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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #237010

    “Of course not. That is why Putin had tea and biscuits with the mothers of soldiers. Nothing to do with PR, at all.”

    I meant propaganda aimed at a western audience.

    “As I keep saying BOTH sides require constant replacement of used-up ammunition and lost equipment.”

    As Putin has said, Russia has “barely gotten started” with this conflict. It can keep up current attrition rates for years if not decades. Not that that will be necessary. It won’t.

    “You are the one in total denial of such a basic fact, by imagining Russia has unlimited stocks.”

    Nope, I just listen to actual experts not MSM propagandists.

    “They can’t fit out reinforcements and you claim it is trivial.”

    Because it is trivial. Uniforms, bandages. 4000 men. Trivial stuff.

    “Perhaps that is why Russia keeps denying it is receiving supplies from North Korea and Iran.”

    Russia has a possible direct confrontation with NATO to keep in mind. The stories about DPRK seem unconvincing but if true it’s not because Russia is struggling with its conflict in Ukraine. It’d be because it needs to keep its powder dry for the epic conflict to come.

    “And you reduce such REAL logistic problems to having too few bandages.”

    And uniforms and toilet peper. Lol

    “This Special Military Operation was never intended by Russia to last so long. It should be re-named the Slow Motion Operation.”

    You know that how? Got a hotline to the Kremlin?

    “The initial Russian invasion was stopped because Ukraine succeeded in deploying very quickly the military aid it received from NATO.”

    Erm, it wasn’t stopped. It’s still going in case you haven’t noticed.

    “You insist that it has all dried up and NATO countries cannot or will not provide further military aid. If Russia assumes the same as you, it will repeat its earlier miscalculation and mistake.”

    Russia’s strategy was almost successful. Bojo and the US scuttled their puppet’s attempt to negotiate. The Kremlin wanted to avoid a long drawn out war because it wanted to avoid needless bloodshed. But it was always prepared for a long conflict.

    “I await the volleys of Russia’s hypersonic missiles as the signal for the anticipated offensive”

    What do you call what’s been happening the last few weeks?

    “once the 300,000 have got enough bandages.”

    The article in Newsweek mentioned 4,000 men. A far cry from 300k.

    “It won’t be too long now as the mud is now freezing up to permit the tanks to move. It will be all over by Christmas as they said in 1914.”

    The math doesn’t lie. You can’t win a war without supplies and logistics. Ukraine is running short of the former while the latter is being dismantled.

    “Once again crocodile tears from you about the civilian toll.”

    Civilian deaths are always a tragedy but the fault is with the aggressor, Natostan and its Kiev Nazis.

    “Previously you said it was unavoidable because of the dual-use of such infrastructure.”

    Still true.

    “Now you say the gloves are off, and infer civilians have become fair game because politicians won’t treat with one another.”

    I said no such thing. Russia was trying to force Ukraine to the negotiating table but did not want to cause needless suffering by targeting dual use infrastructure. Kiev won’t negotiate so it must be defeated militarily. Russia’s patience has run out.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237004

    What lobotomised MSM consumers don’t understand about Russia vs NATO.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236999

    “From the horse’s mouth”

    Boy, you sure are slow to the party, or more likely, just slow. Your first linked to article has already been discussed here and merely outlines minor problems with outfitting the newly mobilized troops including such things as bandages. This has nothing to do with missiles, tanks, artillery, planes, shells, drones, trucks, etc. Do you understand?

    The second article is nothing but pablum from one of the US’ chief war propagandists singing the “Russia is running out of missiles” mantra we’ve heard since March. Meanwhile, in the real world, last week’s missile barrage was the biggest yet. Lol

    “From what I read, it is becoming much more of a trench war stalemate along much of the frontlines, reminiscent of WW1.”

    And that’s the problem All-in, your sources are shit. Garbage in garbage out.

    “Ukraine will adapt and persevere.”

    No, it will collapse and unconditionally surrender. Just like their Nazi brethren did in WW2.

    “Neither its government or Russia’s really care about the toll on civilians”

    The Russian’s only just started taking out the electrical grid. Why? Because they wanted to avoid harm to civilians. The Nazis misinterpreted this as having a lack of weapons to do so. Now the Russian’s are taking the gloves off because Ukraine is refusing peace negotiations. There is no shortage of missiles.

    “other than making propaganda capital.”

