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  • in reply to: General election #252966

    PS – There is a Kevin Bacon like connection between the writer of that song and the SPGB. Can anyone guess, or do I send it on to Manchester Branch for their Christmas Quiz?

    Humblebums-Connolly – wasn’t he supposed to have hung around with Glasgow branch for a while in his youth?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #251949

    It will tend to increase outwardly antisemitic behaviour from a minority who were already paid-up members of the “It must be the fault of ‘the Jews’” Union. Most people — those who did not possess antisemitic worldviews prior to the passing of this (awful, anti-antiracist) bill — will no doubt draw more sensible conclusions.

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #251723

    Nice clip – Weller clearly getting a kick out of getting to play alongside his idol. Love Townshend’s energy.

    Another decent Who cover by The Jam:

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #251714

    (2) What Nile & Bernard were really looking for

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #251713

    A Great original…which Pete shoulda kindly refrained from butchering!

    A couple of half-decent covers:

    (1) The best reinterpretation of this Who classic by a distance

    in reply to: Our London Assembly Election Campaign #251554

    Claire’s counterpart in Barnet & Camden — similarly…green (Barnet Post, 7th April)

    Maybe if Bill requests an ‘interview’, he might get a few lines in a future issue?
    Would he would need to dye his barnet red first?

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #250892

    Thanks for notice of the sale. As I say, I’m not especially a Josef K fan, though it looks like it could well be a decent read.

    More generally, This recently-published book about the Scottish indie scene also looks like it might be worth picking up:

    Re Aztec, HLHR (obvs not on Postcard) is undoubtedly a classic…the other albums are pretty middle-of-the-road in all respects. Some of Roddy’s solo stuff is fantastic, tho’(I love ‘Surf’).

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #250882

    Thus spake another deluded Josef K-er… (actually, I’m not sure if another person actually exists)

    in reply to: Underplayed Classics #250875

    Nice, Arch…but I think that what you meant to post was:

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248456

    Christians unite ‘for Zion’s sake’ this afternoon: ‘Never Again Is Now’

    While there has indeed been a real, worrying rise in antisemitism (along with increases in Islamophobia), this is vile manipulation.

    Yes, condemn this, sing your hymns and offer your prayers, if you must, but don’t bundle that together with support for the indefensible actions of the Israeli state.

    Oddly enough, contrary to what some suppose, many members of the British Jewish community, religious as well as secular, are revolted by what is happening in Gaza, and mourn not just the 1,200 Jews murdered in cold blood but the ten times that number of (mostly) innocent Palestinians.

    What Hamas did on 7th October was horrific and should be strongly condemned by any decent human-being, but propaganda that cynically seeks to defend Israel’s current actions by employing comparisons with the Holocaust is truly repulsive.

    This view is also expressed by a significant section of British Jews, including one of the subjects of this interesting article, who rightly states the unpleasant, but obvious truth that: “The Holocaust is being invoked, Jewish pain used and mobilised for acts of bloody revenge at the moment”

    Using the Holocaust in this way is just as deplorable as denying or minimising its extent, as some of those supporting a Palestinian nation state have been guilty of.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248448

    He says: ‘If we understand terrorism to describe the indiscriminate killing of civilians, in breach of international law, then of course Hamas is a terrorist group.’. He doesn’t say: ‘I think Hamas is a terrorist group’. [The unwritten words are no doubt closer to: ‘…I don’t – they are liberationist freedom fighters with right on their side…but if we’re dealing in hypotheticals, equivalence must be applied to Israel].

    He claims that ‘Many of the Palestinians I know are no supporters of Hamas’, which by implication means the significant number of others are supporters of Hamas.

    No doubt alluding in part to the Morgan interview, he argues ‘we should reject hectoring from those whose questions serve to justify the horror unfolding before our very eyes.’, which is all well and good when challenging the agenda of folk such as Morgan who endlessly ram the ‘Israel’s-right-to-“defence”’ narrative down everyone’s throats; however, not all that legitimately ask these types of questions share this worldview. Some reject Israel and its actions not from a Palestinian nationalist perspective but from a socialist position opposed to all nationalism and all conflict underpinned by competing capitalist interests.

    He rather sanctimoniously asserts that: ‘History will judge those who had the opportunity to stop this massacre’, although he knows the U.K. Home of Commons vote, even if carried, would have no power to change anything (although it goes without saying that voting ‘for a ceasefire’ is clearly better than supporting a continuation (post-‘pause’, of course) of the carnage).

    He states: ‘Peace is not possible without understanding the root cause of its absence’, without properly understanding what that root cause actually is…

    And if at the end of everything, the ultimate goal is simply to ‘put steps in place to give the Palestinian people the right to decide who governs them’, it is one that will prolong the misery of the vast majority of them far beyond the weeks and months to follow – and prevent their true liberation for as long as this remains the extent of their ambitions as a class.

    in reply to: Google search ranking #248395

    Guess what I was partly saying was why should the Party absolutely have to be to distinguish it from (and in doing so cede the SP name to the spewoids)? Distinction comes through the content. If hundreds or maybe thousands looking for SPEW click on, say, looking for their stuff, only to encounter socialist content, all the good.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248387

    List of Labour ‘rebels’ (scroll to bottom)

    It has to be noted, though, that many have seats in constituencies where it would be suicidal not to vote with the SNP.

    in reply to: Google search ranking #248382

    I know next-to-nothing about SEO (and what follows might be utter twaddle, so please allow for that)

    Kind of following on from what Robbo was suggesting re using the definite article in the url and DJP’s insights..

    I did a search on godaddy and saw that, for example, the domain name is currently available to purchase. (also ~ofgreatbritain etc)

    Does SPGB content absolutely have to be part of

    If not, would shelling out this kind of money for new domain name be of any benefit?

    if so, could you acquire a new domain purely to have a landing page (for SEO) which then links to the existing content (to preserve the WSM structure and connection)?

    Either way, I imagine you’d then pay a professional to work on tags and wotnot to optimise the chances of gaining and maintaining the top ranking spot?

    Might any of this make any sense in the real world?

    Whatever else may be the case, I personally think that knocking Spewtum off their perch is incredibly important and worth throwing (serious) money at. They are the Cybercourtesans, We* are THE Socialist Party…

    *or, rather YOU, as I am a mere simperingpathiser

    in reply to: Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitic #248380

    Apologies for the bobbly thing. Didn’t realise it would display quite as prominently. Mod can delete if they like.

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