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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #239860

    “Every male between 20 and 55 years of age to be conscripted in Ukraine—regardless of family status, profession, physical or mental health, or any other consideration.
    Lists are to be prepared by every employer, organization, or institution (the document concerns the Kiev region specifically).”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239798

    Can you define what YOU mean by socialism?

    An economy organised around providing for peoples’ needs rather than maximising profits for the capitalist class.

    “What political party are you a member of?”

    I’m not a member of any party and don’t claim to be. You, on the other hand do.

    “If not a member of any, what political party (past or present) do you judge to be the closest to your own political beliefs?”

    The CPGB.

    “What were those accurate predictions and when were they made and what political-economic ideas were they based upon?”

    Two of the most recent being that China’s economy would not collapse (a couple of years back it was all the rage to believe otherwise) and that Russia would easily defeat Ukraine on the battlefield if it came to war. This prediction was made before the war.

    These predictions weren’t based on political/economic ideas. That is your downfall. It is why you are wrong about everything. You are purely ideoligical. Instead, my predictions were based on being able to discern accurate sources of information. A skill you sadly lack because you’re a confirmation bias seeking Guardian Bro.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239661

    “You are embarrassing, son.”

    And what of you? A professed socialist who despises socialism. Member of an ineffectual and irrelevant “party” with a membership of loons, snowflakes, do nothings and intellectual guttersnipes.

    At least the ideas I hold are reality based and allow me to make accurate predictions about the world while yours remain in the realm of fantasy. Your confused interpretation of socialism is as nonsensical as the claim that you have a “party”. You’re but a bunch of jokers contemplating the fluff in your bellybuttons. Indolent posers with nothing to offer but lies and derision. Lol

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239657

    “TS has already shown that he has no interest in what Marx says”

    Erm, no. I have no interest in what you say All-in with the Nazis.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239562

    “TS, once again you fail to comprehend.”

    I comprehend perfectly. You are a group of pusillanimous keyboard warriors. Despite apparently having the resources of a “party” at your disposal instead of organising the working class in a time of capitalist crisis you choose to snipe at and mewl about actually existing socialists. You harp on ad nauseum about what a bunch of frauds socialists and communists are only to then go on to enjoin I don’t know whom that socialism is the answer to all our problems. Who is going to take that pitch seriously? Talk about confused messaging.

    “It is not about what is said, it is what is done.”

    Indeed, and you lot do nothing but smear actually existing socialists, or anyone else for that matter, who actually acts to undermine the capitalist order.

    “Saying you are anti-imperialist, doesn’t make you one if your actions are imperialist in essence.”

    And saying you are a socialist doesn’t make you one if all you do is undermine socialism.

    “Although Russia and the former Soviet Union described themselves as anti-imperialist they possessed the same traits as any other colonialist empire.”


    “To quote Marx”

    Don’t bother. You use Marx to undermine Marxism and birth liberals. Marx would have nothing but contempt for you. You’ve no interest in
    changing the world otherwise you’d be furiously organising the working class in this time of capitalist crisis. Face it, you like things just the way they are.

    “It was economic rivalry that can be seen as the root of the conflict. Ukraine could either forge closer ties with the EU or accept Russia’s proposal that it joins the Eurasian Economic Union. Yanukovych decided not to sign planned Association Agreement with the EU and it was that decision which sparked demonstrations and led to his overthrow.”

    No, the root of the conflict was NATO expansion and aggression.

    “To integrate with Europe or with Russia?”

    No, to be an armed camp for a hostile military alliance or to be neutral.

    “I have no doubt that both the EU and Russia’s EEU had the intention of turning Ukraine into a vassal state.”

    That’s your problem. Like a religious fanatic you have no doubt. Well, fanaticism alienates just about everyone. It’s probably why your “party” remains so irrelevant.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239561

    “Gazprom is jointly owned between the Russian State (approximately 51%) and individual and institutional shareholders.”

    Meaning a majority of the profits go towards the state to be spent on the Russian people.

    “So TN and the clown from the video are incorrect when they say that the profits from use of natural resources in Russia are not used to increase the wealth of a select few.”

    Russia’s is a mixed economy. I’ve never said otherwise.

    “State ownership of the productive forces is not the solution of the conflict, but it contains within itself the formal means, the key to the solution.”


    “So presumably TN considers Engels an ideological snowflake.”

    No, only you and your merry band of Socialist Posers Guardian Bros.

    “As to the Leninist concept of imperialism, which Johnny Mercer correctly analyses as follows “It almost requires a kind of conspiracy theory to suppose that capitalists give their workers more than their labour power in order to bribe them.”

    And I’m sure that when a parent gives their child food, a warm bed and protects them from harm that is merely a bribe to get them to do their homework.

    “When asked about how this bribe occurs and what the mechanism is by which the surplus value of third world workers is exploited by one capitalist enterprise (capitalist A) and a portion of it is consciously identified to be redistributed by western workers and then consciously distributed by other capitalist enterprises (capitalist B), Leninist supporters of this theory tend to fall silent.”

    My, you are a bore. No one is arguing that parts of the Russian economy are not capitalist. With the betrayal of the USSR the capitalists had a field day. But since then they’ve been put in their place. The oligarchs no longer exercise singular control over the ship of state. Imperialism is not the Russian state’s reason for being.

    “Similarly when asked why on earth Capitalist A would give up part of their profits to support capitalist B, they either remain silent or try to explain that the invisible cabal that run the system want to ensure that western workers are getting a more wealth than they produce in order to keep them from turning revolutionary!”

