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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #236773

    “Serious question – is there anything written in your right-wing conspiracy sites”

    When one wants to be informed on military matters one turns to military experts. It just so happens many such people lean to the right. Simply being right wing does not disqualify one from having credible analysis of the conflict. Working for MSM media does. And it is to MSM you look for information regarding the conflict in Ukraine. This is why you sound lobotomised when you offer your opinion on the subject. What do they say, “garbage in, garbage out”?

    “that you don’t credulously accept as fact?”

    Be specific. To what are you referring?

    “Or for that matter whatever pronouncements are made by your favourite right-wing capitalist regime – Putin’s Russia.”

    Supporting a nation in its struggle against imperialism does not mean one gives unqualified support to the nation’s government. Even someone as dim as you can understand that, no?

    “No, I don’t just accept everything that is written in the MSM.”

    Sure seems like it.

    “I studiously avoid anything published by the Daily Express, for example, which is mostly just material for toilet paper and on a par with some of the sites you rely upon for many of your outlandish and frankly utterly dumb claims.”

    And yet you give no examples of such claims. Wonder why?

    “But nice evasion in the case of your feeble attempt to ridicule my point without bothering to show how it is factually wrong.”

    I guess you mean about the Ukrainian and Russian governments being equally fascist even though one (the Ukrainian) came to power in a Nazi led coup, outlawed all opposition but far-right opposition, consolidated all media under its control, officially incorporated Nazi units into its military, allows Nazis to infest its police, military, intelligence and education, reveres a Nazi collaborator and declares him “father of the nation”, is ethno-nationalist, has death-squads roaming the country killing opponents of the regime, etc but the other (Russia’s) is/does none of these things? Is that what you mean you smooth brained, Koolaid drinking, tinfoil-hat wearing, credulous MSM consuming dupe?

    “How is it not the case that Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine will have the unintended consequence of strengthening and unifying NATO imperialism, eh?”

    Because NATO countries are de-industrialising, de-militarising, are in economic free fall and about to see their proxies in Ukraine soundly thrashed. That’s how.

    “The very fact that more member states are joining NATO is proof enough of that – never mind all the other evidence that points to the fact that NATO has been strengthened thanks to Putin’s imperialist blunder”

    And how does rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic prevent the liner from sinking?

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236762

    “It would seem that Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine will have the unintended consequence of strengthening and unifying NATO imperialism”

    MSM fairytales. In other news, Starlight the rainbow unicorn was spotted eating candyfloss bush by Bubblegum Lake.

    Serious question…Is there anything written in MSM you don’t credulously accept as fact?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236761

    “For the very first time I agree with True Narcissist, I’d also rather he stuck an eye pick in his eye!”

    With a lobotomy making me as brain damaged as you, the pablum you write might actually start to make sense.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236760

    Ukrainian energy company tells people to just leave to save power. Genius.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236757

    “Liz can just address me as Sir Thomas.”

    Don’t you mean Small Thomas?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236755

    “So you believe dissidents and critics of the state should be imprisoned?”

    As stated previously, he was a panic monger during an existential crisis. I do believe in imprisoning panic mongers in such cases.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236699

    “Actually, all of my posts on this thread have been on-topic if you care to check….”

    What, read your drivel a second time?! I’d rather stick an ice pick in my eye.

    “And I am still waiting to hear from you as to why you consider Ukraine to be a “fascist state””

    Cos it’s run by nazis.

    “but not Russia”

    Cos it’s not run by nazis.

    “when they are so remarkably similar – right-wing, repressive, authoritarian, capitalist oligarchies.”

    Sounds an awful lot like Britain’s government. So Britain is nazi too?

    “Yet another question you have conveniently squirmed out of answering”

    No, I’ve answered the question plenty of times just not to your liking. And for that, I don’t give a shit.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236693

    “As ALB has said it will be inevitable that the West will weary of war when faced with their own problems.”

    Wait til all the Ukrainian refugees start arriving following the collapse of the electrical grid. They’ll have their own problems and then some.

    “A survey conducted in October suggests that 40 percent of Germans fully or partially believe that NATO provoked Russia into invading Ukraine.”

    Stubborn buggers. Why won’t they get their minds right?

    “That number increases to a staggering 59 percent in provinces that were once part of communist East Germany.”

    So 41% have drunk the Koolaid?

    “About a third of respondents share the view that Ukraine is historically part of Russia”

    So they know their history?

    “and roughly the same number accept the conspiracy theory that the US had set up secret laboratories on Ukrainian soil to develop biological weapons.”

    The Russians claim to have copious evidence in support of their claim. Without an independent investigation it’s too early to call the allegations a “conspiracy theory”.

    “In Italy, public support for sending arms to Ukraine has been hovering around 41 percent, compared with 57 percent in Germany and 62 percent in France. Scepticism prevails in Slovakia, Bulgaria – whose parliament, nevertheless, decided to send military supplies to Kyiv – and Hungary”

    The power of the big lie.

