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  • in reply to: General election #252953

    Thanks for that, Lizzie. I already knew. But never mind. Good luck with your next snipe.

    Thanks, Adam. I’ll do that next!

    in reply to: General election #252949

    I’m planning to be at my local polling booth in Cumbria early on Thursday. Is it too late to get some leaflets to hand out whilst I film myself on my mini-platform for my YouTube channel?

    Jarvis Yoghourt.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131331

    Vincent, you disingenuous cockwit, it was only a few years ago when you were boasting about your history of knocking opponent's teeth out when they didn't agree with you.  And it was shortly after that when you said some very abusive things to me personally on Fuckbook.  Since you were being such a wanker, I blocked you and carried on writing.  Then you realised that I'd blocked you because people were writing about what I'd written and you couldn't see what I'd written.  At that point you tried to get party members to be outraged by the fact that I'd blocked you for being a cunt.Then you got expelled from the party.  For being a cunt. You voted against me being elected as an EC member.  Whilst serving on the EC I witnessed your machinations to get back into the party.  I spoke against you being re-admitted, because you'd caused no end of trouble with your puerile bollocks and threatened me personally. (Which, I might mention, I derived much amusement from.  You are a stupid old man and I hold a third dan black belt and could easily kick your bitchy little ass.) I left the party for two reasons.  The main one was the fact that ten reasonably intelligent people are incapable of making a rational decision together. Witness the Election Broadcast that cost £3000.  And the other one was that you were going to get back in the party. Motherfucker, you'd know who I am if you had half a brain.  I am no coward.  I am the Mighty Motherfucking Guru Yoghourt.  Get in the ring,No, actually, don't bother.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131322
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Just to re-phrase the assertion to reflect the actual point of dissension" Far too many fucking other people…"

    'Other' is extraneous.  Isn't there a rule about misquoting masquerading as rephrasing?   If not, we'd better make one up immediately.  There's just too many people. Look, even in the hallowed microcosm of this forum where maybe twenty people contribute in a regular and suitably religious fashion, it just takes one Vincent with his threats of violence that he was once capable of visiting on his opponents to demonstrate how impractical socialism is.  Imagine this forum with twenty thousand contributors.  One thousand of whom are Vin Marratty. Form 'F', anyone?

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131318

    If the SPGB had guns there'd be no-one writing in here.  All of which goes – rather neatly – to show that I was right.  Far too many fucking people. What Ike said.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131272

    Got to admire your committment, Al.  If you can convince a cretinous fuckwit like 'Ike' of the practicality and possibility of socialism then it'll be clear that you were right and I was wrong.  I'm waiting without bated breath.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131270

    Well, Alan, first of all, I don't have a problem.  But you're asking me what I believe.  Do I believe that socially-conditioned halfwits who have been stupefied to the point where they think that 'X-Factor' is more important than saving the planet from their own stupefaction?  I do not.Do I believe that seven billion semi-evolved simeans who have miraculously overcome their capital-generated idiocy and achieved an understanding of the nature of the system that produced them can then reorganise society so that it serves the interests of the entire planet?  Not in my wildest fantasies!Sadly, the burden of proof lies with the SPGB, and I remain unconvinced.  Given that the movement is in a slow and steady and seemingly inexorable decline – and, incidentally, the watertight case remains watertight within its own logic – I do think that party diehards still have all of their work ahead of them. For my part, I'm with Bill Hicks.  Humanity is a virus with shoes.  Or to update Bill's view, a virus with laptops.

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131266

     Well and good, Alan.  And yes, your reply could have been shorter.  But, you see, I've heard it all before.  I just don't believe it anymore.  You think that seven billion stupid humans can organise world food production.  I've watched seven socialists on the EC try to organise five hundred socialists.  It doesn't bode well for humanity.

    in reply to: Selfless capitalism #131379

    And another stoned-out dream of what will never be.  How do these creatures make it out of bed each day?

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131263

     Actually, Alan, I think that I'm completely correct.  In fact, I'll retract my 'most', reject your 'much' and assert that all of the UK is as I described it.   There is scarcely a landscape in Britain that might be described as 'natural'.  It's pretty much all managed, and, as we know, it is managed in the interests of capital.  But that doesn't alter the fact that there are far too many people kicking around.  And that doesn't just apply to Britain.  It's a global problem created by the needs of capital, and it won't go away as long as the profit motive drives society.  But this plank in the SPGB's case – the notion that there aren't too many people on the planet – is one of the reasons I'm no longer in the party.  You see, in forty years of being aware of what capital is and what it does I've seen the destruction that humans wreak.  And I think it's mistaken to believe that such a huge mass of fundamentally stupid semi-evolved bipeds could ever get their shit together and stop being knobs – leave alone achieving class-consciousness and abolishing capitalism – without totally wrecking the entire planet.  Convince me otherwise and you'll have my Form A by return of e-mail! PS: Do not insult my intelligence by referencing any Malthusian! :)

    in reply to: Myth of Overcrowded Britain #131257

    An interesting perspective.  However, the fact remains that most of this island is polluted, contaminated and despoiled.  And what once was wilderness is wilderness no more.

    in reply to: Marxist Animalism #106652
    DJP wrote:
    Who wants to spend all day working in a slaughterhouse?

    Me. Only one day a week, though.  

    in reply to: Marxist Animalism #106642

     Beefburgers can be delicious, but not when they come out of machines.  And parrots are on the menu for sure!  Let's be clear, they're only ever saying what they've been taught to say.  Just like tabloid readers. I'm not so much a misanthrope, really.  I just hate what capitalism does to people.

    in reply to: Marxist Animalism #106636

     The point, surely, is that 'farming' under capitalism – for which read 'factory farming as an efficient means of maximising profits' is at once fucking up the planet and producing meat that is scarcely worth eating.  Most mass-produced supermarket meat is flavourless and almost entirely lacking in nutritional value.  The same is true, incidentally, of mass-produced fruit and vegetables.  Capitalism has produced an entire generation of people who simply don't have a clue what an apple or a tomato taste like, leave alone the explosive umami experience of a well-reared cow.  FFS!  Lots of people don't even know where their food comes from.  I think that it's mistaken to believe that there is any quantitative or qualitative difference between cow factory farming, sheep factory farming, chicken factory farming or fish factory farming.  It's all harmful, both to people and the environment and the only slightly-sentient creatures that it fucks about with. (If livestock were so clever it'd have a socialist party!)  From my point of view, socialism won't be socialism if it treats animals in the way that capitalism does.  So forget about your chicken nuggets and your beefburgers.  If they still exist after the revolution – except as a frozen exhibit in the museum of idiocy and total divorce from the concept of a food chain – it won't have been a revolution at all.  Human liberation equals animal liberation, it seems to me.  And I don't even like animals.  I like animals about as much as I like humans.  Which is to say, scarcely at all.  I'm not a vegetarian.  My attitude to food is simple.  If you speak to it and it can't answer then it's on the menu.  And that includes tabloid readers and the watchers of the X-Factor.  But you really shouldn't be eating that stuff unless you know where it came from. 

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