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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #234361

    Of course there are differences between different capitalist states, TS. Hitler’s Germany is not exactly the same as Putin’s Russia.”

    I would posit that it is nowhere near the same. Ukraine on the other hand does share many similarities. I.e., all the Nazis.

    “But while there are differences there are also very substantial commonalities- a point you seemingly willfully choose to ignore”

    And what would those be exactly? Do enlighten your audience.

    “Whether Ukraine is a state “run by literal Nazi” is a moot point. There may be literal Nazis in the regime but that is not the same thing as saying the regime is run by Nazis.”

    But the regime is run by Nazis. I’ve provided dozens of links supporting this claim. If you have chosen to ignore them well what can I say? Lead a horse to water, blah, blah.

    “In any event, what cannot be doubted is that Ukraine is a thoroughly obnoxious authoritarian and corrupt capitalist regime run in the interests of its oligarchic capitalist class. But what is equally not in doubt is that Russia too is a thoroughly obnoxious authoritarian and corrupt capitalist regime run in the interests of its oligarchic capitalist class”

    What you have failed to mention is that Ukraine is a proxy for the US and EU. The core of world imperialism. Arguably the greatest purveyors of violence and tyranny in all of world history.

    “You, TS, as a nationalist and pro-capitalist opponent of socialism choose to side with one of these obnoxious capitalist regimes against the other.”

    I am neither a nationalist or pro-capitalist. And nor am I a fanatic. That is what you and the Socialist Posers Guardian Bros are. You see, you don’t live in the real world. You live in the world of fantasy and bad ideas. In the real world the imperialist core’s actions cause untold misery and grief to targeted nations whether capitalist, socialist or more likely, a mix of both. That is why I support Russia. It’s why I support Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran and China to name but a few of the nations targeted by the empire and its lackeys.

    “Protest all you like that the obnoxious capitalist regime you support – Putin’s Russia –”

    This is where the fanatic gets confused. To support the sovereignty of a nation in the face of an attack from the empire is not to support everything about that nation. You see, in the real world, not the world of bad ideas, the victory of the empire over a targeted nation sees that nation’s peoples reduced to penury and untold misery. If you actually cared about workers, as you claim, you too would support their nation’s struggle against the empire. Because, although things might not be perfect now, they’d be infinitely worse under the empire’s boot. This fundamental logic you and your gaggle of Guardian Bros are incapable, for whatever reason, of grasping.

    “is somehow morally superior”

    And there we have it. This is the reason for your fanaticism. It makes you feel morally superior. You trash all existing and ever existing socialism. You are not socialists. You are the enemy of socialists. Your propaganda has not and never will make purchase in the working class. If they ever listened to your propaganda they’d be horrified by the idea of socialism as you present it and would become useless, feckless liberals. Which is what SPGB members actually are. Liberals.

    “what you are apologising for is precisely the disgusting capitalist regime of Putin.”

    I’m not apologising for anything. I’m supporting the victim against the serial killer.

    “You should be ashamed of yourself!”

    I will never be ashamed of supporting a righteous victim of imperialist aggression.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234317

    No Ukrainian Nazi death squads to see here. Move along.

    “‘We’re hunting them down and shooting them like pigs’: How the Ukrainians are taking brutal revenge on the collaborators who’ve betrayed their neighbours – and country – to the Russians”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234305

    “Another attempt to deflect TS, perhaps you could just answer the question”

    Your question is juvenile and therefore I have only one response. The adult’s are talking. Run along child.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234304

    “I wasn’t aware that I, as one of the one billion of the collective west”

    Oh, I see. You gain absolutely no benefit from living in the imperial core. I’m sure the inhabitants of far off colonised nations, the one’s with no running water or forced to live on and pick through garbage tips would whole heartedly agree with you. LOL

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234293

    “Interesting that TS trumpets the worth of the volunteers for Putin’s “fight against the Ukrainian Nazis”, yet he doesn’t take the chance to join the volunteers himself.”

