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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #240639

    “That said, it is interesting that suddenly (when it suits you) you are starting to rely on data provided by the Ukrainian side”

    So predictable. I was anticipating this very retort. We all know no men, even teenage boys, are allowed to leave Ukraine and that there are countless videos of Ukrainian civilians being dragged off the streets and press-ganged to the front. The Kiev Nazis also have their own version of the volksturm. The figures of men pressed in to military service is one number we can trust.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240635

    “Perhaps Stalingrad is a poor example, and Bakhmut is about to join Ypres as a long lasting bulge in the line.”

    This comment won’t age well.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240628

    “Do you question my figure of 500,000 Ukrainian troops over the course of the conflict? Are you are saying the number is higher?”

    “The defence minister added: “We have approximately 700,000 in the armed forces and when you add the national guard, police, border guard, we are around a million-strong.”Jul 11, 2022”

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240596

    That’s not the point I’m making. Bojo’s Brains listed off a number of WW2 battles concluding death rates were very low. Well, clearly there are cases where the opposite is true.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240581

    The answer is half a million. 500,000 Nazis killed in 5 months in Stalingrad. You can kill plenty of people in a year. The Ukrainian death toll is at least 200,000. But you do you. You wanna believe Bubblegum the rainbow unicorn lives at the bottom of your garden, be my guest.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240575

    “More on casualties – solely the Wagner mercenaries

    30,000 casualties with about 9,000 KIA

    Half of the overall KIA have occurred since mid-December.”

    Source? Let me guess…Guardian? CIA? Ukrainian Intelligence. Bet it’s one of those three!

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240537

    “If I was TW, I would move into a bunglaow, just to be on the safe side.”

    Oh, isn’t that charming? Bojo’s brains just figured out people die. Here’s something else that’ll blow your mind…Santa is your mum and dad! Lol

    And all the people who haven’t died? How do they fit into your cute little conspiracy theory? This friends is what is known as the “Texas Sharpshooter fallacy”. Look it up Bojo, you’ll be a slightly less stupid clown if you do so.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240535

    “yet in one year of this “Special Military Operation”, one side of that conflict, the Ukrainian side, has suffered the same level of casualties taken by all sides of these 5 years of full scale war?”

    The figure given by van der Layan was 100,000. Already very high. Remind me, how many Nazis died in the 5 months of fighting in Stalingrad?

    “So perhaps you can correct my estimates and show me how I have got it so wrong?”

    Well, that’s easy. First of all, you are comparing apples and oranges. The modern battlefield is nothing like that of WW2. Drones, satellites, guided missiles, jets, helicopters, modern optics and targeting computers have all revolutionised war. It’s the difference between catching a fish based on a hunch or using sonar. Apples and oranges.

    Secondly, a pipsqueak of a country, (granted, the largest military force west of Russia), goaded the most powerful land army in the world in to a war. That takes a very special kind of stupid. The military strategy of these clowns is to launch suicidal offensives for no other reason than PR and photo ops. They are driven to this fanatical stupidity by their paymasters who fund the entirety of their war effort and threaten to cut and run if such operations aren’t carried out. In addition Zelensky has his very own notion of Hitler’s never retreat orders which lead to encirclement and annihilation.

    You don’t like these facts, well have another cup of copium because facts don’t care about your feelings.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by TrueScotsman.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240520

    “ratio of 100,000 front line troops to 400,000 logistical troops.”

    I must admit I only skimmed your post before replying. Alone, there were 100,000 far right militia at the beginning of the conflict. I fundamentally disagree with your calculations. Your estimates of frontline troops are off the scales wrong.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240508

    “This would mean that your estimate of 200,000 number would claim that 75,000 more troops had been killed than had ever served at the front line!”

    A fair point. But you are presuming a high number of wounded. From the sources I listen to that is not the case. Shocking numbers of the wounded are dying in situ because they’re unable to be evacuated. This would account for the higher number of deaths.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240498

    “Just a quick question TW, do you stand by your assertion that the Ukrainian forces have suffered over 100,000 deaths?”

    No, that was Ursula von der Leyen’s figure. I believe the number at least double that.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240449

    “TS – “China is run by Marxists…”

    I won’t refer to anything we have written but from someone who once believed China was on the path to ‘socialism’ (which we never have)

    “…starting in the early 1980s, China has become a full fledged capitalist country…”

    “…While China currently plays an important and positive balancing role on the geopolitical chessboard, it is not a “socialist” Nation State…”

    “…It is important that people on the Left who describe China as a socialist country take cognizance of the oppressive nature of China’s cheap labour export economy…”

    “…China is not a socialist country. Quite the opposite. It is a low wage economy…”

    “…The interests of powerful Chinese business groups … are represented at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership…”

    “…The Socialist Mainstream has casually dismissed to even acknowledge the facts pertaining to land concentration, ownership and the rise of social inequality and the development of buoyant luxury goods sector for a small privileged social minority…”

    Bunch of crap. Here’s Vijay Prashad’s response to anti-communist, anti-socialist crusaders such as yourselves and the quoted author.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240448

    “As TS himself has admitted, Ritter misunderstood Russia’s tactics.”

    He does not misunderstand Russian tactics. He understands them intimately. Russia did not follow its standard tactical doctrine which no one could have predicted. It hardly disqualifies him as an expert source of information which he is. And, it must be noted, the Russians are using doctrine now and the results are horrifying. 15:1 casualties.

    “He has at the beginning of the war foresaw a rapid Russian victory and again had to correct himself.”

    There was a rapid victory over the first iteration of Ukraine’s army. NATO came to the rescue and refloated it. So again, Ritter was correct.

    “The military aid the west is providing to Ukraine is changing the dynamic and if Russia doesn’t find a way to address this meaningfully… the conflict will never end.”

    And what did he say next? Russia needs to mobilise more troops which is exactly what happened.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240444

    Lol. Ad hominem? That all you got? You are a joker.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #240441

    “An interesting article on the munitions question:

    “Russia also requires vast amounts of ammunition. However, Putin has put his entire economy on a war footing. It is not subject to the same commercial constraints as Nato’s defence industry, and Russian producers are not constrained by concerns over industrial safety.”

    Complete bunk as articulated in Alexander Mercouris’ latest YouTube video.

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