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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #233533

    “The rivalry between the capitalist class is a war without ending, even more, peace among the capitalists is the continuation of the politic of war by other means”

    A literal war not a figurative one. You know, with guns and explosions?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233529

    “Putin is digging his hole even deeper so that it will be harder to extricate Russia from the war. It must be complete victory or unending war.”

    Name an “unending war”. There’s no such thing.

    “But it would be foolhardy for any of us to predict the course of this war.”

    I’m happy to be foolhardy. In three months Russia will have mobilised it’s 300,000 extra troops at which point it will launch a winter campaign that will overwhelm the Ukrainian military. In the face of certain annihilation and the collapse of its (proxy) armed forces Natostan will be forced to sue for peace. Ukraine will be demilitarised, denazified and neutral.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233525

    ““All of this is part of the reconfiguration of global order that has been going on for some time and was spurred onward by Putin’s criminal aggression.”

    Chomsky is flat out wrong. Russia is not guilty of aggression. This from Scott Ritter.

    “While it might be in vogue for people, organizations, and governments in the West to embrace the knee-jerk conclusion that Russia’s military intervention constitutes a wanton violation of the United Nations Charter and, as such, constitutes an illegal war of aggression, the uncomfortable truth is that, of all the claims made regarding the legality of pre-emption under Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, Russia’s justification for invading Ukraine is on solid legal ground.”

    Russia, Ukraine & the Law of War: Crime of Aggression

    “A side consequence was to deliver Europe into Washington’s hands.”

    This has got to be one of Chomsky’s most asinine statements ever. Europe was already the US’ gimp.

    “This most welcome gift was provided free of charge by Vladimir Putin when he rejected French President Macron’s last-minute efforts to avert an invasion”

    The Kremlin told Macron to shove it because he wasn’t serious. He’d been stringing Russia along for years regarding the Minsk Accords, doing nothing whatsoever to enforce Ukrainian compliance. Macron was continuing this role and the Russians saw right through it.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233524

    “So what now? Nuclear war?”

    No one but Liz Truss is talking of nuclear war.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233516

    “Ukraine’s “rights” to join NATO and the “self-defence” of the two republics were mere cover for the real motives.”

    Russia’s defence of the Donbass republics was not “cover” for anything. Russia tried to end the conflict in the east diplomatically for 8 years. But the Natostanis would have none of it. Instead, they used the negotiating process of the Minsk Accords as cover to build a NATO army with which to ethnically cleanse the Donbass. As soon as this became obvious Russia moved to the republics’ defence, just as it should have. You see, the Russians aren’t cowards. And they hate Nazis. Bad luck for the Nazis.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233497

    “For you, conscientious objectors are “cowards”, aren’t we, who no doubt should be executed.”

    Cowards. Yes. Executed. No.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233494

    “What are you suggesting, that the people/workers should lie down and allow these Nazi scum to eradicate then – a’final solution’?”

    This is literally what Alan suggests. A few posts back I asked him: Should the Soviet Union have allowed the Nazis to occupy the entirety of former Polish territory? Yes or no?

    Alan wrote in response…

    “The answer is yes…There are many ways of resisting oppression by civil disobedience when there is a determined opposition. Thomas More has already mentioned Denmark’s response where Jews went unmolested and did not need to wear the yellow star…The Nazis managed to maintain control with the propaganda line that it was a war of defence, just as all other belligerent nations do.”

    In another post he wrote…

    “The sovereignty of Ukraine or the two breakaway separatist republics can be sacrificed if it means an end to the war. A patch of dirt that has never actually owned by workers living on it has never been justification for dying.”

    He literally thinks the peoples of the Donbass should lie down in peaceful civil disobedience and be eradicated.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233485

    “Since when did Sovietists care about the workers of the world?”

    When they aided national liberation movements across the continents.

    “Castro was furious when Khrushchev turned back from the brink. He had no care for the world’s workers, but was prepared to provoke a nuclear holocaust.”

    The US had already attempted to invade his nation. Emotions were understandably high.

    “The same with the militarists in Russia, talking about obliterating Britain – meaning the horrible deaths of millions of workers, individuals with feelings, connections, hopes and dreams just like people everywhere. We are not millions of Liz Truss clones!”

    Russia has no first strike doctrine. It was Truss who talked tough on pressing the button. Putin was reminding the stupid cow of the consequences of making nuclear threats.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233478

    “So, alien and TS, we are not fighting your bloody war.”

