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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #232931

    “Perhaps anyone who believes that the invasion cannot be called a war but a “special military operation” would have believed Truman’s description that the Korean War was simply a “police action”.”

    I have already explained the reasons why the Kremlin has labeled the conflict an SMO. You failed to address my comments directly then yet now do so as an aside in a most cowardly fashion. You are not a good faith interlocutor but instead a base rhetorician attempting to score political points on the sly.

    “I linked to it, not for the reason that the analysis of why it began is correct. I’m a socialist, he is not so we would not share the same understanding of the causes of any war.”

    Rubbish. You linked to the article because you are an unprincipled and unctuous charlatan. One moment you claim to support the position that Russia was provoked, the next you deny it. You are a liberal. You float on the breeze and blow in whatever direction the bourgeois propaganda spinmeisters determine.

    “But that it demonstrates that the invasion and the ensuing war does not receive the universal support of the Russian people. That there exists an anti-war sentiment. How strong or popular it is, I really have no idea but”

    Then Google it, it’s not hard to find out. According to the viciously anti-Russuan WaPo, 75% of Russians support the SMO.

    “it exists and as a socialist, I will do my best to encourage it.”

    It barely exists. And being a socialist in no way implies that one is opposed to defeating fascists on the battlefield. Where on earth did you come to that conclusion?

    “I imagine like any country at war, the majority will favor their own military, for it is their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers who are in danger of being killed by the enemy, after all.”

    Russians favour the SMO because it is being fought against Nazis. Are you opposed to a war against Nazis? Don’t answer, you are a coward, your answer is yes. You’d willingly walk into the oven because you have no spine.

    “Also, as always in war (oops, sorry, SMO), their media will be promoting pro-war feelings of nationalism and patriotism.”

    You believe that Russia was drawn into this conflict through provocation do you not? How did you arrive at that conclusion if not through the media?

    “I will do my best, no matter how little it might be, to counter-act state propaganda – from both warring sides.”

    Fuck off. You constantly post articles by the BBC and Guardian that are nothing but state propaganda. As I’ve stated earlier, this gives your gaggle of cultists the impression that the linked to articles are reliable sources of information when nothing could be further from the truth.

    “So my motive is similar to Yuferyev’s, as expressed in the article, when he said the petition is really about rallying Russians who are just as concerned as them. “We want to show them that there are many of us, who are against what is going on.””

    Sure, there are “many” technically but they are only a fraction of the Russian population who, like you, have been brainwashed by the billions spent on Western MSM propaganda.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232925

    “We do not see NATO expansion as a direct threat to Russia”

    Clearly this fellow is mentally retarded so anything he has to say should be understood with that in mind.

    Why did you publish this Allan? You have stated that you believe NATO expansion was a provocation. Now you linked to an article that takes the opposite view, why?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232886

    And what is it you think that anti-communist scribble is portraying?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232885

    A cogent essay. Clearly, in it your little cult is represented by the likes of Chomsky. It’s a shame you couldn’t draw any lessons from the article. If you even bothered to read it that is.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232869

    “What has Russia got to hide by refusing access?”

    Perhaps the Russians are aware that many UN agencies are wholly owned subsidiaries of the US State Department. Had you considered that or is your analysis of world events merely limited to shitting on actually existing socialism?

    The OPCW was caught red handed manufacturing a narrative in support of the US’ regime change operation in Syria.

    Media silence marks ongoing OPCW cover-up of Syria chemical weapons scandal

    And recently the IAEA laughably couldn’t figure out who was shelling the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant when clearly it was the Ukrainians.

    “Once again it is our view that there should be a plague on both houses and that neither side is deserving of the blood being spilt by working people nor the sacrifice being made by the rest of the world.”

    Rubbish, you condemn the victims of US/UK/EU aggression with far more verve and vigor than you do
    the imperialists themselves. What’s more, you spread imperialist nations’ propaganda narratives, many of which you have clearly internalised, giving those stories the imprimatur of legitimacy to your tiny gaggle of cult followers.

    “We don’t indulge in false equivalency.”

    It’s not false equivalency to point out one side is wholly responsible for the conflict in Ukraine.

    “We don’t whitewash one side’s atrocities.”

    Yes, you do. You see your nation as superior to Russia. Why else would you make ridiculous claims about journalists being free of prosecution in the UK. You’re having a laugh!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232864

    “The UN’s human rights mission in Ukraine has said both Russian and Ukrainian forces have abused prisoners of war.”

    That’s not an accurate summation of the article. The UN spokesperson said they have had no access to POWs in Russian hands and merely that they had evidence that “could” be interpreted as mistreatment. Does that also mean that it may not be mistreatment? On the other hand they did have access to Russian POWs and confirmed that the Ukrainians had mistreated them.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232863

    What do you have against butchers?

    You denigrate the greatest socialists of all time and announce they are not true socialists. Well, this true Scotsman says you are no socialist, you are a poser. For you socialism only exists in the mind where it can forever remain untarnished by reality. The only socialist experiments you admire are those that failed to seize power because again, they can forever remain untarnished by actually having to govern. Your library is a homage to circle jerkers and pure-driven snow flakes. It is a cesspool of lies and narcissistic naval gazing. It’s where socialists go to die and be transformed into liberals who share links to Guardian and BBC articles and credulously call them news. A bunch of jokers one and all.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232852

    “I think a new thread is called for. Movimiento, you know a lot about the Leninist mob. You could open a thread. I’d call it Red Fascism. That would cover the Trotskyist Leninists too.”