    Russia doesn’t pay much attention to propaganda. That’s Ukraine’s specialty. But wars aren’t won by propaganda, they’re won on the battlefield where Russia is winning resoundingly. And even you Guardian Brahs will eventually be forced to admit what is right before your eyes. You’ll be some of the last to do so though I’m sure.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236998

    Kievs mayor starts evacuating residents. EU better brace for a shit ton more refugees.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236994

    “I know you will describe it as propaganda lies but the UK’S MOD suggests that Russia is indeed running low of weapons”

    Lol, the MSM has been saying Russia’s out of missiles since March! All-in with the MSM narrative what do you think? You published the above drivel afterall. Why would you publish it unless you thought it worthy of considertion? What a dupe.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236990

    “FFS, do you not understand the irony of a Stalinist supporter”

    I’m not a “Stalinist”.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236987

    “Russia has the handicap of sanctions against it”

    Russia has all the resources, energy and skilled manpower it needs. NATOstan barely enough energy and shortages of resources. Moreover, most of the world isn’t sanctioning Russia while the Euro members of NATOstan are sanctioning themselves.

    Ukraine must send equipment hundreds upon hundreds of kilometers away for repairs, Russia can do it on its doorstep.

    The whole question of microchips is overblown.

    Don’t Use Chips to Play Poker With Putin

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236978

    NATOstan isn’t being demilitarised, only a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy loon would believe such a thing. Lol.

    “German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said at the last meeting of the German Cabinet in August 2022, that “there is little scope for sending weapons from the German army’s stockpile to Ukraine. I must admit that we have reached the limits of what we can offer. Our army must be able to guarantee the defense of the states and the German Confederation.. I will make sure that this situation continues.” As she put it, these statements expressed the imminent arrival of German military support for Ukraine to the maximum; This means that Germany will have limited options in this regard in the coming periods, as well as a slowdown in the pace of support for Ukraine.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236977

    “You state that this new multipolar world will be, and I quote directly from you “qualitatively different” from the unipolar world of US and EU hegemony. How will this be qualitatively different for workers in this new world?”


    The destiny of civilization: An interview with Michael Hudson

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236857

    Robotomy, believe whatever you like. I don’t give a toss. You are a wonderful example of what MSM brain rot can do to an individual. Well, unlike you, I don’t chase my tail in circles. I’ve made my case, I’ve explained why you’re wrong and I’ve supported my claims with copious evidence. I will be ignoring you from now on. I’ve led this horse to water, it don’t wanna drink, no use whipping it.enjoy screaming into the void Robotomy.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236806

    “Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine”

    If the invasion never would have happened if Minsk
    2 had been implemented, how was it “imperialist”?

    “does not constitute a “struggle against imperialism””

    It does, against NATOstani imperialism. The imperialists forced Russia to intervene in Ukraine to protect Donbass and remove the hostile miltary alliance AKA NATO from its border. The imperialists then used Russia’s justified intervention as a pretext to launch savage sanctions. These, it was hoped, would collapse the Russian economy.
    Putin would then be overthrown in a colour revolution, ethnic tensions stoked and Russia broken into pieces. The pieces then subjected to imperialist exploitation.

    U.S. gov’t body plots to break up Russia in name of ‘decolonization’

    “It merely represents an instance of one imperialist bloc (Russia and its backers) locking horns with another – namely NATO.”

    No, it doesn’t. The multipolar world being birthed now is qualitatively different to the one lorded over by the US empire and its EU vassals. You are too politically unsophisticated and ideologically blinkered to see the difference. Most of the world does recognise the fundamental difference however and is flocking to join the new institutions. You can scream into the void at how “its just another imperialist block!” and you’ll be ignored as ever because as ever, you’re wrong.

    “I gave plenty of examples of your dumb utterances – like your silly claim that Russia is “decisively winning the war” when it has clearly retreated on several fronts.”

    Russia is winning decisively. Amateurs talk tactics, pros talk logistics. You don’t see the forest for the trees because you’re the living embodiment of the Dunning-Krueger effect.

    “Or like your claim that Nato is demilitarizing”

    NATO has thrown almost everything it has at Ukraine to take on Russia. Almost all of it has been destroyed. Every new military aid package is smaller and more pathetic than the last. Know why? Cos NATO is demilitarizing itself.

    “deindustrializing when the very opposite is the case.”

    NATO is not deindustrialising?


    “Thanks to Putin’s stupid blunder Nato member states are ramping up their military spending”

    Believe it when I see it.

    “If it came to a conventional war with NATO , Russia would be obliterated”

    Child, you know nothing.

    “In terms of military spending”

    I’ve already addressed this issue. Andrei Martyanov, an actual expert, might be able to put it in terms even your tiny brain can understand.

    “NATO’s European fleets alone have almost four times the number of Russia’s surface warships”

    See above. Russia has hyper-sonic missiles. All those ships, sitting ducks.

    “leaving aside the huge forces deployed by the United States with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean and the Second Fleet in the Atlantic.”

    Sitting ducks.

