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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #235426

    “As TS likes to lecture people about using unbiased sources I thought I’d check this one out.”

    Liz Truss’ leaked comments are all over the internet. So your diatribe amounts to nothing but ad hominem.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235404

    “The facts are – Sukarno initiated the invasion of West Papua with Operation Trikora, long before the coup against him.”

    You’re correct. My bad. You can have your pudding now.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235402

    “What did national liberation independence bring? The immediate invasion of its neighbours. The oppressed very quickly transform into the oppressor.”

    You conveniently leave out the US sponsored coup that overthrew Sukarno and installed a fascist military dictatorship. A lie of omission is still lie. No pudding for you!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235401

    “Presumably, TS, as an “anti imperialist” you also supported the Taliban in their defeat of Western Imperialists?”

    No, I don’t support Islamo-fascism so I don’t support the Taliban. But neither did I support the NATO invasion of the country. Did you support NATO’s invasion?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235399

    “ThomaS More asked “TS, why not Pol Pot? He had the full support of the CPC.”

    so never mind appealing to the moderator, just answer the question, do you (did you) agree with the line to support Pol Pot taken by the Communist Party of China (the party you state you support). Simple yes or no, really.”

    To be honest, I am not informed enough on the topic to go either way. Obviously I’ve heard all the horror stories but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if these were just made up. Some think they are. I’d certainly be surprised if this was the first time the bourgeoisie propaganda machine was telling the truth about a socialist government.

    Pol Pot Revisited

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235395

    Looks like the Brits were responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline attacks.

    The Mediocrity of British intelligence vividly displayed in string of Terrorist Attacks Against Russia

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235394

    Alan, moderate. Not a single post on the Ukraine/Russia conflict on this page.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235393

    “So you’d support North Korea killing you?

    Get out of that one.”

    I don’t see the military utility of killing me so I wouldn’t support that. Far better to aim the missiles at the countless US bases here. Which, I suspect, is precisely what the DPRK would do.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235364

    “So you’d support North Korea bombing your apartment?”

    It’s a rental.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235361

    “TS, why not Pol Pot? He had the full support of the CPC.”

    Alan, this thread is getting off topic again.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235360

    “So you would support North Korea bombing your house?”

    I live in an apartment.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235356

    “Yes, TS supports the Kims, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Gaddafi, and logically he must also support Pol Pot.”

    That is not logical and no, I don’t. Sorry to disappoint.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235355

    “We are the second oldest political party in the country and have seen literally hundreds of different Leftist parties/groups come and go having achieved nothing (except harming the case for socialism).”

    And in all that time have achieved nothing but this crumby little website. Bravo, participation trophies for everyone!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235354

    “I’m not really following this thread so may have misunderstood, but if TS is apparently a Stalinist or state communist living in Japan, does he therefore support North Korea which sent a ballistic missile over Japan on 4 October?”

    The missile test was in retaliation for joint US/Japan/South Korean naval exercises designed to sink DPRK submarines. Cats will swell up in size when intimidated. As usual, the aggressors are the US and its toadies. If Japan ever again attacks the north it will get what it rightly has coming to it.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235341

    “And this shows he even relishes the thought!”

    I don’t see how. Then again, pretty much nothing you say makes any sense.

    “And following his nationalist ‘logic’, we should all be gung-ho for “our” flags and govts too! Otherwise, we’re “cowards.””

    Easy to say when your existence isn’t threatened. I’ve no doubt your mewling would change were a foreign invader spraying high velocity lead at you.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
Viewing 15 posts - 526 through 540 (of 909 total)