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  • in reply to: Bolshevism/Russian nationalism. #233260

    The question goes back as to why so many leftist intellectuals continued to support Bolshevism long after the ugly truth was known. I suspect that there was then, and is now, a psychological process of ‘transference’ where, because of the hatred of the society/country into which they’re born, an identification with the declared ‘enemy’ takes place. The hypocrisy and lies of the propaganda of one’s own capitalist culture tends to reinforce this process. It becomes a habit that eventually is able to justify any barbarism of the entity to which the embittered individual identifies.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233106

    ‘Not one of you is my equal intellectually. I guess I won’t be sharpening my blade much more on this wetstone. Do try harder folks.’

    TS -Do you really believe that you’re exceptional in some way? You’re just a run-of-the-mill leftie with a hard-on for Russia. We meet your kind all the time. Recently we had a guy on here who was obsessed with China. For him this one party police state could do no wrong – pathetic really. I doubt if your ego would allow you to admit to the existence of a superior intellect. Anyway if you are merely a troll having fun I must admit to perversely enjoying your nonsense.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233087

    This was posted on our local ‘Nextdoor Newsfeed’. Mao and Stalin don’t compare with our late queen – scary.

    “I cannot lead you into battle, I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else, I can give you my heart and my devotion.”

    ‘This quote from the Queen’s 1957 Christmas broadcast sums it all up for me. A life lived so well, before God, with a beautiful mix of duty and devotion. Royal, yet servant-hearted. Regal, yet hard-working. Crowned, yet kind.
    In an age where character no longer seems to be king, I’m so grateful that this steadfast, faithful and dedicated follower of Christ was our Queen. I join my voice today to the millions of others mourning the loss of Queen Elizabeth II and celebrating her inspiring legacy. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.’

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233080

    Poor old TS, he must be crying himself to sleep knowing that it looks like the Ukrainians will continue to be exploited by their own oligarchs and not Russian oligarchs.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233000

    ‘The Russian army was not able to defeat the Taliban and they do not have the military resources to fight against NATO forces in a conventional war’

    MS – That maybe why we’re all heading for a nuclear Armageddon. I usually leave this ‘end of the world’ stuff to Alan but I’m a tad concerned.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232996

    It’s hard to figure out what’s going on in the Ukraine at the moment. Some reports are that the recent success of the Ukrainian forces is due to the direct involvement of NATO. As a result of this I understand that Russia may declare war on the Ukraine and that all NATO countries will become legitimate targets. Is this just scare mongering or are we all f**ked?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232991

    I would be interested to know if any of the membership of the Party were aware of the nature of the holocaust during the war or did knowledge of this horror only emerge after the war? Is it still a matter of debate as to when the ruling classes of the Allied side knew of the death camps?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232945

    ‘And yes we did take a stand in WW2 against fighting Nazis, as did the Communist Party, at least up to 1941 and Barbarossa. We, however, remained consistent in opposing the war’

    Alan – If we had known about the barbarities of the holocaust would we still have opposed the war against the Nazis?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232759

    Unfortunately the time of independent war journalists is a thing of the past. We only have ’embedded’ journalists who only get to see what their respective militaries want them to see. Many of them are merely cowards who are holed up in the bars of Kiev hotels being fed propaganda by the pentagon – I’m sure much the same can be said of Russian journalists.

    in reply to: Why our approach fails to appeal. #232696

    ‘I am the elitist, you expect socialism to come about thanks to historians (academics).’
    Historians (academics) are not an alien race but a part of our class and, as I said, can contribute to the struggle. There are countless examples of historians debunking the ideological claims used as explanations for events. In fact that seems to be their main contribution. Being ridiculed by a student union paper is a badge of pride – I know this because, living in Cambridge, I am only too painfully aware of their political ignorance. The intelligentsia are just as vulnerable to the 24/7 propaganda of our culture as is any other member of our class. There are, in my experience, very few people who are not interested in some area of ‘academic’ knowledge. However, in our culture, you have to catch them outside of their peer groups. I don’t think that this is the main reason we don’t appeal to many though as the reason for that has been recognized and understood for many years by the Frankfurt school. What they couldn’t answer is what to do about it.

    in reply to: Why our approach fails to appeal. #232692

    So the historians are going to make socialism, are they?

    Most people have no idea of the English Civil War or Age of Enlightenment, and don’t know what a bourgeois is. “Something foreign?”

    Of course historians will help make socialism. History is our greatest ally – it is the foremost political/intellectual arena for debate. Without the talents of this part of the working class it has no chance of class consciousness. Your designation of ‘most people’ makes you sound very elitist. I know many who take a lively interest in history.

    in reply to: Why our approach fails to appeal. #232685

    ‘The chance was lost the moment Lenin & Co. decided to steal the words socialism and communism.’
    TM – But the English Revolution was made in the name of Christianity and the bourgeois dictatorship was called a ‘Commonwealth’ by Cromwell. Similarly the French Revolution was made in the name of the Enlightenment as was Robespierre’s ‘terror’. My point is that most historians and others don’t believe that anymore and it’s the same with the Russian coup of 1917 – fewer and fewer serious historians consider it to have been socialist.

    in reply to: August SS pdf #231949

    Black spidery type on a white background has too much glare for me – plus I have floaters in my eyes and it looks like insects crawling around. Not pleasant.

    in reply to: Chinese Tensions #231934

    Perhaps the elite of the USA need some foreign enemies to demonize to distract from the way their own country seems to be falling apart?

    in reply to: The Dark Future of the USA #231536

    Having done a little more research on Grayzone I found this interview with an ex US diplomat who is very critical of Putin. This would seem to counter the accusation that they do not give a platform to those who criticize Russia and that they ‘practice deceit by omission’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vxufUeqnuc&t=2024s

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