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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #239378

    “picking sides and seeing other workers as the enemy”

    Fascism is the enemy. The brains demented by it sometimes need putting down.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239358

    Watching/reading MSM about Ukraine actually makes you stupid. Ukraine is losing this conflict and badly.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239357

    “Yes, (like all armies) the US army is a gang of mercenaries.”

    BS. Without an army one is defenceless. No point even discussing revolution unless one is prepared to defend it from counter-revolutionary violence. Violence which is guaranteed.

    Anyway, I’ve heard those on this thread describe soldiers as “workers”. Are mercenaries “workers”? If not what? Criminals? I thought criminals weren’t workers. Don’t criminals avoid work by preying on workers? So which is it? Are soldiers workers or non worker mercenaries/criminals?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239320

    “And you of course do”

    More than any flake on this website that’s for sure.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239318

    “However, this article on Russia’s demographics”

    Lol, by a “climate change activist” with no actual knowledge of Russia or its people.

    Now we’ve had the lies, the truth. Russia is winning. Casualties are tolerable. The Russian people overwhelmingly support the SMO.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239302

    “But was it sabotaged?”

    Yes, by the lizard people.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239280

    It’s all over red-rover for the Ukrainian military.

    “The stocks of two complete armies have by now been destroyed in Ukraine. The resources for a smaller third one will be delivered in the next rounds of ‘western’ equipment deliveries during the next months. Russia will dully destroy Ukraine’s third army just as it has destroyed the first and second one. It is doubtful that the ‘West’ has enough material left to provide Ukraine with a fourth one.”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239231

    “So, TS, you expect an unconditional surrender of Ukraine to happen”


    “and that the whole country will be occupied by the Russians”


    “and Ukraine once again being absorbed as part of the Russian nation.”

    Some of it yes. But not all of it. The Western portion may be annexed by Poland or remain a rump state dependent on NATOstani largesse.

    “This was indeed the initial war-plan with the drive to take Kiev and then to pressure the Western regions into compliance with a new “puppet” government”

    No, Russia wanted a neutral government not a puppet. Minsk 2 allowed for this. NATOstan and the Kiev Nazis preferred war.

    “with a target date of August 2022. It failed.”

    Plan A failed. But not plan B. Demilitarisation
    is the name of the game and in this Russia is succeeding spectacularly.

    “The Battle of Kiev was a defeat for Russia.”

    Lol. There was no “battle” for Kiev therefore no defeat.

    “Not the diversionary assault that you claim it to have been.”

    It most certainly was. You don’t try and take a city of millions with 30 thousand troops. What you smoking?

    “The initial advances on the Donbas front were repelled at Kharkiv and then Kherson retook and was unable to even besiege Odessa.”

    You hold the mistaken belief that this is a war about territory. It is not. It is an attritional war. Destroying the enemey is its purpose not holding ground.

    “Mariupol was the only significant Russian long-term success.”

    Except for all the others (and the grinding down of Ukraine’s men and material.)

    “The position of those of us on the forum has been that outright victory was never going to be achieved and that a negotiated armistice would be agreed upon.”

    Well, I see no sign of that. Do you?

    “That would mean de facto recognition of Crimea and the Donbas separatist republics being conceded to Russia.”

    This is already mostly the reality.

    “That remains the best hope for some sort of end of hostilities.”

    NATOstan does not want an end to the hostilities. You understand that, right?

    “But the sooner there is a truce and fewer casualties inflicted on working people in an internecine conflict the better.”

    True, but only one side has ever been interested in negotiating. Russia.

    “The stated war aims of Russia have failed.”

    No, they are succeeding. Spectacularly so. The fact that this is being hidden from you by MSM spin and copium does not alter the reality of the situation.

    “There has been no collapse of Ukraine’s government, no submission to a superior force.”

    Not yet. It takes time to
    Destroy Europe’s most powerful military.

    “Hence the need for another phase of the war, a new offensive. But the aim is merely to simply scramble to be in a better position to parley that will not be perceived as a humiliation for Putin.”

    Lol. Winners don’t be humiliated. Losers be.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239198

    “(the Soledar battle a battle that never featured in any of your earlier pronouncements but now somehow grows in prominence)”

    I’ve spoken often and at length about the battle for Donbass. Soledar is just one more Russian victory in that battle. The noose now tightens around Bhakmut. Soon it will be completely surrounded and all nationalist elements forced to surrender or be destroyed.

    “and the Kiev government capitulates or Russia withdraws to Feb 2022 the war is in an actual stalemate.”

    Erm, no. A stalemate is when neither side is winning. Russia is winning decisively. It takes a long time to turn an army of 600k into fertilizer.

    “Yourself has predicted outright victory for Russia and the accomplishment of its primary purpose – ‘denazification’, demilitarisation, defeat of NATO expansionism and annexation of Donbas – None have been achieved other than partial control of the Donbas.”

    You keep doing this. Calling the match at the half time whistle while one team has half a dozen red cards.

    “Will the expected imminent offensive by Russia succeed?”

    Yes. The math doesn’t lie. NATOstan and its Ukraine puppets have lost the logistics war.

    “It may bring some territorial gains”

    Territorial gains are a secondary consideration. The primary goal is grinding the Ukrainian military to dust.

    “but all Russia can hope for is it could produce negotiations that result in a ceasefire such as we see in Korea and Kashmir, a stalemate.”

    Says who? You? Someone who depends for their coverage of the conflict on MSM propagandists? Lol

    “Certainly, permanent peace will not prevail.”

    “Certainly” eh? Remind me what happened when Nazi Germany was defeated. Did the armed conflict continue in some other form? No.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239195

    “Who’s victory would that be?”

    Russia’s. The “stalemate” that wasn’t. The Kiev regime’s Nazi hordes are being crushed. Good riddance.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239172

    Soledar has fallen. Next, Bhakmut. But it’s “a stalemate”. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239084

    “The stalemate and uncompromising attitude lead nowhere except further destruction”

    There is no stalemate. Read analysis like that above and you’re actually dumber from having done so. Garbage in, garbage out.

    Russia is grinding NATO’s proxy Nazi army to dust.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239010

    “Sometimes I wish there was a policy of ethical disclosure about who sponsors a posters post.
    Declare your philosophy and its backers.”

    No one sponsors my posts. My thoughts are mine and mine alone. I’d say that philosophically I’m communist adjacent.

    “TrueScotsman… I am not sure what to say:many of your posts are so pro- Russification”

    I don’t even know what that means. Do elucidate.

    “it almost harks back to imperialism under the Czars.”

    The simple minded fail to distinguish between support for a particular policy and support in general.

    “What next: a claim over New York, London or other districts as there is a Russian population speaking in Russian!”

    Lol. Most of present Ukraine was once Russia. Your musings are God level stupid.

    “Linguistic orientated colonial expansion!”

    No, the putting to sleep of a rabid dog.

    “I know that might seem laud… but annexing a region with linguistic defenses for doing so seems Machiavellian, and that of old Nick, the last Czar.””

    Russia wanted Minsk 2. NATOstan and Kiev war. The latter got what they wanted. And soon, Ukraine will be nothing but a failed rump state. They could have had it all but chose Nazism over friendship.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #238987

    “Matilde Kimer, who has reported for Danish television from the front lines of the conflict since the NATO/Kiev aggression began in 2014, revealed last week…”

    There, fixed it for you.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #238855

    “This build-up performed three functions.”

    Failed to mention it was mirroring the Ukrainian military build-up on the Donbass borders. The Russian build-up was a reaction to the Ukrainian build-up and meant as a deterrent to further Ukrainian aggression.

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