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  • ZJW

    ALB, if you look back at that libcom page now, the CWO’s Dyjbas has answered both your question and mine.


    @ALB, earlier this morning I put this question (along with another one) to leftdis.wordpress.com, old-fashioned KAPD-style German-Dutch left-communists and champions of the GIC thing. Fredo Corvo by name.

    (Later I saw that you posted your question to that libcom page. )


    The SPGB as _bloody_ revolutionists. How times have changed. Ha!

    ‘GEIS observed that the members of The Socialist Party of Great Britain were obsessed with the idea of an armed Revolution ; they could not conceive the possibility of a peaceful revolution, and therefore they insisted on the necessity of the control by the workers of the armed forces of the nation. Their eyes were full of the blood of the French Revolution. Unless the workers were Industrially organised a bloody revolution would undoubtedly occur.’

    ‘He (Fitzgerald) had every reason to desire a peaceful revolution, but the history of class-antagonisms and the circumstances of modern times provided him with but little hope in that direction.’

    in reply to: ‘genocide’ — an egregious concept #253916

    In this week’s WW there are two letters (letters number two and three on that page) celebrating the eviction, followed by a comment by Lazare himself (usefully including a link to his site, which I how I saw his unprintable article):https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1505/letters/

    in reply to: ‘genocide’ — an egregious concept #253914

    Quoting h.moss: ‘A lot of sense in much of what Lazare has to say.’

    As Bijou Drains wrote:https://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/forum/topic/anti-zionism-is-not-anti-semitic/page/52/#post-250236

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: New audio uploads #253647

    For finding and posting that quote from THE AMERICAN RADICAL PRESS 1880-1960 a round of applause is called for.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #253646

    But more seriously, come the co-operative commonwealth, how might the Olympics be organised?

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #253645

    ‘The Distasteful Nonsense of Olympism’:


    The last paragraph of which being:

    ‘It’s such instances of political oddities that permit the following suggestion: make all athletes truly amateurish by abolishing their associations with countries. Most nation states, soldered and cemented compacts of hatred, based upon territory often pinched from previous occupants, are such a nuisance in this regard. If Olympism is to make sense, and if the ravings of the physique obsessed de Coubertin are to be given shape, why not get rid of the State altogether, thereby making all participants neutral, if only for a few weeks?’

    But what is he proposing? What could be the alternative (in a hypothetical but still capitalist/statist here-and-now) to organising by nation-state?

    Well, there’s always Industrial Unionism.

    The IWW’s industrial unions are generalised into six ‘departments’, that you can see listed here:https://midvalleyiww.org/member-resources/industrial-unions-and-departments.

    Things having changed somewhat since 1905, nowadays one of the departmental divisions (this one, of Public Service) is:

    ‘Sex Industry Workers Industrial Union 690:

    All workers who use sexuality as the primary tool of their industry including telephone and webcam sex workers, actors, erotic massage services, erotic and escort services, and dancers and models in night clubs, exotic dance clubs and peep shows.’

    So, at the Olympics there might be a soccer team consisting of male prostitutes, porn actors etc; and likewise for women’s sports. Good, huh?

    in reply to: New audio uploads #253618

    1) What is the explanation for (at least) 20% lost audio from when Keith Scholey was speaking? Very disappointing.

    2) I am very much looking forward to eventually hearing a recording of the other Keith (Graham) speaking on POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS: WHAT LESSON CAN WE LEARN FROM MARX? and hope there won’t be a similarly missing 20%.

    3) During the discussion, an individual identified as ‘Adam’ mentioned that the SPGB has in its archives a full set (he didn’t say ‘full set’, but I assume it’s so) of the mentioned International Review.

    For the interested, titles of all articles in International Review, 1936-1938 can be seen here:


    There is a piece by the mysterious Roberto in every or nearly every issue.

    The frequently seen name Jonathan Ayres among the authors rings a bell, but I can’t remember in what connection. (Anarchist? Bordigist??)

    in reply to: Working class riots #253522

    A member of the Anarchist Communist Group’s ‘Report from Plymouth’ of August 6:https://www.anarchistcommunism.org/2024/08/06/report-from-plymouth

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Working class riots #253508

    Financial Times article of April 26 2024 on the different (‘positive’ vs ‘negative’) results of immigration in Ireland / UK / US vs Belgium / France / Netherlands / Sweden:


    (Hardly a class- or social-revolutionist perspective of course, but …)

    in reply to: Working class riots #253504

    Re the touching co-display of union jacks and tricolors:


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: Trump as president again? #253230

    Aside from the garden-variety leftist objections to Vance seen in the CPUSA article that ALB has linked to above, there is also:

    Pro-Israelist paranoia about him:

    Pro-Palestinian complaint about him:https://mondoweiss.net/2024/07/the-shift-j-d-vances-anti-palestine-record

    Libertarian complaint about him:https://reason.com/2024/07/18/what-the-media-hate-about-j-d-vance

    Meanwhile, as for Harris, this libertarian wonders ‘Could Kamala Harris Be an Anti-War Candidate?’:https://reason.com/2024/07/22/could-kamala-harris-be-an-anti-war-candidate

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by ZJW.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by ZJW.
    in reply to: General election #253049

    Regarding ‘landslides’ and first-past-the-post, Thomas More may benefit from reading:

    ‘Labour election result most distorted in history’:


    in reply to: Our London Assembly Election Campaign #252755

    I am looking forward to seeing in the Weekly Worker a more SPGB-orthodox reply to Mike Macnair (re SPGB / ‘petty-proprietor classes’ / ‘forced collectivation’) than what is provided in this week’s issue by by SPGB-sympathiser Louis Shawcross of County Down.

    If it were just semi-Turnerist (?) it would be one thing, but then he had to go on to: ‘externally generated frequencies that have been developing since at least the 1950s, which can plant thoughts and perceptions in the minds of people (see the work of Neil Sanders, to give but one)’.

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