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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #236622

    “TS – “You think Stalin personally oversaw the arrest and trial of every criminal in the Soviet Union?”

    Where is the evidence that Hitler actually ordered the Final Solution?”

    What a purposely unctuous way of framing the question. The gulags were not death camps they were labour camps. The final solution used concentration camps to implement genocide. Soviet labour camps were just that. Labour camps for common criminals.

    We both know Hitler didn’t put his name to the final
    Solution but plenty of leading Nazis did.

    “He, too, did not personally oversee the death camps.”

    I see what you did there. Soviet camps were not “death camps”. Your framing is disingenuous.

    “This German historian does not deny the Holocaust but argues it was not planned by Hitler.”

    Micromanaged, sure. But Hitler was its driving force. Without him there would have been no holocaust.

    “I suggest your reply does not explain dictators and how they direct and control a country.”

    I suggest you are a dishonest interlocutor who unctuously misframes questions to distort historical facts.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236613

    “So TN was it correct for Stalin to put Solzhenitsyn in the Gulag”

    Lol. Stalin didn’t. You think Stalin personally oversaw the arrest and trial of every criminal in the Soviet Union?

    Solzhenitsyn was a panic monger at a time of existential war against a genocidal enemy. He was given a trial. He was found guilty. His treatment at the labour camp was humane.

    “or was Putin right to say that his treatment was “evil”.”

    Putin was wrong.

    “Is your contention that Putin’s government is a continuation of the Bolshevik tradition”

    Lol. I’m reminded of the quip, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people.” I think this applies to you Robotomy.

    “or is Putin’s view that Lenin was a great disaster for the Russian people correct.”

    No, Putin was incorrect.

    “Is the elevation of the the Russian Orthodox Chuch the correct path or was the abolition of the Orthodox Church by the Bolsheviks the way forward.”

    Superstition should be undermined wherever and whenever possible but it must be done cautiously and with patience to avoid unnecessary backlash.

    “Final question for TN, do you know your arse from your elbow?”

    Child, the road is over there. Go play on it.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236581

    “Wifi is the least of your issues, bonny lad.”

    What are you, 5? Run along and play child.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236579

    My bad Alan, I’ve got wifi issues at the mo.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236568

    You gonna moderate All-in or can I start [moderator deleted] You know I want to.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236566

    Gosh, what a screed Bojo’s [moderator deleted]. I didn’t get past the first paragraph as it immediately descended into you playing dress-ups as a Tween Vogue pseudo-scientist once more. Don’t know who your audience is. Too yawny for me!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236561

    “Big difference is that I made it clear that I the estimate based on questionable data made from Russian sources.”

    Believe whatever you like and I’ll believe whatever I like. I believe those numbers about correct.

    “Making clear that the even the figures Russian agencies have put forward are very high, in comparison to other conflicts, using data to back this up.”

    Russia is in a conflict with Europe’s most powerful army. Of course it’s going to be bloody.

    “The Narcissistic one has merely grabbed a figure from his fertile imagination with no comparable use of figures.”

    Erm, no. It’s based on Russia’s numbers and supported by BBC reporting. No imagining going on.

    “A first year undergraduate submitting shite like that would get their head in their hands to play with, if they did that.”

    How would you know? I can’t imagine you even graduated kindy.

    [moderator deleted] I’ll let others make their own minds up on that issue.”

    Allen, I think that’s grounds for banning, no?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236560

    “And TN must be proud and happy about it.”

    Proud? It wasn’t my accomplishment. Happy? Yes. The defeat of a fascist state’s army is something to be happy about.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236557

    “You defend the rights of Russian-speakers to form their own republic so do you extend similar rights to those who speak Kurd to breakaway and form their own republic?”

    I do not. They are Contras working in league with US imperialism. You know nothing of the Kurds in Syria. Learn some history.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236542

    Mewling Socialista’s source on Russia’s neo-Nazi “problem” (drum roll)…

    “The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)…the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and security think tank.”


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236541

    “You will also see evidence in this video of support for Syria”

    “Support” for Syria? Assad’s government represented Syria. It was not getting any support. Your Guardian Brah framing is showing All-in with the deep’state. You mean support for ISIS.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236538

    NAZI terror plot in Italy linked to Ukraine’s Azov. Welcome to Europe’s new normal. Lay down with dogs, get fleas.

