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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #235027

    “In fact, it’s the language of fascism”

    And you’d fight fascists by stopping their boots and bullets with your head? Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235018

    To the morons who think the Nazis in Ukraine aren’t contemplating the use of a dirty bomb…

    “in eight months of conflict, the Ukrainian army has bombed 29 times, and attacked 10 times with drones the nuclear power plant of Zaporozhye, which is under Russian control, without ever worrying about the catastrophic consequences that such attacks could have”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235015

    Dredging up irrelevancies from the past again? For what purpose? FFS, these are literal zieg heiling, swastika toting Nazis we’re talking about not social democrats! They must and will be crushed. End of story.

    You’ll clutch your pearls and cry over the loss of life because for you ideology is only an exercise in naval gazing with no real world consequences. Nazis are just workers in your deranged thinking not the demented, blood thirsty hooligans they manifest as in the real world. Heck, some of you don’t even believe they exist! They’re merely an abstraction from a dusty old book or a black and white documentary series. What a bunch of unserious jokers you lot are. Socialist Poser Guardian Bros.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235011

    Alan just can’t help himself. If he’s not publishing lies from the Guardian he’s publishing lies from CIApedia. Another participation trophy awarded, this time for Alan!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235010

    “The military rallies in Russia, China and North Korea look just as Scotsman describes.”

    Really, they do torchlight rallies just as Hitler’s Nazis did at Nuremberg? Looks like I have to hand out another participation trophy for most retarded thing said on this thread. At this rate I’ll have none left by week’s end!

    “Scotsman sees justification for smashing and blighting the lives of thousands of people with warfare and high explosives by shouting “they are Nazis!”

    Yes, as a matter of fact I do. You are a socialist as am I. Socialists are number one on the Nazi hit list. At least for your very own self preservation you should support the crushing of Nazis. But some people are just too dim to know what’s good for them.

    Ukrainian Communist youth leaders arrested by government, reportedly targeted for death

    “All nationalists and militarists use WW2 as an excuse, and “Nazi” is a universal epithet for justifying state violence.”

    Nazism is an actual real world ideology that devastated much of the real world already. It’s literal torchbearers are alive and well in Ukraine today. Fuck Nazi scum!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234941

    “The Ukrainian regime is an obnoxious authoritarian capitalist regime. But describing it as a nazi regime is unhelpful and inaccurate (despite the presence of a few Nazis there).”

    A few? Lol. Fully a third, (100,000 men), of Ukraine’s military was made up of far-right extremists when Russia’s SMO began. The chief adviser to the armed forces and Kiev’s police chief are both nazis. The school books for Ukraine’s children are ethno-nationalist. The “father of the nation” after whom countless streets and parks are named was a full blown nazi. The nazis overthrew the last legitimately elected government. There are nazi death squads roaming across the nation killing anyone who opposes the war, calls for negotiating with the Russians or even accepts food aid from them. All opposition parties except far right ones are banned. The Ukraine has its own gestapo. There are Nuremburg style torchlit rallies. Barely a photograph of a Ukrainian soldier exists without a nazi tattoo or badge on their uniform.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234938

    “As in all wars, both sides claim clean hands to escape responsibility. Both sides are culpable and guilty. And that is why we don’t choose one over the other.”

    What BS. The German Nazis say we’re not genociding the Jews. The Soviets say they are. Therefore both sides are culpable and guilty. What you smoking Allan?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234898

    “For those with very selective memories, regards the “dirty bomb”, I refer them to page 170 and message 233914 to see that the scare-mongering by Russia of the use of a dirty bomb by Ukraine has a very long pedigree.

    The claim was reported as early as March 6”

    And what would you call the countless deliberate acts of shelling of and attacks on nuclear power plants if not an attempt to set off a dirty bomb?

    “Keeping on saying the same thing does not make it true. However, tell a lie often enough and someone gullible will fall for it.”

    Are you denying that the Ukrainians shelled and attacked nuclear power plants under Russian control?

    “Is it at all credible that the Ukrainians would contaminate their territory and crops and people with radioactive fall-out, trashing their economy for decades to come?”

