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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #235340

    “I don’t know if anyone else has noticed that TS never appears to make any contributions during the weekends”

    It’s cos I have a life knucklehead. There are better things to be doing on weekends than pissing into the wind here.

    “and that his contributions seem to only occur during working times during MSK (Moscow Standard Time).”

    I’m in Japan. A fact I’ve shared here previously. You know, you should take off your tinfoil hat, it’s clearly too tight and restricting blood flow to your brain.

    “If I was a cynic”

    No, just dim.

    “I might link these facts and come to conclusions which could explain TS’s strange contributions.”

    Oh, so holding opinions contrary to those of infantile socialsit posers is strange now? Hardly.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235328

    “TM – the left were never progressive to me but I sometimes get the impression that comrades think that they were/are more sympathetic and thus susceptible to our case than the right.”

    Lol. You have no case. That’s why there’re only seven of you. At some point surely it has to start sinking that maybe your ideas are quite simply…shit.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235323

    “There is always a choice – even in the face of NATO expansion. There is no law of the universe that says you have to insanely press that nuclear button and destroy humanity.”

    Sure, if someone puts a gun to your head you can always cower on your knees and wait to be shot. I’ve no doubt that’s the craven path you’d tread. But don’t tisk, tisk those who choose to go down fighting instead.

    “It’s because the Russian regime just like the appalling regimes that constitute the Nato alliance are all driven by the sick fantasy called nationalism.”

    No, Russia is driven by self preservation. Nukes in the hands of madmen but minutes away from your largest cities is an existential crisis.

    “They all think there is something called their “nation-state” that is worth hanging on to and defending.”

    Ask the Somali’s what it’s like living without a nation state.

    “TS, and millions of workers like him, with his own attachment to this toxic mental disease called nationalism, is part of the problem, not the solution”

    When you’ve a better method of defending one’s self from imperialist aggression let me know. I’m all ears.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235314

    This will spell the end of the world. If it happens better quit your job and spend all your money quicksmart. Neither will be of use any longer.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235312

    “An example is Eugene Debs, a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America in several elections.

    Yet it was only at the end of his political career that he held an executive position within his Party.”

    ie, became a leader. He ran for president for God’s sake. Lol

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235308

    “An example is Eugene Debs, a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America in several elections.

    Yet it was only at the end of his political career that he held an executive position within his Party.”

    ie, became a leader. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235306
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235196

    “For the benefit of our ignorant anti-socialist “True Scotsman”…”

    Lol. Doesn’t say anything about not having leaders.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235171

    “The Panama Paper does show traces of Gaddafi’s money and they also show three women linked to the money of Putin”

    “Traces”? “Linked”? Lol. Like I said, Putin isn’t even mentioned. You wanna believe in fairy tales and conspiracy theories be my guest. I deal in the world of facts.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235170

    “The simple answer is that you do not know Marx’s self-emancipation of the working class: The emancipation of the working class must be the act of the workers themselves”

    And where does Marx say that workers can not have leaders?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235169

    “You are equating the validity of an argument with the number of supporters it attracts. Therefore according to your daft logic, there was quite a lot to be said in favour of the Nazis and that, indeed, you would consider yourself to be some extent a Nazi as well – at least to the extent that you believed they were right which they must have been having garnered 37% of the electoral support”

    Lol, ideology is not a true/false proposition, it’s a matter of values. You are comparing apples and oranges. Go back to philosophy for kindergarteners class.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235150

    “I guess our resident clown, TS, must think that the Nazis were “winning the battle of ideas” when the Nazi Party secured 37.3 percent of the popular vote in the July 1932 elections…”

    37 per cent is not winning.

    “He seems to think the validity of an idea or an argument depends on how much support it attracts.”

    Good try. The validity of an argument relies on evidence. China, once one of the poorest countries on earth is now one of the most prosperous. That is thanks to the leadership of the CPC. The facts speak for themselves.

    “There was a time when 99.99 percent of the populace believed the sun revolved around the earth. ‘Nuff said”

    There was a time when a bunch of socialist posers believed what the Guardian said 99.9% of the time. Nuff said. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235149

    “The Communist (sic!) Party of China is the club for China’s capitalist class. During Mao’s regime it was a nationalist clique that imposed itself on the population and inflicted on workers and peasants decades of misery, bloodshed, torture, intimidation and coercive regimentation, promoting the idolatry of one man and his sycophantic clique-members. It never had anything to do with ideas or freethought, which require free people and democratic, free expression. It destroyed centuries of literary works and records, and thought was subjected to fascist control.
    Today, the CPC remains an imposed authoritarian tool of Chinese capitalism and imperialism.”

    Where’d you read that? Forbes magazine or the Guardian? Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235148

    “Workers do not need leaders”


    And how’s that working for your “party”? All seven of you. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235147

    “LOL TS It is not unusual for an imperialist power to annex some neighbouring territory on the pretext that the populace there is ethnically or culturally akin to the imperialist power in question. That doesn’t make the actions of that power any the less “imperialist””

    But that’s not why Russia entered the conflict. For one, the leaders of the Donbass invited the Russians in to defend them against an imminent Nazi invasion.

    “The Russian military did not just enter the Donbass to protect the civilian population there.”

    No, it did not. It had other demands. Demilitirization and denazification of the Natostan backed coup regime.

    “No, it entered via the North, via Belarus and went as far as the outskirts of Kiev. And you reckon that this is not the blatant act of an imperialist power eh? LOL”

    The purpose was to force Kiev to negotiate. It almost worked til Bojo arrived and scuttled the talks.

    “Maybe it’s because you are clearly a sandwich or two short of a picnic that you can’t seem to grasp the concept that the “enemy of an enemy is not necessarily a friend.”

    Tell that to Alan, he calls the CIA his “friend”.

    “In case you weren’t aware the British ruling class actually sides with the Ukrainian ruling class in this conflict. I don’t and the SPGB does not.”

    And yet you vomit up your ruling class’ propaganda at every opportunity. Putin is a billionaire/ Russian aggression…Guardian article after Guardian article. At some point a disinterested observer has to conclude these people either collaborate with, or are the willing dupes of, their ruling class.

    “So do please explain – how then can we possibly be “simping” for this class when we oppose both regimes in this conflict?”

    Just did.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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