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  • in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #231520

    ‘Yes, they offer an alternative narrative to the mainstream media.’
    They don’t just offer an alternative – they are contemptuous of US mainstream media for the same reason we are! Their critique of the Ukrainian war maybe biased but their critique of mainstream media is spot on.

    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #231509

    Alan – I’m not claiming that Grayzone are socialists but only that their criticism of mainstream western media is correct and that this might represent a little light in the otherwise darkness that is US led western political culture.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Wez.
    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #231498

    Alan – Are you saying that they’re pro Putin? Certainly there was nothing in the clip that I gave the link for that any socialist could disagree with. That the Ukraine war is a US proxy war is just a fact and that doesn’t make them ‘anti-American’. I’ll continue to research them but if you can link me with any pro Putin content of theirs please do so.

    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #231486

    What are we to make of the ‘Grayzone’ journalists in the USA? Do they represent a little light in this ‘dark future’? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCgI3C7te5w

    in reply to: Socialist faith in humanity. #231454

    So what are the implications of this for your political activity?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231269

    ‘Wez, I am aware of the battle for dominance between capitalist super powers. But does that mean that one has to say that any non-socialist should view Russia’s invasion as reasonable?’
    ‘Reason’ and morality do not enter into the calculations of ruling class actions. Our case is that war is the inevitable result of capitalism for reasons I’m sure you know Sympo. Justifiable feelings of moral outrage and the comprehension of the madness of war has never stopped them and never will. The justification of capitalism (from the right or left) is a justification of war.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231249

    Sympo – you seem to be unaware of the struggle between the ruling classes of the USA, Russia and China for global dominance. The propaganda it uses to mobilize the working class to do its killing is only understandable in this context. It is our job to expose the reality that underlies the ideologies of hate.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231242

    ‘So Pilger is not defending Russia – he’s merely arguing that it made sense to invade Ukraine because Ukraine was doing stuff that was scary to Russia. In the same way, I suppose, that it made sense for the Nazis to mass murder ethnic groups, whose existence they regarded as a threat.’

    Sympo – Are you really comparing the non-existent threat of the European Jewish community to the Nazis with the very real threat that NATO poses to the Russian ruling class?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231216

    ‘I may seem a Moaning Minnie with some of my posts critical of the support being offered to Ukraine’s refugees but it does make me wonder why similar warm welcomes could not have been offered to other nationalities who also have suffered tragically.’
    Alan – just for propaganda purposes and also most Ukrainians are very ‘white’.

    in reply to: Why did the Nobel Laureate apologise ‘profusely’ ? #231207

    Prakash – and I thought you didn’t have a sense of humour.

    in reply to: The Passing Show: the Death of a Clown #231143

    Ozymandias – paradoxical because we will probably always remember the enigma called Shakespeare for writing stuff like that – that signifies something, doesn’t it?

    in reply to: Wages and Prices #231035

    ALB – I took it as an example of ‘reductio ad absurdum’ in terms of the bourgeois economic argument.

    in reply to: Wages and Prices #231005

    ALB -I just put wages and prices in the search field at the top right of this page. It’s the first article link.

    in reply to: Wages and Prices #230980

    In fairness to Eric Boden (who wrote the quote) I suppose he was just inverting bourgeois economic logic.

    in reply to: Brains and Politics #230636

    ‘A brain is just a piece of biological tissue’
    It’s also far and away the most complex structure we know of. LBird obviously hasn’t heard of the dialectical relationship between quantity and quality.

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 518 total)