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  • Thomas_More

    MEDIEVAL LIVES by Terry Jones.

    Google Books:

    Terry Jones, actor, director, author and Python, approaches this most misrepresented and misunderstood’ period in history through its principal characters. Accompanying a TV series, the book addresses and redresses many of the stereotypical images we have of the Middle Ages. Each chapter deals with a major character’, opening with the medieval peasant, discussing his life and work, his status, village life in general, his relationship with the Church and the Peasants’ Revolt. After famine and Black Death, Jones turns his attention to secular and royal minstrels and entertainers, as well as medieval romance and epic tales. From here to the outlaws, gangs and legendary figures of the period, to the monk, the development of monasteries and religious orders, the crusades and Church power. The rest of the books is filled with tales of philosophers, alchemists, magicians, fraudsters, innovators and doctors, chivalric knights, damsels and, ultimately, the king himself. Written in an accessible and colloquial style, this is a great read for anyone wanting to get a glimpse of real Medieval Lives .


    BARBARIANS by Terry Jones.

    Google Books:

    A completely fresh approach to Roman history, this book not only offer readers the chance to see the Romans from a non-Roman perspective, it also reveals that most of those written off by the Romans as uncivilized, savage, and barbaric were in fact organized, motivated, and intelligent groups of people with no intentions of overthrowing Rome and plundering its Empire. This fascinating study does away with the propaganda and opens our eyes to who really established the civilized world. Delving deep into history, Terry Jones and Alan Ereira uncover the impressive cultural and technological achievements of the Celts, Goths, Persians, and Vandals. In this new paperback edition, Terry and Alan travel through 700 years of history on three continents, bringing wit, irreverence, passion, and the very latest scholarship to transform our view of the legacy of the Roman Empire and the creation of the modern world.


    The first recorded, unambiguous European references to a spherical Earth are found in the work of ancient Greek philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle. By the time the Roman writer Pliny the Elder was writing the first part of his Natural History around AD 77, the fact that the Earth is a sphere was treated as common knowledge: ‘We all agree on the earth’s shape. For surely we always speak of the round ball of the Earth’ (Pliny, Natural History, II.64).


    The idea that the Earth is flat was a Victorian fad. People have known the Earth is a globe since ancient Greek times.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234251

    Have to contradict you. No one in the Middle or so-called “Dark” ages believed the Earth was flat. They weren’t stupid.

    Please don’t delete this, Alan. I’m just answering Movimiento.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #234246
    in reply to: China is Capitalist #234235

    The city of Changchun in Manchuria, full of civilians was ordered by Lin Piao to be made a city of death through starvation. 160,000 perished, after having been compelled to resort to cannibalism.

    “Party of the working class”?

    in reply to: China is Capitalist #234233

    Mao’s massive book burnings, hundreds of thousands of titles in the 1950s, dwarf the Nazi book burnings.

    in reply to: China is Capitalist #234232

    Just as Lenin and Trotsky’s coup in November 1917 ended democratic experimentation and hideously transfigured the revolution which was already underway, so the victory of Mao’s forces in 1949 did the same in China – throttling the openness that had been the Chinese revolution until then.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #234227

    “Wolves are being tortuously murdered by ruthless trophy hunting methods. Choked to death by snares. Legs mangled in traps. Chased down by helicopters. Even being blown up in their dens — including wolf mamas and their pups.

    Federal courts ruled to reinstate the endangered species listing for gray wolves in the majority of the lower 48 states to try and mitigate the fragile population of these beloved animals — but the Biden administration has filed an appeal to REVERSE these critical protections. If we don’t act immediately, more gray wolves will be slaughtered, and we could lose this precious canine forever.”
    (Friends of the Earth).

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #234151

    “Blood group?”
    “Anglo-Saxon with a dash of Viking.”
    “Blood is blood, Mr. Hancock, all over the world.”

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #234150

    “I’m telling you, you CAN’T give a Jew a Catholic blood transfusion. It wouldn’t work, would it? It wouldn’t work! It wouldn’t mix, you daft …”

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #234147

    Just as people’s “knowledge” of prehistory is limited to a Raquel Welch movie, so they also assume that the nation always existed. I am asked, “What was the flag of Ancient Greece?”

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #234145

    The nationalist, holding his mother’s hand, and she holding her mother’s hand, and so on in a line of only 500 miles, the one at the end of the line would be a nonhuman.

    in reply to: We are all African apes. Nationalism is nonsense. #234143

    Why are we not the sub-species to them?

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