    “The assertion in NATO’s Strategic Concept that Russia can pose a serious threat to NATO in the Mediterranean appears unconvincing. Russia’s Mediterranean squadron usually consists of only three frigates and six Varshavyanka-class conventional submarines. The U.S. Sixth Fleet alone usually has around 40 warships, including an aircraft carrier and cruisers, backed not only by the other NATO navies, but also by their air forces.”

    See above + hypersonic missiles.

    “Well the above is what the military experts are actually saying and it’s hilarious you posing as some kind of expert in military strategy”

    I don’t pose as anything. I listen to experts such as Scott Ritter, Andrei Martyanov and Brian Berletich.

    “and confidently assuring us that NATO is some kind of paper tiger”

    Scott Ritter’s words, not mine.

    “a spent force that will implode in the face of Russian military might”

    In a direct confrontation, absolutely. But better hope it doesn’t come to that.

    “But the behaviour of the Russian regime is very little different.” It too muzzles and even murders its opponents,”

    No, it doesn’t.

    “clamps down on free speech”

    All states do. Name one country that doesn’t.

    “and the right to protest”

    The right to protest exists in Russia. People protest there all the time. You reading the Guardian again?

    “and is virulently ethno-nationalist.”

    Lol, no it isn’t. Russia is a multi-ethnic state you knucklehead.

    “I specifically said I did not believe either of them are technically fascist”

    Ukraine is technically fascist. Man, there’s a lot of stupid in your tap water. Maybe try bottled?

    “You refer to the Maidan coup but conveniently overlooked that Zelensky like Putin was voted into power.”

    Lol, in elections presided over by a fascist coup regime, awash with NATOstani election meddling, during a civil war where millions of people in the east couldn’t vote. Real legitimate.

    “Yes, there are self-identifying Nazis in Ukraine (a distinct minority) but the same is true of Russia.”

    BS. A third of the military is not a distinct minority. Their influence is not that of a distinct minority.

    “You don’t need to label yourself a Nazi in order to behave like one!!!”

    The ukrainian Nazis happily label themselves just that. When they get their comeuppance, I’ll cheer.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236801

    “The Russophiles at Moon of Alabama”

    Is being a Russophile a crime now?

    “are cock-a-hoop at this destruction of the civilian populations capacity to survive,”

    They can survive only they’ll have to do it elsewhere. Europe mostly.

    “and the prospects of more evacuations:”

    Yes indeed, to all those NATOstani countries whose leaders insisted on expanding their hostile military alliance up to Russia’s borders. You reap what you sow.

    “including the possible collapse of the Ukrainian economy.”

    You didn’t get the memo? Ukraine’s economy collapsed months ago. Without NATOstani largesse there would be no functioning nation state to speak of.

    “What we are witnessing is monstrous”

    It is. That’s the war NATOstan and its proxy UkroNazis wanted and it’s the war they got. You can’t start a fight and then expect sympathy when you start losing.

    “and could be even more so if their claims that Russia has secured aerial supremacy”

    Lol, Russia had air-supremacy on day 3 of the conflict.

    “and may consider bringing in the big slow bombers to really get to work.”

    Rubbish. The Kremlin has gone out of its way to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties.

    “Let’s be clear, in intent and consequence, this is barbaric.”

    War is barbaric. Ukraine could’ve avoided it. It just had to implement Minsk 2. Instead, the Nazis insisted on war. You think Nazi Germany shouldn’t have had it’s dual use infrastructure destroyed? Should the trains have been allowed to keep running? Serious question.

    “This is a catastrophe not just for workers in Ukraine, but everywhere.”

    Hyperbole much? It’s not a catastrophe for you or me. We’ll be just fine. Still warm, housed, still fed.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236798

    “Friedman certainly is no friend of ours, a regular Newsmax guest, but does that disqualify his analysis?”

    He can be disqualified because A:he works for Stratfor B: he works for Stratfor and C: he works for Stratfor. (Oh and D: he’s wrong concerning just about everything).

    Inside the Fanciful World of Stratfor

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236784

    “Military commanders are sometimes short on political and diplomatic savvy and understanding of the ramifications of war.”

    You don’t say? Newsflash! Water still wet, fire still hot!

    “George Friedman heads Stratfor, a geo-political think-tank nicknamed the “shadow CIA”.”

    He’s exactly the kind of “expert” one doesn’t turn to. One must sort the wheat from the chaff. How often are their predictions proven correct, is their analysis fact based or politically/materially motivated, are they experts in a particular field or generalists, do they exaggerate or lie? Friedman is chaff, you’ll know less after listening to him. I recommend against it.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #236783

    “Says the genius that credulously accepts the proveably false nonsense that Grover Furr spews out.”

    Rubbish. But I’m not going to bite. The little goldfish has forgotten where it is again. It’s swum over to the Ukraine/Russia page. Swim along little goldfish, mind the filter-intake.

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