    Even the Americans have admitted that the Ukrainians are firing on the plants. The plants are in eastern Ukraine where the pro Russian now Russian population lives. The nazis in Kiev don’t care if the land there becomes radioactive.

    “It is taking the scorched earth strategy to an extreme”

    That’s nazis for you.

    “There are far easier false flag black ops that could be used to provoke the direct intervention of NATO and alienate Russia from sympathy than such an extreme self-inflicted wound with such deep ramifications.”

    Oh, yeah? Like what?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234883

    The crazies in Natostan are considering a false flag dirty bomb attack to justify their entrance into the conflict. But really, both sides are just as bad. Lol

    Red Line, Rat Line Part Deux In Ukraine–Will American Generals Put A Stop To Madness?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234663

    “This is going to be a long war, and the USA wants to finish the job that they started in 1989-1991”

    No, it isn’t going to be a long war. Not from now anyway. The Ukrainians are almost spent. The west has run out of weapons to send. The Russians are out of patience. Soon they’ll completely knock out Ukraine’s electrical grid and begin a massive offensive. The Nazis in Kiev are just about out of time.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234606

    “Nice attempt at evasion TS. I didn’t say Putin is a businessman in the sense of being involved in a business. I said he was a capitalist and a member of a tiny exploitative parasitic capitalist class.”

    Except that he’s not a capitalist or a member of the capitalist class. He’s a politician. Exactly the same garbage was spouted by the imperialist press regarding Qadhafi and Fidel Castro. The idea being that since national resources were the property of the state that meant they were the property of the leader. Smooth brained dupes fall for the same drivel every single time.

    “That has a somewhat different meaning not least because not all businessmen (particularly small businessmen) are capitalists.”

    Hold on, so Putin is a small businessman yet the richest man in the world? Honest question, Robbo, do you have a learning disability?

    “You don’t have to rely on just Forbes to confirm Putin’s staggering personal wealth. It is a universally acknowledged fact.”

    Lol. That’s a fallacy known as argumentum ad numeram/ the bandwagon fallacy. If you can find a large enough number of people who believe something, it must be true. It’s a logical fallacy. What makes something true is not how many people believe something but evidence. And BS vomited up by the corporate press is not evidence. It’s slander.

    “Google it and confirm for yourself.”

    I have Googled it and linked to the article that provides actual evidence supporting my claims. You, on the other hand, have not.

    “Here in Spain he is a part owner of a massive villa complex somewhere in the Costa Del sol”

    Provide evidence for this claim. Even if true, and I’ve no reason to believe it is, simply having investments does not make one a capitalist.

    “You are very clearly a craven supporter of the imperialist ambitions of the Russian capitalist state vis a vis the Ukranian capitalist state.”

    So no evidence supporting your claim then? I thought so.

    “Virtually every single one of your contributions on this thread is evidence of this! You side with Russian capitalism against its commercial rivals”

    You are a liar. Alan, can he just tell lies about me like this? Have Robbo support his libelous claims against me with evidence or I’ll take my bat and ball and go home!

    “Duh. Putin is about as much a “communist” as Trump”

    Lol. So why did you write “comrade” Putin? That is a clear attempt to associate him with the Soviet Union. Is it really possible to be so dim?

    “Perhaps with this fantasy economics”

    It’s not a fantasy. It’s how money has worked since its inception. The fact that you don’t understand this very basic fact is on you not me.

    “why, in that case, do governments feel the need to levy taxes on businesses that, after all, provide them with the bulk of their revenue.”

    Taxes primarily ensure that the currency has value and reduce inflation. They are also a mechanism by which to regulate inequality. Local governments are financed by taxes but monetarily sovereign federal/national governments aren’t.

    “From memory about 60-70 per cent of government revenue in the EU comes from taxation”

    Member states in the EU are not monetarily sovereign Robbo. Perhaps you shouldn’t comment on topics you know nothing about.

    “The soviet capitalist class”

    Lol. There was no “Soviet capitalist class” except in the fever dreams of infantile, extreme left fanatics.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234543

    More quotes from the dead. No one gives a flying fu#× about your damn quotes.

