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  • in reply to: Russian Tensions #235771

    Wez, do you extend this feeling to other species, with whom we are all related, or only to humanity?

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235755

    TS ““… providing space for all nations to pursue sovereignty and peaceful co-prosperity…”

    Proof he has no idea what a nation-state is, what capitalism is, nor what socialism is.

    in reply to: Capitalism’s animal holocaust continues. #235754

    An elephant is killed every 15 minutes.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235723

    So in what way were Soviet Russia and China not fascist?

    If you want to be super strict about it, only Italy was fascist and not Germany, because only Italy called itself Fascist.

    Otherwise, I don’t see how Russia and China were not.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235718

    True. It’s a waste of our time. We should ignore him and scroll past his comments so as not to be angered into responding.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235711

    It must be because he probably belongs to a Stalinist party. Hence he follows its leadership and repeats its slogans. Which is why there is no social analysis in his retorts. Ask him to define socialism and also define capitalism.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Thomas_More.
    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235695

    And the Bolshevik states were also fascist, no less fascist than Germany, Italy and Spain.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235684

    I agree with Wez here about Freud. I think it is a shortcoming in socialists to ignore and not face the multiplicity of factors that prevent most of the working class from becoming aware.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235647

    Nationalism restricts the personality. I, for instance see kinship in all life, not just other humans. So, how can one grow in the perception that we are kin with all mammals and other animals if one can’t even accept other humans as kin?

    It’s like a sketch in The Likely Lads, where Terry says he hates Germans, Italians, Chinese, Arabs, Pakistanis; then that he also hates Scots, Irish and Welsh; hates his English neighbours too, and hates the sod who lives downstairs in the same building.

    We are every one of us a descendant of a nonhuman, and we are all relatives.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235645

    And Russia’s workers could have sabotaged the invasion by following Rosa Luxemburg’s advice to workers in wartime: a mass industrial strike, stopping the war machine in its tracks.

    Unfortunately, patriotism stops the workers from realising how much power they have to stop war and save lives.

    in reply to: Russian Tensions #235643

    By ignoring Zelensky’s call to fight and die, the people of Ukraine would have made all this unnecessary. There would simply have been a change of leaders, from Zelensky to Putin; no bombings, no war, no displacement of people. By recognising this is a quarrel between capitalist exploiters, the workers should have just made no resistance, and their lives and communities would have carried on as before. A different colour flag would be the only difference.

    in reply to: Was state-capitalism really progressive? #235601

    I have put on here several times my agreement with you on that.

    in reply to: Was state-capitalism really progressive? #235596


    in reply to: Mao’s China? Ask a leper. #235590

    From WILD SWANS by Jung Chang, pp 387-88:

    “Books were major targets of Mao’s order to destroy. Because they had not been written within the last few months, and therefore did not quote Mao on every page, some Red Guards declared that they were all ‘poisonous weeds.’ With the exception of Marxist classics and the works of Stalin, Mao, and the late Lu Xun, whose name Mme. Mao was using for her personal vendettas, books were burning all across China. The country lost most of its written heritage.”

    in reply to: Was state-capitalism really progressive? #235588

    Unlike the caste system in India, in which caste is rigidly determined by birth, in China there was no inheritance per se. The sons of officials had to earn the post and thus the wealth their fathers had had, via the scholastic examination system. This system was theoretically open to everyone, including peasants. Many mandarins were peasants’ sons.
    Of course, when China was occupied by the Manchus, Manchu birth was favoured at all levels, but the examination system functioned as it had for two thousand years, except during the brief era of Mongol rule.

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