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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #241307

    Zelensky admits the strategic importance of Bakhmut and that it’s fall will be dire for Ukraine’s position in Donbass.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241296

    “A *lot* of Germans supported the Nazis BUT the majority of Germans did *not*.

    Last free election of March of 1933, the Nazis got 44% of the vote, with a voter turnout of 88.7% of registered voters, which tells you, that at that time, 56% of the people that voted didn’t support the Nazi Party”

    All-in with the Nazis, how is it you can be so dim as to not realise you’ve illustrated my point for me? Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241287

    “Much like your supposed Ukrainians all being Nazis – they weren’t.”

    Not all Germans were Nazis either. Therefore Germany wasn’t Nazi. Lol.

    That one remaining brain cell of yours…Well, I ‘d try and avoid sneezing.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241285

    “Did you read that post?

    Chelmsford -“I don’t think they were really ‘Nazis’…””

    I didn’t want to be rude but how the hell would he know what the Nazi was thinking? The sick ideology of Bandera is the state religion of Ukraine. The Nazis there are real, armed and fanatical.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241282

    Great anecdote. Good on you for punching a Nazi. Of course, the Nazis in Ukraine have heavy artillery, tanks and an airforce but otherwise, just the same as that newspaper seller.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241267

    “Strategic truth telling is a key part of propaganda”

    He’s a fucking YouTuber you dolt. He’s calling it as he sees it. And much more accurately than most of the knuckleheads on this thread.

    “The presenter at History Legends spends a lot of time admitting the battle was lost – blaming incompetence – but does try to blunt the picture of losses: it’s a truth shit sandwich to try and protect the bigger picture and rally the virtual troops.”

    How does he try to “blunt the picture of losses”?

    “As I understand the situation in Bakhmut there is still one relief road”

    All roads are under Russian fire control. No vehicles or large concentrations can get in or out except under withering fire.

    “and combat going on to prevent it being closed, and it seems Ukraine is putting in reserves.”

    Which will be soundly turned in to fertilizer as Russia has a 10:1 artillery shell advantage.

    “I think that, despite recent advances, Russia can’t close the circle is significant. I’d rate the chances of Ukraine losing all their forces there as low.”

    I wish I could bet money with you clowns. I’d make a fortune.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241262

    “We should see the Russians taking advantage of the encirclement of Bahkmut and by-passing it to capture the more strategic cities,”

    No shit Sherlock. Just as I’ve been saying. But it’s a stalemate you jokers cheered in unison. LOL.

    “towns and highways that were the reason offered by TS for such a relentless and sustained assault on Bahkmut.”

    Yes. Bakhmut is the linchpin of the Ukrainian position in Donbass. With it’s collapse the dominos will all fall.

    “Having sacrificed the convict battalions of Wagner”

    All-in is vomiting up MSM propaganda (yet again!). Wagner has no “convict battalions” a crudely pathetic attempt to associate Russia with the “evil Stalinist USSR”.

    “and leaving them to mop up the depleted defeated surrounded Ukrainians in Bahkmut,”

    No, the newly mobilised reserves will be doing that.

    “I await the Big Push by the Russian regular army to gain ground.”

    Hold on, I’m confused. This whole time you’ve been saying it’s a WWI redux stalemate, have you not? How is such a “big push” possible if things are as you say?

    “Unless substantial progress is made, then indeed it is a Pyrrhic victory.”

    Lol, verbatim western propaganda copium. The victory is in no way Pyrrhic. Russian losses are minimal. It’s fighting capacity is in no way reduced. This word “Pyrrhic”, it does not mean what you think it means. LOL

    “As YMS indicated by mentioning Vuhlbar, Russian successes on other parts of the eastern front have not been resounding successes.”

    If you measure success, as the Russian military does, as demilitarising Ukraine, then it is a spectacular success.

    “It seems an early Spring has brought the mud to bog down any armour advance which can only benefit the defenders. The drawn-out defence of Bahkmut has allowed defence lines to be strengthened and new ones to be built.”

    The last defence lines took eight years to build. The new ones? A few months? LOL

    “TS may have forgotten but I recall he predicted a Winter offensive when the ground was frozen.”

    Yes, and if you believe Scott Ritter it began weeks ago, just not the Hollywood “big arrow” type. Those are needlessly costly in attacker’s lives so they’re slowly and methodically mincing the enemy with concentrated artillery fire and meanwhile throwing the Ukrainians off balance across the entire line of contact to prevent them from amassing forces for a counter offensive. As you are consistently wrong about everything you say regarding this war, I don’t know why you even bother to speculate. Or why anyone listens to you.

    “Now it will be Summer before the ground hardens again and by then the West-supplied armour will have been deployed to the battlefront and will prove an obstacle for the Russian tank thrust. Ukraine’s shell shortage may also be resolved by Summer.”

    Copium. Pure, unadulterated copium. Hahahahaahahahahahaha!

    “But once again we should not assume we are the Chairbourne Generals but if it took almost a year to take Bahkmut, I’m guessing any swift capture of crucial cities is unlikely to develop.”

    Because you’ve forgotten about Russia’s mobilised reservists. The Russians were outnumbered back then and they were still winning decisively. Now they outnumber the Ukrainians. The math doesn’t lie. Ukraine is toast.

    “TS refers to Mariupol. Not to the loss of Kherson or Kharkiv.”

    They were strategic withdrawals with almost no loss of Russian life or equipment. Moreover, the Ukrainian forces were decimated in the process.

    “And never has he mentioned the total failure to take Odessa.”

    LOL. Maybe because there hasn’t been any attempt to take Odessa? How can you fail at something you haven’t attempted? Are you sniffing petrol All-in. Whatever is going on upstairs ain’t right.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241259

    “I’d suggest this apparent honesty is in fact sophisticated propaganda, but it may be giving a semi-accurate account of the role of lack of proper co-ordination by Russian command, and the effect of NATO resources being given to Ukraine. It may also be pro-Wagnerite noise.”

    What is this, upside down world? It’s telling lies that makes one a propagandist not the truth. My god you people are dim.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241258

    “(BTW, I note, 7 days on from true Scotsman proclaiming the fall of Bakhmut, Ukraine is still holding it).”

    It’s completely encircled. Mariuopol 2.0. How long you think the Nazis are gonna hold out?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241241

    “English translation
    ‘But facts are fellows that will not be overturned,
    And cannot be disputed’.”

    Lol. All-in with the ruling elite thinks the Economist publishes “facts”. How many times your mama drop you on your head as an infant? Honest question.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241238

    “According to the Western state propaganda apparatus the life expectancy for young Russian men is now as low as for men in Haiti and lower than in Bangladesh.”

    There, fixed it for you. Honest question, does anyone here take Alan seriously?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241237

    “‘Western’ media can not decide if Bakhmut is a strategic city or has little strategic value. They claim both is the case.

    Bakhmut is of course of strategic value. It is covering the crossing of three major train lines and four major roads (M-03, M-32, T-13-02, T-05-13). As such it is the linchpin of the whole Donbas region. Besides that it also has some valuable mineral mines.

    That is why the Ukrainian government has sent tens of thousands of its troops to fight and die for the city.

    People who claim otherwise are SIMPLY COPING.”

    That would be you All-in with the deep state’s narrative wurlitzer. Simply coping.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241000

    Bakhmut is now encircled. All roads are cut. Thousands of Nazis trapped. Just like in Ypres. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240916

    Me on Bojo’s Brain…


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240908
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