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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #241546

    They don’t do humour here Lizzie. Good to know you’re still kicking around.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241520

    “It is over for the Ukraine. The Russian forces are enveloping Ukrainian units in several small cauldrons. Bakhmut is only one of them. South of it is the New York agglomeration which will become another one. Anviivka, further south, is also in big trouble and may even become the first of the three to fall.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241494

    “Just as many homophobes possess same-sex desires”

    Lol. We’re not talking about the gays here All-in, we’re talking about Nazis.

    “Those who profess to be anti-Nazi often share the same ideological similarites with Nazis.”

    Pronounces All-in from on high. And what authority do you have to speak on such matters? Written a book on the subject? A PHD thesis? An email? Talked to your belly button about it? Yeah, I’m going the last one.

    “TD’s anti-Nazism To use Shakespeare – he doth protest too much.”

    Lol, I believe this is the first time I’ve ever brought it up. You are a clown.

    “It can be seen in TS falsification of history”

    I’ve made a couple of errors in recollection but “falsification”? BS. What “falsification”?

    “and leader-worship adulation for Stalin and other political authoritarians.”

    All-in got spanked too much as a child no doubt because his parents were so frustrated at his abject stupidity. He now thinks any form of authority is bad because it will result in him getting a wooden spoon to the buttocks. He has been permanently infantilised. Now who wrote about that? Lenin I think.

    “Psychologist Andrew Lobaczewski studied the relationship between psychological disorders and politics to understand why psychopaths and narcissists are so strongly attracted to power.”

    Lol. Cos anyone with the temerity to disagree with a ruling class narrative vomiting “socialist” must have a mental disorder.

    “People with personality disorders are drawn to political power – narcissists crave attention and affirmation, and feel that they are superior to others.”

    Talking to your belly button again All-in?

    “BD recognised this narcissistic trait in TS long ago.”

    Bojo’s Brains is one of the dumbest human beings alive. But hey, if you think his opinions deserve respect then knock your head in to a bloody paste against that brick wall. It couldn’t make you any dimmer.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241488

    “True Nazi”

    As with Knobbo and Moron Socialista I ignore Bojo’s Brains’ posts. They’re intellectual pygmies with nothing of value to contribute to the discussion but I just have to address the “True Nazi” thing. So, let me get this straight. I, who hate the Nazis and want to see them defeated in battle and locked away for their crimes, am actually a Nazi? I’m one of those self hating Nazis? I mean, Nazis hate a lot of things but generally not themselves. Of course, you lot are all self hating socialists so there is precedent there I guess. Bojo’s Brains, fuck you’re dumb. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241487

    If it isn’t from the Boss’ own lips as reported by the British ruling class media, The Guardian or The Financial Times then All-in won’t accept it. A true “socialist”.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241479

    “Seems as if the MOD is merely belatedly confirming something that was already well-known to be happening.”

    Says the Financial Times? Is there any bunk you don’t believe. I swear you must be the most credulous cretin on the crust of the earth. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241475

    “In many of the Eastern regions, deaths are likely running, as a percentage of population, at a rate 30+ times higher than in Moscow. In places, ethnic minorities take the biggest hit; in Astrakhan some 75% of casualties come from the minority Kazakh and Tartar populations.

    British MOD Twitter”

    Is this the same British MOD that keeps telling us Russia is running out of missiles? LOL

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241474

    “If you read what I wrote, I already answered your question.”

    “followed in 2026 by the launch of production in Poland and the delivery of the first of 820 K2PL tanks.”

    We’ll see. Plenty can happen between now and then.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241459

    “There is no denying that weapon stockpiles have been depleted. But higher spending budgets are being provided by governments. There will indeed be a time lag but in a some years time, the military be strengthened and there will be no NATO demilitarised dividend Russia can look to.”

    Really? And where’s NATOstan going to get the money/resources to do all that? They’ve lost cheap Russian energy and now the US is ordering its European Quislings to cut economic ties with their biggest trade partner: China. Europe is spiraling into economic and geopolitical irrelevancy. Good riddance.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241431

    “In this war of words, who can tell what is true or not.”

    Not you, that’s for sure. The whole Prigozhin thing may well be a psyop meant for NATOstani consumption. Wagner gets all the supplies it needs. How else could they be encircling Bakhmut, fighting with shovels? Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241377

    “I am well versed in atrocity propaganda and it is why I can differentiate between fake staged events and genuine massacres. Something you aren’t capable of.”

    Lol. You couldn’t figure out a piss up in a brewery All-in with every CIA talking point. You are a clown. And yes, I’m well aware that the lies were separately used to justify each war. It ain’t rocket surgery. No need to preach to the choir.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241369

    “TS prefers to believe the Russian account.”

    Yeah, Iraq had WMDs and ripped babies out of incubators, don’t you know?! Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241367

    “According to The New York Times, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III and other Pentagon officials are blocking Biden from sharing evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine gathered by U.S. intelligence agencies with the International Criminal Court (ICC).”

    BS. If the US had evidence it would trumpet it from the rooftops.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241365

    “If they succeed in doing that expect Belarus to be next on their agenda.”

    They already tried in Belarus. It was an abject failure. Zero chance of it succeeding there.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #241342

    “You have repeatedly expressed the view that the only good Ukrainian is a dead Ukrainian turned to fertilizer because they are all Banderite fascist nazis.”

    BS. I’ve never said anything of the sort. Quote me doing so.

    “Robbo challenges that opinion”

    I ignore Knobbo. Children are to be seen not heard.

    “falsely declaring the enemy as a threat is an old tried and tested way of brainwashing.”

    And declaring Hitler to be a threat was also false? Listen to yourself.

    “The further one goes down into the poorer sections the more opposition there is…”

    So what? Does that make Nazi Germany any less of a threat? The only one here incapable of nuance is you.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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