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  • in reply to: Syriza #107227

    Hello from Greece and sorry for my Enflish.Α few things about syriza.-This party is constituted by various groups.Leftist groups trotskyist.maoist ,splits for the so called socialist party that ruled Greece(more neoliberal tha the labour party in England),ecologists ,ex members of the communist party etc.The cruicial role inside the party belongs to the eurocommunists that imposed to the others the ideological guideline.The theory of nikos Poulantzas the greek eurocommunist is essential for someone to understand for what syriza stands for.-Leftist in Greece didnt vote for syriza.If you see election results all other left and leftist parties gained votes! People that voted for syriza dont expect left reformism ,they are just angry and want a party to deal with the humanitarian crisis.Some figurew are characteristic .300.000 people are living without electricity! 250000 left the country in last for yers in order to survive.Some kids faint in the school because of hunger.Syriza promised to deal with that problems and to stop privitisation programmes(water.electricity etc).Moreover to raise the lowest wage from 560 that is today to 751 euros like it was in 2009.Syriza while in opposition dealt succesfully with such problems creatin the programme ''solidarity for al '' .In few words in every city of greece and neighbourhoods of big cities people of syriza(along with others) provided food ,clothes ,but also free lessons,theatre plays etc.Again sorry for my English Varoufakis is better….

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