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  • in reply to: Free will an absurdity #249609

    ‘It is sufficient to admit that every feeling and thought springs from what precedes it. That’s easy enough.’

    That would appear to be an extremely naïve statement psychologically. Free will or, for that matter, any other ideological component might well derive from completely unconnected trauma. The desperate and illusory need for control could lead to the ideological clinging to the concept of free will. Many times any link or coherent relationship between ideas and feelings will be broken. There’s nothing ‘easy’ about the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind.

    • This reply was modified 8 months, 2 weeks ago by Wez.
    in reply to: Free will an absurdity #249602

    ‘They do not analyse their own feelings and thoughts and what lies behind them. If you have a thought or feeling, you should be able to follow it back, for a while, through its antecedents.

    Nothing springs from nothing.’

    TM – You make it sound easy. Repression and the inability ‘analyze their own feelings’ lies at the root of all reactionary ideology.

    in reply to: Guyana territory #248865

    ‘Now, you are using the expression Don’t you’
    I have no idea what that means.

    ‘For me, it has been discredited because most workers believe that socialism/communism is dictatorship, they do not know that it has been distorted because they do not know the meaning of real socialism.’
    Er, well that’s our job to correct this.

    ‘The important issue is that there is a possible confrontation between Guyana and Venezuela’
    Workers have no interest in this dispute between capitalists.

    in reply to: Guyana territory #248863

    Almamater – ‘Probably the term socialism should not be used either because it has been discredited by those nationalists, state capitalists, and supporters of dictatorship, wars, nationalism/patriotism, and national liberation.’
    Don’t you mean ‘distorted’ rather than ‘discredited’? We must not give up ground to those who use language in such an Orwellian fashion. Such usage of language always betrays the fact that those who use it do not know what they are talking about and emphasizes how important it is that the integrity of our main way to communicate (language) must be defended.

    in reply to: Guyana territory #248858

    ALB – Don’t you think that we should be more careful using terms like ‘Marxism’ and Marxist’? They imply ideologies that some how differ or are associated with socialism – which is why Marx himself flatly denied that he was a ‘Marxist’. I think the term Marxian is more appropriate since it emphasizes that it represents a type of analysis rather than an ideology, which ironically, was its whole raison d’etra.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #247061

    BD -I hope you don’t mind but I will decline your invitation.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #247051

    DJP – Dunno about being placid angels but it would be a mightily embarrassing sight to see socialists sharing the tribalism that Chelmsford describes. But that has nothing to do with the subject at hand and the astonishing assertion that competition always implies violence as stated by a participant here.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #247049

    Chelmsford – The title of this thread is ‘WILL SPORT & COMPETITIVE GAMES EXIST IN SOCIALISM?’ How many socialists were within your observed group of parents at the touchline?

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #247028

    ‘Do not’? I can do and say as I wish you pompous individual. My contention is that competition should be confined to sports. And competition is not based on violence. Competition is infantile and harmless fun if those engaged in it are politically mature individuals.

    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by Wez.
    in reply to: Censorship on this forum #247027

    It’s just that nobody wants to hear your tedious trolling anymore.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #247024

    Almamater – why do you equate competition with violence? I love to pit my skills against others in various board games etc. I haven’t sustained any cuts or bruises in 60 years of enjoying competitive pastimes.

    in reply to: Will sport & competitive games exist in socialism? #246953

    I’ve always thought that sport is the only relevant place for infantile competition – and we all like to be kids once and a while.

    in reply to: Types of materialism #246249

    Almanmater – fortunately you don’t get to decide what is discussed on this forum. We don’t all share your obsession with left wing politics.
    Lizzie – then stop being a troll.

    in reply to: Types of materialism #246238

    So the working class are not allowed any interest in philosophy or science or aesthetics? – Almamater and Lizzie are just examples of old school anti-intellectualism.

    in reply to: Types of materialism #245852

    Dialectically speaking something depends on the concept of nothing.

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 518 total)