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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #234113

    “A useful analysis of the situation”

    Useful? Well that’s highly subjective. Let’s take a look at the first four lines of the article and decide, shall we?

    “When a country starts casting around for 60-year-old veterans to send to the front”

    The source for this claim seems to be a news story from April. A bit out of date, no? Anyway, it’s attributed to “state media”. Which country’s state media? My bet is Ukrainian but who knows? There’s no link to any original article so we’ll just have to take the propagandist’s word for it I guess.

    “All hands don’t go on deck unless the ship is foundering.”

    Russia has just annexed 15 per cent of former Ukrainian territory. In what universe is that foundering?

    “It’s not yet clear whether the Russian ship of state is taking on water.”

    Might I suggest that’s because it’s not “taking on water” but on an even keel?

    “But its military effort in Ukraine is obviously at the SOS stage.”

    Casualties in the war are conservatively estimated at 11:1 in favour of the Russians, ie., for every one Russian killed eleven Ukrainians meet their end. It’s SOS alright: for the Ukrainians.

    “Last week, Vladimir Putin ordered up reservists from around Russia, the first such emergency appeal since World War II.”

    Not even true. The Soviets called up reservists to deal with the Czechoslovakia crisis. And what of the Ukrainians? Turns out they’ve already called up all their reservists only they’ve almost none left. They’re all toast.

    No need to read further, the article is tosh. I don’t know if this is Soros blather Alan, but it’s blather nevertheless.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234102

    “TS, when it comes to witty repartee you’re not exactly Oscar Wilde”

    Bojo’s Brains, what is this obsession you have with the gays? Come out of the closet friend, it’s sunny outside. I’m sure your parents will still love you anyways.

    “Still, those aren’t required qualifications for cannon fodder.”

    Bojo’s Brains, I’m sure all those participation trophies you own have convinced you you’re special. And you are. Only not in the way you think. It takes a special kind of stupid to think one is only entitled to an opinion if they’re prepared to drop everything in support of it. But that’s you Bojo’s Brains. Special. Very special. Lol

    “Think about it bonny lad, if you get yourself over to Russia and sign up you might even find some awestruck Russian to help you lose your virginity!”

    What, like you did in that public men’s bathroom once? No thanks.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234034

    “Why do extreme right-wing Republicans (some call them neo-fascists) oppose support for Ukraine and instead sympathise with Russia?”

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day, no?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234027

    “TS, the difference between the conflicts you mention and the Russian –”

    Bojo’s Brains turns stupid up to 11. Congratulations, you get a participation trophy! I hear they’re doing try-outs for the special Olympics. Give it some thought.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233996

    “But, of course, this information comes via the Guardian and therefore can be dismissed as CIA misinformation”

    You claim awareness of the fact and yet repeat the lies anyway. SPGB. Socialist Posers Guardian Bros. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233991

    “So show the courage of your convictions and get yourself off to the front line. Or are you, as I suspect, another keyboard warrior who would fill your little pants if you ever came across real trouble.”

    Just when you thought humanity had reached peak stupid, Bojo’s Brains chimes in and proves, alas and alack no, there’s still room for plenty more insipid inanity.

    So, Bojo’s Brains, I also support Palestinians in their struggle against fascism. Do I also need to sign up for the PLO? Hold on! I support the Syrian state in its war against Islamo fascists. I’ll have to join that conflict too, no? Then there are the Ethiopians battling Tigrayan fascists. Fight there in between, eh? How can I possibly be all places everywhere all at once?!

    Come to think of it, now I’m really hard pressed because I support action against global warming. Obviously I have to become a climate scientist! And I’m worried about the world’s oceans so I must out of necessity become an oceanographer too! Shit! I failed to mention I support conservation efforts re African mega-fauna, I’d better make may way fast to Zimbabwe and get myself a park ranger uniform!


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233988

    “Applying similar if not identical reasoning for the self-determination of Russian-speaking Ukrainians under Article 1 of the UN Charter, does Putin apply the same principle to the Uyghur population of the Xinjiang region”

    CIA funded Wahabi Islamo-fascists don’t get granted self determination.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233960

    “Hey True Scotsman, if you are so keen on sending workers to the front line to die”

    Hey Bird Brain! I wish I had that kind of power. But I don’t.

    “in the cause of Putin’s “Anti Imperialism””

    The war is against NATO. Yes or no, is NATO an imperialist alliance?

    “why don’t you join the fun.”

    Like I said earlier, the Russians got this, they don’t need me, a non-Russian speaker, getting in the way. But hand me a gun, put some Nazis in front of me, I’ll pull the trigger.

    “Or is it that you’re full of shit!”

    No, that’s the prerogative of your little cult. Talking shit about actual socialists. It’s the only thing you do. LOL

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233955

    “So, without necessity, he’s going to nuke us, the populations of the West?”

    You mean Biden, right?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233954

    “Hitler’s stand was also anti-imperialist.”


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233900

    Moscow is not threatening anyone with nukes, the US is.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233899

    “TS has no working class consciousness, not even that of an old Bolshevik.
    He is simply a Russian nationalist.”

    No, just an anti-imperialist.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233898

    “Surely, defection from Russia should be encouraged not hindered.”

    Interesting spin. Why shouldn’t defection from Natostan to Russia be encouraged? It sounds like you have a dog in this fight Alan. Funny how war brings out one’s true colors. You’re sounding an awful lot like a nationalist. Woe is me.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233851

    “This is the real definition of fascism There is not fascism and there are not fascists”

    You say a lot of dumb things but this is God level dumb. Well done, you’ve achieved Godhood!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #233845

    “More nuclear threats.

    Aren’t these Russian TV shows driving the populace crazy with fear?”

    Russia has threatened no one with nukes. Get that through your friggin head. Have you even read Putin’s speech? Do you know what he actually said? Humor me. Quote the part where he threatened to use nukes.

    Putin was responding to threats from western leaders and only reminding said leaders that Russia has nukes too. You really should lose your pen license. Having to read your tosh does my head in.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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