    Oh, isn’t this adorable? Not content with being intellectually humiliated for his inane views Bojo’s Brains decides to double down on them. For some reason I’m reminded of Forest Gump. What did he always say? “Stupid is as stupid does”?

    “As we all know the Russian army are actively seeking overseas volunteers.”

    I’ve an old record player. It’s broken and, like Bojo’s Brains, only plays one tune. It’s incredibly boring. I really should chuck it out.

    “Perhaps TS is only interested in fighting “Nazis” from the safety of his bedroom.”

    I’ve never much understood sado-masochism. I don’t get the need for humiliation. But different strokes for different folks. Whatever gets one through the day.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234292

    “A plague on both their houses and their respective nationalist camp followers.”

    Right, because there’s no difference between a state run by literal Nazis, and any other state. They’re exactly the same don’t you know? So Hitler’s Germany and Putin’s Russia – exactly the same.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234287

    “I’m not saying it is identical but there are parallels between Serbia and Kosovo”

    Alan is carrying water for NATO now? Why is it I’m not surprised?

    What Is the Difference Between Kosovo & Donbass?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234286

    More than 70,000 Russians have volunteered for the armed forces since September 21st. That’s more than Australia’s total military manpower. The poor Ukrainian Nazis, they don’t stand a chance.

    “Since the partial mobilization in Russia started, the recruitment centers have voluntarily received more than 70,000 people”

    Russian recruitment centers receive more than 70,000 volunteers

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234284

    “One reason Putin is speaking the same language as the Golden Billion conspiracists”

    Or it might just be that there are around 1 billion people living in the collective west. A collective west that is lording it over all the rest. Ever considered that? There is no evidence that Putin believes in any “conspiracy theory” to reduce the world’s population. Until he says as much the only person who sounds like a conspiracy theorist Alan is you.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234229

    If there’s to be an imminent nuclear apocalypse it’ll be because of the nutters in Washington DC not Moscow.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234222

    “Ukraine’s economy will shrink at a rate eight times that of Russia this year as a result of the war triggered by Moscow’s invasion in February”

    Wrong. The war was triggered by the US/NATO funded, neo-Nazi led coup in Kiev in 2014. Kiev began armed repression of its eastern provinces declaring the inhabitants there terrorists. Over 14,000 were killed in the conflict over the 8 years before Russia intervened to put a stop to the Nazis. If you can’t even get such basic facts correct why should we have any faith in your choice of articles for our erudition?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234221

    “Following up on the golden billion conspiracy theory”

    It’s perfectly obvious that Putin is talking of the imperialist domination of the west over the rest of the world’s population via the “rules based order”.

    “The model of total domination of the so-called golden billion is unfair. Why should this ‘golden billion’ of all the population on the globe dominate over everyone and impose its own rules of behavior?”

    Putin makes no mention of the erasure of the rest of the world’s population only its subordination to western imperialism. That’s a fact not a conspiracy theory. What do you see Alan that I don’t?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234192

    “gobshite, xenophobe, incel, COWARD”

    Alan, Bojo’s Brains has quite clearly ignored your warning. Please remove the insulting post. My feelings are hurt and my pillow soggy with tears.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234134

    “When a country starts casting around for 60-year-old veterans to send to the front”

    This statement is very misleading. For clarification…

    “in order to be drafted for mobilization, the applicant must have citizenship of the Russian Federation , be in the reserve of the Armed Forces, have a military specialty and be suitable for conscription by age (for privates and non-commissioned officers – up to 50 years old, junior officers – up to 60 years old, senior officers – up to age 65).”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234132

    “While Putin has tried to justify all this with his hollow rhetoric of anti-imperialism, he more often turns to various conspiracy theories”

    Alan’s doing two-minutes hate now, bravo! The good propagandist must demonise his enemy. Paint him as unhinged and irrational. A dupe for “conspiracy theories”. Have you read a translation of the speech in question Alan? Of course you haven’t. No, that’s too much like hard work. You’d prefer instead to take as gospel the unhinged ramblings of some self-hating “dissident”. Good job. lol

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