    A wonderful idea! A breakout room at the mutual masturbation society! Who’ll bring the tissues? Don’t wanna make a mess.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232832

    “I’m glad i’m not heard of for the reasons Stalin is heard of, and so are we all.”

    Don’t you dare mention yourself in the same breath as the name of Comrade Stalin, you are unworthy. Under his leadership, and in only two decades, a nation of illiterate peasants was turned into an industrial superpower. What has your gaggle of snowflakes achieved in a hundred years? Nothing.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232826

    “A bit of education for the “True Stalinist”, oops! “True Scotsman.”” Stalin was based as the kids say nowadays.

    Calling me a Stalinist is no insult. Stalin made the bourgeoisie of the world tremble. It’s why he has been demonised ever since. You, they’ve never even heard of.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232825

    “Anyone who can justify the bombing of cities and wholesale murder is sickening.

    Well it’s a good thing I never did such a thing isn’t it? For my own edification please point to anywhere that I justified “the bombing of cities and wholesale murder”.

    (Killing soldiers in battle is not murder BTW).

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232824

    “What is more likely, that prominent rich opponents of Putin’s war happen to die accidentally in bizarre circumstances, along with their wives and children”

    Have you seriously never heard of murder suicide? Happens countless times a day around the world. Or is it something you only believe the unwashed masses get up to? Careful, your white privilege heuristics are showing. You might want to cover that up with some cosmetics.

    “and within a short space of time, or that Putin’s hit men are on a campaign to scare the shit out of anyone who speaks out against him?”

    The only conspiracy theory I’m comfortable with is Ol’ Nessie. She’s real I tells ya, real as they come.

    “I feel sorry for the kids, they didn’t deserve to die like that, whatever their parents did. To see you making a joke out of all this is pretty sickening too.”

    Just one more reason you lot will never be popular, you don’t have a sense of humor.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232822

    “When Thatcher was in power, and I was in Paris, an American youth heard my English accent in the local post office and started shouting abuse at me because he hated Thatcher. You remind me of him.”

    I can’t think why. I’ve never shouted at anyone at the post office.

    “By the way, what would you do with deserters from the Russian army in Ukraine? Or worse, mutineers?”

    I doubt there are many. They’re all volunteers. But what usually happens? Courts marshals, no?

    “And I presume you would have joined in the Stalinist attacks on the SPGB during WW2, and called us Nazis.”

    I don’t know of the SPGB but if they were undermining the war effort then they deserved whatever they got.

    “No state goes to war to “stop Nazism””

    Erm, the Soviet Union did. It really is time for you to go back to socialism school. I think I know why that American was yelling at you now.

    “States go to war over sources of mineral wealth, strategic and trade routes.”

    Russia already has all those things. Russia went to war to ensure its security, from NATO and fascist thugs.

    “You are a fool to think states fight over ideology.”

    If it remained an ideology, like with your little mutiual masturbation society, it wouldn’t be a problem. Unlike you lot the Nazis understand that it is only with raw power that one can shape the world to one’s will. The Nazis have heavy weapons and an airforce. That is the reason Russia is at war, not naval gazing.

    “You do not understand capitalism.”

    A system of wealth accumulation based on the exploitation of labor. That a good start?

    “I am proud to be a member of the only party that consistently refuses to support all war.”

    And would you be equally proud of doing nothing if a mad man ran amok through a kindergarten? Slaughtering innocents willy nilly? You’d probably lament, “But he’s a worker! You can’t put a stop to his rampage he’s a wage laborer!” What a joke.

    “Our hands are clean.”

    Mot much of a mutual masturbation society if your hands are clean afterward. You’re clearly doing something wrong.

    “You bloody yours by supporting Putin’s slaughter in Ukraine.”

    I don’t cry at the sight of dead Nazis.

    “Even if it was provoked by the Western powers. It is provocation of a capitalist state by other capitalist states.”

    Russia is anti-imperialist and friend to the anti-imperialist nations of the world. It supported Syria in its hour of need preventing that nation falling to Isis-head choppers. It supports Cuba, Venezuala, Iran, China, the nations of Africa. What pearl clutching, white, pseudo leftists think of Russia is of no consequence.

    “We shun it as mass murder, whatever the colour of the flag.”

    Spoken like a true coward.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232818

    “I don’t have a military.”

    Never said you did. But the society you’re a member of does and however obliquely you aid in its perpetuation.

    “And, unlike you, I don’t support any military.”

    Yes, and that is why your party is less than a footnote in world history. You lack the insight that only power, not naval gazing, changes the world. Without power you cannot defend the gains of revolution. Your party will never understand this and so will remain irrelevant for all eternity.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #232809

    “In May, a former Lukoil tycoon Alexander Subbotin died of heart failure, reportedly after seeking alternative treatment from a shaman.”

    Lol. So Russian assassins are posing as shamans in order to neutralise elderly wealthy people?

    The article provides zero evidence of any Russian government involvement in the deaths. Go back to socialism school, your credulous acceptance of bourgeois MSM propaganda is embarrassing to watch.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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