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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #237254

    “TS – “So what do you call a Nazi ally?” – Putin”

    Lol. All-in with NATOstan has completely lost the plot. He thinks Ukraine and Russia are now allies. Well, when the Ukronazis are defeated that possibility exists. We can only hope.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237251

    So what do you call a Nazi ally?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237249

    “Now, are you claiming that NATO nations can be defined as Nazi, as well?”

    I didn’t say that. Just that NATOstan is allied to the Kiev Nazis. You didn’t notice?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237248

    “Support in Russia for the war has fallen dramatically according to a leaked report from the Kremlin.”

    Fake news.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237247

    “Chairman of the U.S. joint chiefs of staff General Mark Milley said in November that Russia’s military had seen more than 100,000 of its soldiers killed and wounded. He said that Ukraine’s armed forces had “probably” suffered a similar level of casualties

    And the Ukraine figure of its deaths broadly matches the BBC calculation of Russian dead, giving added evidence to Milley that BOTH sides have suffered roughly the same attrition rates.”

    BS. The BBC says only 9,300 Russian deaths.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237218

    “ALB – They are clarifying that figure she gave meant both dead and wounded.”

    LOL. She was a former defence minister. She knew exactly what she was saying. She let the truth slip. Now the spin. And guess who falls for it hook, line and sinker? The Guardian Bros!


    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237204

    “You forget America’s powerful aircraft carrier fleet (23)”

    No, I don’t. They’re sitting ducks for Russian submarines and hypersonic missiles. And they can’t act as ports.

    “and of course what George Orwell called Airstrip One – the UK – with its extensive American airbases.”

    Russia has the most advanced air defence systems in the world by a long shot. UK ports can also be vaporised. Ipso facto, no US tanks arriving in Europe.

    “You forget what is called war reserve stock, equipment and supplies pre-positioned around Europe and in Israel”

    Lol. You think that’ll make all the difference? As Scott Ritter has written it won’t.

    “America has relatively recent experience from the two Iraqi wars of the logistic transportation of combat-ready battle groups. And equally as seen in Afghanistan a speedy retreat and withdrawal.”

    Russia would never allow the buildup of an American invasion force to take place in Europe. It’d all be destroyed in the ocean.

    “But be rest assured, those of us on this forum will NOT be rushing to enlist or resist any Russian invasion. We’ll accept any occupation and will adapt and adjust our political activity appropriately.”

    Good to know. I’ll tell my buddy Putin. There are six cowards sitting in their frozen basements in the UK who definitely won’t be taking part in any war against NATOstani/Nazi aggression.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237200

    “You quote a government minister from September. I quote Russia’s central bank head from November. Who would you trust? A political appointee or a career economist?”

    I believe the government minister. He has all the facts at hand.

    “Good…700,000 disloyal and potential dissident citizens for the FSB to cope with.”

    Seems you’ve chosen a side.

    “But, of course, there may well be another mobilisation of conscripts if Russian casualties mount if this anticipated Winter offensive fails.”

    It won’t fail.

    “Already there are rumours of a post-Xmas second mobilisation”

    Rumors, eh?

    “The current fighting for Bakhmut is indeed taking a heavy toll on both sides.”

    Erm, actually it’s not taking a heavy toll on Russia. Russian forces are in no hurry. They sit back with their missiles and artillery and grind Ukrainian positions to dust. They then move in with their tanks and infantry to mop up anything left with a pulse. Casualty ratios are 10:1.

    “If it is captured, it won’t be the Putin or Russian army getting the credit but Wagner’s Prigozhin who many say is manoeuvring to replace Putin.”

    Lol. I’m sure Prigozhin will ride into the Kremlin on our friend Starlight the rainbow unicorn.

    “Why else is a Pyrrhic victory for an insignificant non-strategic town worth so much effort other than propaganda value for a Prigozhin power-grab?”

    Lol, I see you’re already parroting the MSM spin. The town is extremely important strategically. Once it passes into Russian hands Ukrainian resistance in Donbass faces total collapse.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237199

    “If it came to a conventional war NATO Imperialism would easily defeat Russian imperialism.”