    ”In Greece, 28 percent blame NATO for the conflict, and in Bulgaria, 44 percent.”

    Gotta start somewhere.

    “On October 29, a large rally was held in Prague against the policies of the pro-EU government in support of Ukraine. On November 5, tens of thousands marched in Rome, calling for peace and for halting arms deliveries to Kyiv. Germany has also seen rallies and strikes against the war and the rising cost of living.”

    Wait til the next wave of refugees arrive and see the numbers change.

    “This is precisely what Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategy is aimed at. By prolonging the war in a variety of ways – from a mass mobilisation to relentless attacks against civilian infrastructure”

    The infrastructure is dual use. Ukraine’s train network runs on electricity. No trains, no moving troops and material to the front.

    “across Ukraine – he is banking on Western unity unravelling down the line.”

    Actually, he’s following Russia’s stated SMO aims. Nothing has changed.

    “But does it mean people support Russia?

    A poll from September shows that 74 percent of Germans favour supporting Ukraine despite high energy bills, which have gone down since.
    In another poll from October, some 86 percent of citizens see Russia as a “global threat factor”.”

    Russia doesn’t care if NATOstanis support her. It’s given up on Europe.

    “With the German government setting up a 100bn-euro ($102bn) fund to modernise the military, Russia is facing a much more potent EU west of its border.”

    A sign that one aim of Putin – to weaken NATO has not worked”

    Lol. NATO is deindustrialing and demilitarising. Its economies are in freefall. Proposed weapons systems will take years, if ever, to materialise. NATO is a paper tiger and the world now knows it.

    “Putin’s best hope is to carry on with the war, wreaking havoc and causing immense human suffering in Ukraine while waiting for a change in the White House in two years.”

    No, it’s to decisively defeat Ukraine on the battlefield which I doubt will take too long.

    “Another commentator who suggests a long war and does not anticipate any quick victory.”

    Commentators are a dime a dozen. This one is clueless.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236679

    “But please note it was the main reason that the previous moderator closed the Hong Kong protests topic.”

    That’s not the impression I got. It seemed to me it was closed because Mewling Socialista declared there was nothing more to add to the topic. Not true mind you, but there you go.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236678

    “It’s no longer a debate on the war in Ukraine, or hadn’t you noticed, stupider.”

    Here, here Lizzie! All-in, care to remind Bojo’s Brain, Robotomy and Thomas Bore of the thread topic? The Ukraine/Russia conflict.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236657

    “TS, do you support torture?”

    I’m allowing you to torture me with your stupidity ain’t I?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236651

    “Amazing isn’t it True Narcissist, as soon as the debate becomes difficult for you”

    Debating kindergarteners is never difficult, keeping them focused is. Focus Bojo [moderator deleted], the topic is Russia/Ukraine. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236637

    “Even Grover Furr admits that mass deaths and repression occurred during the years of the great purge.”

    The thread’s about the Russia/Ukraine conflict. I know you have the attention span of a dim goldfish but do try and stay on topic.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236636

    “Your Putin”

    “My Putin”? Lol. Yeah, I keep him on my bedside dresser. Where do you keep yours?

    “has in fact made The Gulag Archipelago required reading for colleges.”

    Nothing wrong with studying fiction in schools.

    “He is not the admirer of Stalin that you are.”

    And I should give a shit why?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236626

    “I made an analogy that challenged your belief that Stalin was not responsible for the gulags, that is all.”

    BS. You deliberately conflated the USSR with Nazi Germany as though they were equally as bad.

    “Creating straw-man arguments are deflections from my point.”

    I merely pointed out what you did. No need to straw-man.

    “But Stalin was its driving force. Without him there would have been no purges.”

    What?! Solzhenitsyn wasn’t purged! But anyways, Stalin was not a dictator. He was one member of the Politburo. Decisions were made collectively and Stalin was often overruled. Even the CIA has been forced to admit the fact.

    “There is actually more evidence that Stalin was culpable of war crimes in that Stalin did put his signature to a directive instructing the killing of Polish officers.”

    More BS proven so by Grover Furr.

    “You and Furr may dispute it by many scholarly and more reliable historians have verified his signature.”

    Bandwagon fallacy. “Reliable”? According to whom? You? Appeal to authority fallacy.

    “Dmitri Medvedev described the publication as a “duty”. “Let people see it, let them know who made the decision to kill the Polish officers. It’s all there in the documents. All signatures are there, all the faces are known.””

    And is he a historian? No. Appeal to authority fallacy.

    “If you wish to consider Medvedev a Russian traitor, then Putin must also be, as he and Putin have been close political allies.”

    He is wrong about an historical fact. If you find that traitorous well that’s on you.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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