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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #232807

    ““Infested” – a favourite word of the Nazis in designating people.”

    When one third of your military are far-right fascists you have an infestation. What would you call it?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232805

    “What has Putin done about Sweden and Finland joining Nato? Nothing.”

    What you mean to say is nothing yet. See what happens if NATO attempts to place missile silos in Finland. One thing’s for sure, it won’t be at top of “world’s best places to live” lists any longer.

    “And in the era of hypersonic missiles, the geographical location of missile bases is irrelevant.”

    Rubbish, such weapons make it even more imperative that there are no missile silos on Russia’s doorstep.

    “I think the invasion was about securing pipelines and the huge unexploited gas fields in Ukraine, the largest in Europe outside Norway.”

    Well that only goes to show how little you know. Putin did his utmost to avoid the conflict. He insisted for years that Ukraine implement the Minsk 2 Agreement which would have avoided the conflict entirely.

    “If you look on a map, the gas fields are precisely underneath the Russian-occupied areas.”

    It’s also where most of the ethnic Russians live. The ones who were being slaughtered by Nazis for 8 years.

    “Were these to fall into western hands, Russia’s economy would be cut off at the knees.”

    Bollocks. Russia has trillions of dollars worth of unexploited resources already. Putin pushed hard for Minsk to be implemented. How does that fit with your silly little conspiracy theory?

    “I also think Putin is becoming increasingly isolated, deranged and unrepresentative of Russian ruling class interests”

    You, a good “socialist” parroting word for word bourgeois MSM propaganda. Didn’t they teach you anything in socialism school?

    “as evidenced by the fact that he is assassinating dissenting Russian oligarchs with gay abandon”

    Who’s Gay Abandon? She sounds like a badass. What billionaires, sorry “oligarchs” is Putin assassinating? Name a few.

    “including their wives and children.”

    I call bull shit. Citation needed.

    “Surely a palace coup can not be far off?”

    Let’s bet on it. As W C Field said, “It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232802

    “So, the workers of Ukraine are “Nazis”, to be bombed?”

    Many are, yes. Certainly if you consider soldiering “work”.

    “Just because they live in this town or that, with their families, or alone. Old men and women, children, with pets;”

    No, not “just for that”. For being vile, murderous, Zieg Heiling Nazis. It’s hardly a secret that Ukraine is infested with them.

    “”they could be against the Kiev regime, or just want to live in peace. But you cry “Nazis!” no matter who they are, and praise the bombing.”

    I’ve said no such thing. You are straw manning me. As the one true Scotsman I can spot a logical fallacy from twenty paces.

    “One thing for sure, for every actual Nazi you kill, there’ll be a hundred innocent people dying,”

    Erm, no. Most of the fighting is going on in rural areas. Most of the casualties there are soldiers not civilians.

    “losing those they care for, losing everything, while Putin and Zelensky cry war.”

    Putin tried for 8 long years to resolve the conflict. It was the US/UK/EU that insisted on war, not Russia.

    “Damn your pro-capitalist, murderous crap!”

    I’m an atheist, I don’t believe in damnation.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232799

    “I am reminded of a Mitchell and Webb skit, where one Nazi asks another: “Are we the bad guys?”

    The correct answer would be, “Yes, we are.”, would it not?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232798

    “So JFK was right in threatening what would have escalated to a nuclear war when the USSR placed missiles in Cuba?”

    Well, I’m sure you’re aware that the Soviets placed nukes in Cuba as a response to the US placing nukes in Turkey. So no, I don’t think it “was right” of JFK to respond to his own provocation in such a way.

    “But before we enter into a long acrimonious exchange,”

    Why would you presume our exchange will be acrimonious?

    “this forum generally does take the view that Russia was provoked into military action by NATO expansionism.”

    That is the correct view to take.

    “But it is a war and it was an invasion. Orwellian double-speak that it is “a special military operation” is hogwash”.

    Not quite. A war would require general mobilisation of the military and the call up of reserves. It has certain legal repercussions. Also, Russia does not mean to conquer Ukraine merely to enforce Ukraine’s neutrality, disarm it of NATO weaponry and root out the Nazi scum that infest its military, security services, police and border forces and civilian government.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232792

    A Russian nationalist? Hardly. The war was forced on Russia by a hostile military alliance. As the representative of its people the Russian government has a duty to defend its security and sovereignty.

    No socialist? No, no
    True Scotsman, don’t you know?

    Do I think it justified to murder workers? Sometimes. If they’re Nazis and slaughtering civilians then yes, it’s ok to kill them. Only good Nazi is a dead one. Or would you coddle them instead while they genocide you?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232775

    Russia’s war is wholly justified. Were the Kremlin government socialist it too would have been forced to go to war to thwart US/EU agression. Failing to do so would mean nukes less than seven minutes away from Moscow. No time to react should the crazies in Washington do something really stupid.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232741

    Peace talks were killed way before then. The Minsk Accords were the first attempts at a peace process but the Ukrainians, no doubt with US/EU blessing, ignored them and used the time to remilitarise in preparation for the ethnic cleansing of Donbass and perhaps even an attempt to conquer Crimea. The former Ukrainian president has admitted to this.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232739

    Of course Russia’s logistics are not unlimited but this is not an unlimited war. It is a Special Military Operation fought with Russia’s peacetime military. It’s such a cakewalk for the Russians that they have 50,000 troops wargaming in the east as we speak. Russia’s is the 5th largest economy in the world. It is highly industrialised. It does not need any assistance from DPRK.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232734

    What tosh. If the story were published by the Russians it is a tacit admission they are running short of military material. Considering this is not the case why would they make such an admission? Be an adult, concede that it was asinine to post an unsubstantiated piece of Guardian propaganda and strive to do better in future.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232706

    “the similarity that evades you is that both the USA and Russia are applying basically the same type of law to persecute journalists.”

    What escapes you is that one country, the USA, is actually trying to overthrow the government of the other. The US is engaged in a massive regime change operation against the Russian government and is more than willing to enlist journalists to sew discontent in the targeted nation. Traitors, in the employ of foreign governments, such as the journalist who was convicted after going to trial, get put in prison as they should.

    Russia did not release the story. You are saying Russia’s enemies released the story to aid Russia. Does that make sense to you?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232704

    “At least the Guardian journalist won’t get 22 yrs jail time for the reporting.”

    Sure they won’t, because Guardian journalists are knob jockeys of the British establishment. Remind me, how long has Julian Assange been rotting away in your country?

    Anyway, who’s this Proekt character, and how does he know there’s no evidence of ties to foreign agents?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232702

    And you believe uncritically what an anonymous US government official says to a Guardian reporter?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231405

    You don’t actually believe anything the Ukrainian government says do you?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #231404

    And you are credulous of BBC reportage, why exactly?

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