    The issue is imperialism not the existence of capitalist enterprises in Russia.

    “he has never read anything by Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxembourg, etc.”

    And you have and have come to the conclusion that everyone else who has, and has acted on those beliefs to bring about a Marxist state, are actually evil capitalists. Yet, your irrelevant little mutual masturbation society are the True Scotsmen, the true seeing keepers of the socialist flame. Lol. Your God-level arrogance is only matched by your insipid pedantry and gormless wit.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239548

    “Hitler too would use anti-imperialist propaganda about the abuses by the British and French in their empires.”

    Lol. Fighting Nazis makes you as bad as Hitler. Think you’ve just maxed out stupid. Participation trophies for everyone!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239547

    “Knowing TS’s shaky grasp of economics I imagine he thinks Gasprom is some sort of charity that has the well-being of its customers in mind, rather than a ruthless capitalist enterprise intent upon maximizing its profits in a highly competitive global capitalist environment”

    This is what an ideological snowflake looks like. Yes, Gazprom makes a profit but the shareholders are the Russian people not a select group of capitalist investors. The idea that there can be no surplus to reinvest into an enterprise or to redistribute among the population is so asinine it beggars belief. But that’s Robbo for you. Dumber than a sack of hammers.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239543

    Lol. Anti-fascist is actually fascist. Anti-imperialist is actually imperialist. No doubt boy means girl and up means down. So very post-modernist of you all. Words don’t have meaning here. Purple not very tree symptom.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239539

    Despite the assertions of the self-hating faux socialists populating this site, Russia is not imperialist.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239483

    “However according to TN (24-01-23 @ 12.45pm), ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars was “Necessary given the existential crisis unfolding at the time and the groups’ collaboration with the enemy.”

    Exactly the same justification the Ukrainian government is using to explain their actions regarding ethnic Russians.”

    Russia was not an enemy of Ukraine. Your analogy is as asinine as you are.

    “Presumably, TN thinks that the undemocratic overthrow of the Russian Constituent assembly in 1917-18 by the Bolshevik coup d’etat was justified
    , whilst the undemocratic Maidan revolution was not.”

    The Bolsheviks prevented Kornilov’s reactionary takeover of the country and put an end to Russia’s participation in WW1. The Maidan Nazis instituted a reign of terror and started 2 wars.

    “Yet more evidence of TN’s inconsistency and anti working class sentiment”

    No. Merely evidence of your ignorance of history.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239480

    “Realistically, Europe and America aren’t about to launch a major, unprovoked attack on a nuclear/WMD-armed Russia.”

    No, they launched their major unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Overthrowing its government with Nazi goons and having them launch an unprovoked attack on Russian speaking Ukrainians. In addition the Nazis were promised NATO membership which would have meant nukes on Ukrainian territory. Knowing this was unacceptable to Russia Washington did it anyway because they wanted war, sanctions and then regime change. Best laid plans…

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239458

    “Could it be that a fascist thinker could conflate anti-fascism with fascism!”

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaahhaahahhahahhaahhhhhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahhahah! Priceless.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239451

    “The difficulty True Narcissist has is that he views opposing the Authoritarian regime in Ukraine makes him an anti fascist, despite the fact that the regime he supports, Putin’s Russia has very similar characteristics to the ones he stylises as fascist.”

    The difficulty Bojo’s half-baked Brains has is understanding nuance. He is such a pure-driven snowflake that any departure from his infantile utopian vision of socialism equals fascism. It’s tiresome but I shall repeat my position re Russia; just because I support some of the Kremlin’s policies does not mean I support all of them. I support Russia’s challenge to US global hegemony and its attempts to create a new world order free of Anglo/European imperialist meddling. As should you.

    “In a similar way he claims that he opposes the vile policies and practices of the Hitlerian regime,”

    I do.

    “whilst he supports and idolises the policies and practice of Stalin’s regime.”

    I idolise nothing for nothing is perfect.

    “So to TN the ethnic cleansing and oppressive policies against Russians in the Ukraine are Nazi abominations which should result in soldiers of that army being “turned into fertiliser”,”

    I do.

    “yet for example the expulsion of the Volga Germans, the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars, etc. is to be lauded as the act of solidarity to the Socialist State.”

    Necessary given the existential crisis unfolding at the time and the groups’ collaboration with the enemy.

    “TN appears to have learned a few “revolutionary phrases” and repeats them ad nauseam, without any real understanding of the ideas and concepts he claims to follow.”

    Straight back atcha champ.

    “He has claimed to be a proponent of anti imperialism whilst clearly having no idea of the basic teachings of Lenin’s concept of imperialism.”

    Expansion of capital, yada, yada.

    “He has claimed to be a Marxist,”

    Erm, never have.

    “but demonstrates no understanding of the ideas of class struggle”

    Don’t need to be a Marxist for that though I’m sure it helps.

    “the Labour Theory of Value”

    Value created through human effort, yada, yada.

    “or the idea of historical materialism.”

    Class based societies, yada, yada.

    “He doesn’t seem to know if it’s Pancake Tuesday or Sheffield Wednesday.”

    Ad hominem.

    “I’m sure there is a community in some village somewhere who are desperately carrying out search parties because their village idiot has gone AWOL. Put their minds at rest, TN, give them a call and let them know you’re safe and sound. There’s a good lad.”

    Ad hominem. Don’t give up your day job. Humor ain’t your shtick.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #239442

    “That is precisely the kind of statement you might expect a fascist to say”

    Lol. Because being anti-fascist is actually fascist. Just like being vegetarian is actually carnivorous. Erm, WTF?!

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