    (Yawn). Russia is not imperialist.

    “Hell, the American capitalist regime has more than enough firepower on its own to defeat the Russian capitalist regime”

    Lol, you forget about that ocean that needs crossing? The ports where the equipment must be unloaded? If it came to such a conflict all those ports would be vaporised, all that hardware sitting at the bottom of the ocean.

    “never mind the combined power of its NATO partners”

    Paper tigers aren’t scary.

    “this regardless of whatever temporary difficulties”

    “Temporary”? Erm, try “terminal”.

    “But why are we even discussing this? There is nothing to be proud of about a country’s relative military prowess.”

    We are discussing this because there is a threat of a direct military conflict between NATO and Russia.

    “Only a sick nationalist can glory in some capitalist regime’s ability to murder thousands of workers on the “other side””

    Anyone with half a brain welcomes the defeat of Nazism and imperialism. Maybe the lobotomy was a bit too vigorous.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237194

    “Russia lost an estimated thousand of its T-90, T-80 and T-72 tanks and now using 50-year-old T-62s.”

    Your source is Ukraine’s Defence Ministry? Lol. If we’re just making things up, why not 5,000 or 10,000? Heck, a bajillion tanks lost!

    “Who is scraping the barrel?”

    NATO. Which I’ve amply demonstrated.

    “Didn’t I read that half of Ukraine’s armour force was captured from Russia during its retreats and abandoned its equipment making it the largest supplier of armaments to Ukraine?”

    Sounds like Starlight the rainbow unicorn is in the news again.

    “Raytheon announced new $1.2 Billion contract to deliver six National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System batteries for Ukraine.”

    And how long is that going to take? And if they ever arrive…they’ll be converted to molten slag by Russia’s military. Yet more demilitarisation.

    “I mention the economic data”

    What do they say, lies, damn lies and statistics? Your statistics are bunk. The European economies are in far worse shape than your “sources” suggest.

    “because of your scaremongering”

    Just calling it how I see it.

    “that the EU economy was on the verge of collapse or as you claim – de-industrialisation.”

    There are countless articles on the topic on the internet. Search for yourself if you don’t believe me.

    “Is it a bed of roses? No. Germany has a decline of 0.2% next year after growing by 1.7% in 2022.”

    Lies, damn lies and statistics.

    “But you prefer apocalyptic hyperbole”

    That is the nature of capitalism. Boom and bust. Add in a pandemic, austerity, fruitless war spending and self imposed energy sanctions and voila, economic collapse. Someone’s forgetting their Marx.

    “Russia’s recession from its own press release”

    Actually the Kremlin is very optimistic about the future of the Russian economy.

    “I quoted its central bank director. The sanctions after being initially softened by the boost in oil and gas revenues are beginning to bite deep.”

    The sanctions are good for Russia. Russia will develop its own industries to fill the niche.

    “300,000 conscripted”

    They’ll be back to work soon enough. The Ukrainian military is facing imminent defeat. My guess, no more than a year.

    “700,000 choosing exile”

    Most of those who left are already back. Even the anti-Kremlin Moscow Times reports as much.

    “has created a labour shortage”

    Well, the returnees can take their jobs back I guess.

    “Can i remind you of the Edwin Starr song – WAR”

    What is it good for? Defeating Nazis.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237178

    ““What is the motivation of some of those claiming NATO weakness and lack of weapons?””

    They’re motivated by the truth. They’re scraping the bottom of the barrel to supply Ukraine. Not everything is a lie.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237176

    “While much of Europe is starting to recover UK and Russia are failing.”

    My God, what a bunch of Malarkey. Europe’s headed for a friggin depression. Where do you find this crap?!!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237175

    “Fortunately, the American GI doesn’t go into battle with a toilet seat.”

    The point is the amount of money spent on equipment is not an accurate reflection of value. If I spend $10,000 on renovating my bathroom and all I got is a new toilet seat, well I don’t have a very good bathroom.

