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  • in reply to: Hong Kong #223012

    “This individual is possibly the most politically naïve individual ever to visit these pages. It is a testament to the patience of comrades that they continue to indulge him.”

    I find debate with reactionaries pretty dreary going too, so it works both ways. I mean, Alan calls the CIA “friend”, a sentiment you no doubt all share. At any rate, no one’s forcing you to read along. on your bike then, rack off.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222994

    “If a source critical of China says something negative about the country it means it is a lie, is your logic, isn’t it?”

    Enemies, ideological or otherwise, are incentivized to tell lies about you not the truth. So when they do say something favourable about you it is more likely to be true. For example, the EU despises Russia yet its findings about Russia’s war with Georgia concluded that Georgia was at fault. You wouldn’t expect the EU to tell the truth about this event, a positive for Russia, yet they did. Which is why I think Georgia was almost certainly to blame for the conflict despite all those who crow otherwise.

    “and continued coal power expansion, says Isabel Hilton of UK and China-based non-profit organisation China Dialogue.”

    China will no longer build coal plants abroad.

    The IEA certainly thinks China can exceed its targets.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222990

    “If you consider what is most likely a Jesuit religious site (I am guessing and might be far off the mark) as a reliable source of information, why do you discount the many other stories it contains critical of the Chinese regime.”

    Because if a source that is critical of China says something positive about the country it’s probably true.

    “As for the Xi’s 10 points, over the years I have read fairly similar intentions from all manner of governments. Yours is a blind faith that Xi will succeed in carrying out his promises while all the previous futile attempts say otherwise.”

    No one can predict the future but if Xi’s faction (the left faction) remains in power then I am confident the goal of “fully socialist” country will be met by 2121. I am not arrogant enough to say I am certain of it.

    “I interpret the power outages as unintended consequences of the shift from coal power and actual evidence that market forces were determining production output.”

    You’re free to interpret things however you like, Alan.

    “But what China is experiencing is exactly the contradictory conditions many other nations such as India are facing to meet the Paris agreement. Profit versus planet. Again, it shows China is no exception to the laws of capital, despite its high State direction in the economy.”

    The profit motive is not the overriding concern of the CCP. Thus, China looks to meet its climate goals nine years early.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222988

    “Whereas I referred to an official pronouncement of the Chinese government that it intends to narrow the inequality gap.”

    All the more reason to take what it says seriously.

    “the Russian state energy company Inter RAO said China had asked it to increase electricity supplies to offset shortages at home”

    China is short of electricity mostly because it is moving to meet its climate targets. The power cuts are to industry rather than civilian use. The resultant decline in manufacturing was thus planned for, rather than being purely a result of market forces.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222985

    “The top 20% of China’s households take home over 45% of the country’s disposable income; the top 1% own over 30% of household wealth”

    Wealth inequality is being dealt with as we speak.

    Xi Jinping’s “Common Prosperity”: Back to Socialism

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222984

    Alan, you keep pushing the same debunked “China debt trap diplomacy” myth, and from the Guardian no-less. Mouthpiece of the British Blairites. Do better.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222952

    “we must also build on this achievement to embark on a new journey toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country.”

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222945

    “The system of socialist public ownership supersedes the system of exploitation of man by man; it applies the principle of ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his work’”

    That is clearly a contradiction. What Chinese Marxists have to say about this contradiction would be interesting.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222942

    “This principle of from each according to their ability, to each according to their work is still put forward by the Chinese “communist” Party as the basis of the current economic system within China.”

    Provide evidence for this claim.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222938

    “I’m curious about this full communism by the time we’re all dead that TS keeps quoting, does he have anything resembling an official source for that? I can’t find one.”

    “In his report to the 19th Party Congress, President Xi mentioned two intermediate dates: 2035 (modern socialist country) and 2049 (mastery of all aspects of life: economic, social and technical).

    He also mentioned the next centenary, 2121. By then, the government hopes, the population will be mature, well-educated prosperous and ready to assume responsibility for communist life.”