    I don’t believe either of us asked you to.

    “So, instead of bothering us,”

    This is a public forum. I belong here as much as you do. If you don’t like reading my comments you are free to ignore them.

    “why don’t you two go and enlist in the Russian army?”

    Russia has this well and truly covered. But if a Nazi hoard should head my way I’ll happily shoot at them.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233462

    “Good to hear the voice of realism from ‘TrueScotsman’.”

    And from yourself too. It’s all about finding good sources. Mine include…

    Andrei Martyanov (YouTube)

    Scott Ritter (YouTube)

    Alexander Mercouris (YouTube)


    “Being realistic about the US/Natostan war on Russia (as opposed to the constant stream of drivel from Western MSM – Guardian et al) does not equate with support for war.”

    That is true though I find such a position objectionable. If one side is composed of Nazis who have been slaughtering people of a particular ethnic group for 8 years and were imminently embarking on a “final solution”, how can one not support a military operation in their defence? Alan would have the ethnic Russians engage in a) non-violent civil disobedience or b) fleeing, both of which would ensure the success of the ethnic cleansing operation. Then what? Natosatan has made it clear it wishes to dissolve Russia.

    Alan would have every last Russian jump into the sea so that the lives of fascist “workers” who’d otherwise be engaged in exterminating them
    could be spared.

    Alan and his merry band of misfits live in an imaginary world where socialist revolutions erupt spontaneously without leaders and can defend their gains through the power of a few good arguments. They are delusional. Revolutions happen only after years if not decades of agitation directed by leaders. Once power is gained it must be defended against fascist reaction which follows every successful revolution as surely as night follows day. If the revolutionaries deny themselves a means of defending themselves then they’ll be butchered. How will that benefit workers?

    Obviously Russia is not a revolutionary socialist state but it once was and many people there are still sympathetic to socialism. As Natostan’s racist, imperialist aggression against Russia escalates and Russia is drawn more into the orbit of China it’s possible to imagine a shift towards socialism as has happened many times in history such as with Cuba or Venezuela.

    The Russian state has the right, indeed the duty, to defend itself and its people. It would be criminally irresponsible if it did anything but. Ask Somalis what it’s like to live in a nation without a state. But Alan would have the Russians fold like a cheap lawn chair. He would have the Russians throw themselves upon the mercy of fascists who want them exterminated at worst, abject slaves at best.

    See how your fellow party members turn on you when you defy their absurd orthodoxy? They are not worthy comrades.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233410

    Now it’s a war. Russia is taking the gloves off.

    “21 Sep, 2022 07:11

    Russia will call on 300,000 reservists to serve in the conflict with Ukraine, under a partial nationwide mobilization, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced on Wednesday, adding that Moscow has “an immense mobilization resource.”

    According to Shoigu, the mobilization will apply neither to university students, nor conscripts. The minister stressed that only those who have already served in the military will be called up.

    Shoigu also stressed that Russia possesses an immense mobilization capability and could summon almost 25 million people with some military experience. “So one could say that this partial mobilization is just 1%, or a bit more” of the total number of people that could be mobilized, he added.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233409

    Mobilization in the Russian Federation begins today. Only men with military experience/training are liable for service.

    “All means of destruction, including nuclear ones, will be used in case of a threat to the territorial integrity of Russia, this is not a bluff. The peaceful solution did not suit the West. After reaching certain compromises, Kyiv was actually given a direct order to disrupt all agreements.” – Putin

    “The government of the Russian Federation must immediately solve the problems of financial support for the defense industry in order to increase the production of weapons,” – Putin

    “The legal status of volunteers and militiamen of Donbass should be the same as that of regular Russian military personnel” – Putin

    “Issues of supply and maintenance of the People’s Militia and volunteer units of Donbass must be resolved immediately and provided at the highest level.” – Putin

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233408

    “The phrase ‘the USA’s economic war against Russia’ is Kremlin propaganda”, said Martina Renner, a former deputy leader of the leftwing outfit.”

    So Al Jazeera is a Kremlin mouthpiece now?

    Or the Brookings Institute?

    Or Yahoo?

    Is said German official mentally retarded?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233404

    This is what actual news looks like Alan.

    “Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED).”

    Most of the “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses in Ukraine Are Directly Funded by Washington

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233381

    Natosatan is blocking Russia from donating fertilizer to the world’s poorest nations.

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