    “**$276 billion** in planned spending on **weapons systems alone**”

    And if that money is frittered away on overpriced junk?

    “Two and half times more than what Russia spends on its entire military defence budget.”

    And yet it is the US’ proxy that is running out of equipment not Russia. Explain.

    “Is Russia immune from false accounting?”

    The proof of the pudding is in the tasting. There’s plenty of Russian pudding. Where’s the Ukraine’s?

    “And who is having the most success at Bakhmut? Russian regular forces or a convict army of mercenaries being used as cannon-fodder.”

    Erm, the only cannon fodder is on the other end of Russian artillery barrels. They’re called Ukrainians.

    “The very first sentence of your Rand link

    “Premeditated war between the United States and China is very unlikely””

    Lol. Of course you only read the first sentence. You missed this bit…

    “Technological advances in the ability to target opposing forces are creating conditions of conventional counterforce, whereby each side has the means to strike and degrade the other’s forces and, therefore, an incentive to do so promptly, if not first. This implies fierce early exchanges, with steep military losses on both sides, until one gains control. At present, Chinese losses would greatly exceed U.S. losses, and the gap would only grow as fighting persisted. But, by 2025, that gap could be much smaller.”

    If the US doesn’t start a war with China by 2025 it might lose.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237165
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #237163

    “So the US does not anticipate an imminent threat to Taiwan from China and isn’t planning to start a war with China anytime soon.”

    Oh, All-in, how is it you never miss an opportunity to misinterpret the world around you? I think it’s your “super power”. They should call you Wrong Man! 1: China cannot be a threat to Taiwan as Taiwan is China. 2: The US is planning an imminent war with China only, the realization is dawning on some now, that DC has bitten off a lot more than it can chew.

    “Lockheed Martin Corporation, Boeing Company, and other suppliers say they have struggled to keep up with orders due to pandemic-induced supply-chain issues. These issues were present even before the Ukraine invasion prompted an increase in weapons demand.”

    Translation, we’re more concerned with skiing trips to Aspen, buying third homes and second yachts than we are with actually making anything that goes “bang”!

    And don’t mention the “missing” $21 trillion.

    “The article based upon the Wall St Journal talks of weapons originally destined to supply Taiwan being sent to Ukraine.”


    “Taiwan ordered 208 Javelin anti-tank weapons and 215 surface-to-air Stinger missiles in December 2015. Instead, Ukraine was sent over 8,500 Javelins and over 1,600 Stingers. Plus some other hi-tech weaponry has also been re-directed to Ukraine as it is taking precedence over any potential threat to Taiwan.”

    Where all of it, along with its operators, is being turned into a red hot mess, no pun intended.

    “Other sources reveal USA (if you had Googled) is increasing military aid to Taiwan

    US$ 1.1 billion has been pledged from the United States to Taiwan. The aid package is the largest ever granted to the country and includes 60 Harpoon-type ship-firing missile systems and 100 AIM-9 Sidewinder short-range missiles, as well as financial support for a radar system.

    “The package would allow the U.S. to send up to $1 billion worth of stockpiled munitions and up to $2 billion worth of weapons paid for by U.S. taxpayers annually over the next five years””

    I’m well aware of the US’ policy of arming Taiwan.

    “America intends $840 billion in defense expenditures for 2023, raising Biden’s proposed military budget by $37 billion.

    $276 billion in planned spending on weapons systems alone.”

    Sounds a lot, but when you’re charging $10,000 for a toilet seat, you ain’t getting much bang for your buck. No pun intended.

    “And you call that demilitarisation. What planet do you hail from?”

    One where the US is incapable of supplying its proxy armies with enough weapons. The math don’t lie.

    “In comparison, Russia’s total defence budget is less than $100 billion.”

    They’ve been preparing for this conflict for a decade and they don’t spend $10K on toilet seats. They have missile and anti missile systems generations ahead of the US’. The US is mighty on paper or when fighting 3rd world guerilla armies but against a peer rival, not so much.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by TrueScotsman.
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