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222930

    “I don’t believe anybody seriously believes Xi
    intends to dispossess the rich. Rather, just like
    many other countries, even some conservative ruled
    ones, there may be higher taxes imposed.”

    Shows how little you know.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222925

    “To be honest, TS, I am a bit surprised that you are even able to post on this website, after all you have to complete a simple mathmatical problem in order to log in.”

    Bijou Drains, you clearly inherited the retard gene from both your parents. I wouldn’t be having any children were I you, or is it too late? Well, little retards are still cute I suppose.

    “As Alan has pointed out the top 30 Chinese Billionaires have accumulated $866.1 Billion. How have this top 30 capitalists accumulated that wealth, if not by exploiting the labour power of the employees that have worked for them?”

    China’s is a mixed economy. They are in a transition period now. I am opposed to billionaires as are many Chinese. The CCP is reigning in the wealth and influence of the billionaires as we speak. China will be fully communist by 2121. The billionaires are living on borrowed time.

    “An additional question to follow up is it possible for these exploitative individuals to achieve that wealth without out the active involvement of the Chinese State and by implication the Chinese “communist” Party.”

    The CCP was not interested in equalising poverty. They recognised the power of capitalism to rapidly advance the productive forces. But they have never allowed the capitalists to override the priorities of the state ad its people.

    “If, as is clearly the case, these billionaires are able to accumulate their capital only through the exploitation of these workers and the Chinese “communist” Party is complicit with this expoitation,”

    They have, and, as Marxists, they recognise the contradictions and dangers of allowing too large a role for private enterprise. Which is why are are moving to reign it in.

    “how can you, as self proclaimed Marxist support this historical and ongoing exploitation of these members of the working class?”

    Because the standard of living of 1.4 billion people is rising, the Chinese people support their system because it is delivering the goods, its leaders are the most competent in the world, the country is anti-imperialist and is set to be fully communist by 2121.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222921

    “Perhaps for a different perspective you might wish
    to read and is partly based on David Harvey’s
    theory, someone you recently recommended”

    In the past Harvey was convinced that China was state capitalist. He’s no longer quite so sure. The views expressed in the article are therefore out of date as far as Harvey is concerned. Watch the Harvey Youtube video I linked to a couple days back to hear his more nuanced opinion.

    “I previously touched on the fact that Mombasa port
    will fall into Chinese lenders hands when the loan
    is defaulted”

    China will almost certainly restructure the loan as it always does.

    “The joint parade of German and Soviet troops at
    Brest on the 22nd September is well-documented.”

    The so-called “parade” was a formal ceding of territory from the Nazis to the Soviets as per the “spheres of influence” agreement. It was not a victory parade.

    “At Lwów German troops ended their siege to allow
    the Soviets to continue it.”

    As mentioned above, the Polish state no longer existed as the perfidious Polish government had fled into voluntary internment in Rumania without even alerting much of their army. Armies only legally exist in service to a state. The Polish state was no more, its army was, in a legal sense, nothing but an armed mob.

    “The Poles didn’t know about the secret protocol
    and so they didn’t expect the Soviet invasion of
    17 September 1939 even if some of the intelligence
    services were aware of an unpublished section to
    the pact.”

    You are not privy to what the members of the Polish government did or did not know prior to their ignominious escape into imprisonment. They should have taken their chances east of the Vistula, where they would have been under Soviet protection, or gone down with the ship. The cowards chose to abandon their countryman and save their worthless hides.

    As already mentioned, the USSR had tried to save Poland by offering to station a million man army on ts border with Nazi Germany. The Poles preferred national suicide.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222871

    “TS has difficulty understanding whether it is confidential bank loan conditions or international agreements, the difference between keeping secret and making public.”

    Don’t give up your day job, Alan. Comedy just ain’t your thing.

    in reply to: Hong Kong #222864

    Bijou Drains, run along child, the adults are talking.

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