    Blowback: Italian police bust Azov-tied Nazi cell planning terror attacks

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236536

    “I would still like to hear from him about how he reconciles that claim of his with this”

    Robotomy, I already linked to an article discussing the strength of the Russian economy. It can do the talking.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236534

    “That has been my case all along. That they hoped to capture Kiev in days. That it was not a diversionary attack.”

    The troops were meant to intimidate but not assault the city. You get the difference, right?

    “But the Washington Post has a detailed description of the Russian strategy and the battle of Kiev.”

    The WaPo isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. It’s owner is literally an enormous cog in the US MIC.
    You do yourself no favors reading from it and come off as a smooth brained dupe because you do.

    “And you will reject Wiki as CIA lies”

    A position I can and have supported with copious amounts of evidence. Reading it only makes you dumber, which, is hard to believe possible.

    “But my reading is that the Russians definitely intended to take Kiev but underestimated the resistance which halted reinforcements.”

    No, they didn’t. If they “definitely intended” to take Kiev they’d have sent 2-300,000 troops in order to do so.

    “It was a defeat.”

    Lol, you can’t lose a battle you didn’t fight.

    “Plan A had failed so Plan B had to be quickly implemented. That is the plan you insist was the original one.”

    No, I’ve always been consistent on what I believed to be the original Russian plan. Intimidate Kiev into a negotiated settlement. It almost worked but was scuttled by Bojo. I have said this exact thing numerous times on this thread. Go back and look.

    “This war is not going to be over any time soon, IMHO.”

    I can’t see how much longer it can go on. Russia’s reserves will be fully mobilized soon, the ground is about to harden. The Russian offensives will then kick off. The Ukrainians are taking intolerable casualties and their western allies are delivering diminishing amounts of war material. Making predictions about when a war will end is foolish but for what it’s worth I’d say less than 12 months.

    “Ukraine won’t be defeated and neither will the Russians be dislodged from the occupied territory.”

    Well, you’re either right or you’re wrong. I think you’re wrong and we’ll all find out soon enough.

    “The Nazis (if you wish to define them as such) are still in power and have grown stronger.”

    Which is why they’ll have to be defeated militarily.

    “The separatist regions’ population have needed to be evacuated because the Russians cannot guarantee to protect them in DPR and LPR”

    That’s one of the principle reasons why this conflict is being fought. But by the end of it life will return to normal for the people of Donbas. Ukrainian civilians will not be so lucky. Their country will be in ruins.

    “Ukraine’s and other neighbouring countries(Finland and Sweden) relations with NATO have grown closer, and NATO presence has been strengthened in the Baltic countries and Poland. All NATO nations are increasing their arms spending”

    NATO is a paper tiger. Its members are de-industrialising and their economies in free fall. With Ukraine’s defeat NATO may well fall apart.

    “It has been a disaster for Putin as he has not accomplished his special military operation.”

    Lol. Quite the opposite. Ukraine and NATO are being demilitarised, Russia has gained huge swathes of new territory and population. The Russian economy is bouncing back, a new global trade and security infrastructure helmed by Russia, and its close ally China, is being developed. Putin’s domestic popularity is sky high. I’m not seeing much disaster.

    “While retaining the patriotic loyalty of most Russians as all wars in all countries have a tendency to happen, he has alienated a substantial minority.”

    Erm no, he hasn’t. The liberals are hated in Russia for what happened in the 90s. If they all left no one would notice or care.

    “His hope was indeed a swift victory by capturing Kiev and that did not succeed.”

    That was the hope, sure. Putin wished to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and the destruction of Ukraine. But Kiev/NATOstan insisted that’s what they wanted so that’s what they’re getting. Russia on the other hand will be much stronger. New territories and population, a blooded military, a fractured NATO, a rebounding economy and strong allies. Stop reading the Guardian Brah, your in danger of losing your remaining half dozen brain cells.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236533

    “They now seem to be shelling the nuclear power station at Zaporozhye with the intention of provoking an incident so that there will be outside intervention.

    The fact the IAEA is not prepared to say who is doing the shelling (they must know) suggests that it will be Ukraine because if it was Russia that would be proclaimed from the rooftops.

    It all goes to show what a state will be prepared to do if it feels it’s existence is at stake.”

    The Ukrainians have been shelling the plant for months. They’ve also assaulted it with troops numerous times. You only just get the memo?

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