-topic content, a moderator will please move this post elsewhere.
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