    Protests don’t change anything? Nothing at all? Never a dumber thing has been written on these threads. Well done, you get another participation trophy.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234539

    “The people of Britain are worried about the cost of fuel and the cost of living generally, but “in a revolutionary mood”? There was more chance of a revolution kicking off about the football (soccer to you) being cancelled for Liz’s funeral!!”

    I see you’ve made an art out of rationalizing away the fact you do no revolutionary work despite claiming to be a Marxist. Didn’t Marx say the point was to change the world? Bojo’s Brains says, wah, wah, socialists are shit, nothing’s ever gonna change, I’m gonna type away on the internet wah, wah, wah! What a joke. Didn’t Lenin say that society is three skipped meals away from revolution? That time is a comin. But Bojo’s Brains will be like, wah, wah, the revolutionaries are shit, they’ll never change anything, they’re not pure like me, wah, wah!

    “He then criticises us for not joining up in his imaginary revolution!”

    No, I criticised you for not organising an anti-NATO demonstration.

    “Yet Dave Spart is unwilling to get off his backside and volunteer for the “anti nazi crusade” that Putin is undertaking in Ukraine.”

    You are a member of a socialist party are you not? If your party does not agitate for revolution during times of capitalist crisis what the fucking hell use are you? Lol!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234535

    “Duh. Is your thinking so limited that you cannot envisage a person can be both things at the same time TS? Trump was a capitalist – even you would not be so dumb as to deny this – yet he ended up as President of the US”

    Yeah, Trump is/was a capitalist, Putin isn’t. Is your thinking so limited you cannot envisage a world leader who isn’t a businessman? The Forbes article is for credulous smooth brained chumps.

    “Ad homs will get you nowhere TS.”

    Pointing out an article is propaganda is not ad hom if it is actual propaganda. I linked to an article proving the fact.

    “This only demonstrates the vacuity and weakness of your argument. And it is rich that an anti-socialist apologist for Russian capitalism”

    I’ve never once apologised for Russian capitalism. Money where mouth is. Quote me doing so.

    “like you should call me a socialist poser when you don’t even understand what is meant by socialism.”

    I know it’s not shitting on other socialists which is all that you ever do.

    “But by all means, continue your bootlicking for your comrade Putin”

    Erm, he’s a capitalist and a communist? You sound a bit confused. Which is it?

    “pretending he is something other than an extraordinary wealthy”

    There’s no pretending. Read the article for yourself. You’ve fallen for yet more propaganda meant for smooth brained dupes.

    “and powerful”

    I’ve never “pretended” that he wasn’t powerful so, erm, you’re ranting”

    “member of an exploitative capitalist class”

    Politicians are a class? Which class?

    “it is nevertheless completely dependent on the profit-generating or productive sector of the capitalist economy”

    Rubbish. Monetarily sovereign governments can literally print money into existence. Citizens need said money to pay their taxes. The government can employ all the now “unemployed” people and hey presto, the government is fully functioning. No capitalist enterprises necessary whatsoever. Read some modern monetary theory.

    “In the Soviet Union for example state enterprises were required by law to generate profits or could be penalised if they did not.”

    Entirely different to capitalist profits which are for the capitalist or paying out in dividends to investors. Do read more.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234530

    “Putin is a member of the capitalist class”

    Erm no, he’s not. He’s a mere politician.

    “whether or not he directly engages in business dealings himself or has others do so on his behalf.
    By any standard, he is an extraordinary wealthy individual, According to some estimates his personal wealth is greater even than that of Musk’s”

    And you believe a Forbes article because you’re a Socialist Poser Guardian Bro. You imbibe western propaganda like it’s mother’s milk. The result? You become a credulous, smooth brained dupe. The truth of Putin’s wealth is nowhere near as interesting.

    “A so-called mixed economy IS a wholly capitalist economy – the mixture pertaining to a mixture of state and private CAPITAL.”

    Erm, wrong. Capitalism is all about profit. The state sector isn’t. Lol

    “The modern state, no matter what its form,…”

    Blah, blah, blah.

    So, you’re not gonna organise against NATO? Not gonna tap in to worker disillusionment with the regime? What then is the purpose of your party? To hang out on the internet and declare how righteous a pure driven snowflake of a socialist you are? Your party is a joke. Disband. No one will ever notice.

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