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  • in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96979

    So SPGB/TZM stands for an evolutionary change in man.From deriving reward from materialism (ie having stuff which we can point at) to deriving personal reward from appreciating quality (ie educating neural networks within the cortex and cerebellum which define what it is to be 'you' and which we can't really point at in any meaningful way).Achieving personal quality cannot be demonstrated other than through being creative.It's not like the dolts of capitalism – who're able to buy a t-shirt which states 'high quality individual here' and then watch on as their fellow dolts of capitalism are taken in, and who incidentally rush to buy XL t-shirts bearing the same logo – just to make the (in fact, opposite) point.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96978

    Now more simply – and as described earlier in this thread.Politics (tends towards an argument between the poor and rich in terms of dollar worth)gives way toScience (a worldview which teaches us that materialism (dollar worth) is an anachronism and is what we're attempting to transcend not become arrested/addicted in)gives way toArt (creative individuals (not workers) developing personal quality) in all areas of human expertise from the elegance of programming to the elegance of a roof top ecosystem of herbs which add spice to your life.Love the word 'elegance'.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96977

    SO – to return to Brian's point and this thread – there's no point in SPGB and TZM engaging in what people call the political process in this world – the best possible thing we could do – is help to synthesize human knowleddge into documentaries, an encyclopaedia so people can see that we can't go on as we are currently … …. and that the major obstacle that we need to get over is an irrational desire for it all (materialism expressed as capitalism) when we can (actually) have it all if we share.So – sharing offers what capitalism promises but can't deliver – you can have it all and the premise we operate from is that you have it all – and your job is to make more of it.This is the process of creativity and is what the evolutionary (back to Brian's point again) process delivers.From Big Bang to the present time and beyond – we've seen the rearrangement of whatever's here into more than was there before … … we need to align ourselves with the natural science/divine/natural process of creativity and not destruction – which capitalism FORCES.This pattern can be seen to occur in art – where that which we create is mirrored by increasing complexity (to appreciate art) of neural structures (cerebellar) within our own heads.So – back to the idea that we're entering an Age of Quality (of sensory experience) where the goal is to be creative and to develop creative sensing machinery (the actual neural structures required to appreciate beauty) as an evolutionary expression of the underlying process of creation/evolution towards increasing informational entropy (a more complex Universe).

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96976

    It's difficult to pursue Brian's original point re:"politics" because it's difficult to know what this term means.If politics is a simple battle to the 'death' (in which anything goes) between a couple of identical in every respect bar the colours of their ties tribal armies – where the battle is rigged and they take it in turns to win – just to keep the 'show' alive … … then that's not a place where TZM/SPGB should be. In current politics you're restricted to fiddling with capitalism – because there isn't any politician that can dismantle or extricate their nation from money – it's an option (what we desire) – which is not on the cards.Once critical mass is achieved much like the process of crystallization or the generation of a super saturated solution, the crystal will form throughout the beaker ie people will spontaneously change their minds and want the SPGB/TZM vision – because it's the only rational approach.The battle will be won without any fighting, any vote, any separation of them and us, any dislodging of a minority – there'll just be a collective desire for system without hierarchy, an end to slavery through people (by virtue of mind) overcoming the desire (evolutionary primitive desire to beat other human beings) to out compete other people.Thing is – why ever would I want to beat you ?I'd quite like you to do something creative that you enjoy that I can enjoy … … which is not what happens (in fact quite the opposite) in the current education/workplace where somebody has a gun to your head to make this term's sales figures. One eyed Jimmy is poised in the wings with his famous flick-knife approach to selling – he *always* gets his man … … and you're faling behind.Ever seen the Amazon worker schedule where they're timed per pick-up ?What a horrible robotic life people are made to live in capitalism's drive to efficiency.We don't get that year of our life back for meeting our slave driver's (nor him his) year's expectations; in fact, we can draw a link between stress and reduced longevity ie not only do you lose the year of life that you're striving towards some pointless goal – but your 'bonus' is to have another few months shaved off life expectancy through the stress of (in effect) running for survival.Stress is meant to be encountered for a few seconds every so often when we see a hungry lion and hide … … we were never meant (designed) to live under chronic stress. It's a bit like noticing that a car with its accelerator floored travels less distance than someone travelling at a leisurely 56 mph on the motorway.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96974

    100 years ago was before the population explosion.The Internet explosion will be seen as soon as global wireless information transfer – maybe only text – becomes free.I'm surrounded by Russian and Chinese students and they chase women and consumer goods (for the most part respectively) ie there's no political philosophy evident in people from these climates – we're all (in global capitalism) pushed to be variations on Homer Simpson.The point is that human beings are a work in progress (currently evolving) and the mark of us having evolved 'll be as soon as a sizeable minority regenerate the ideas upon which TZM/SPGB are built on for themselves – at which point we'll have change.Politics will only operate in favour of this transition as 'stick' ie people running in the opposite direction of government by an elite – and it's true that there's only really 1 place to run to – which is a cross between voluntaryism, anarchy, socialism and automation.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96972

    The basic reason why there is no further need for any political action is that you'll find that all people who think about the problem will come to the same conclusion.I don't particularly care for or against the SPGB/TZM world – it's just (and simply) the only option.So – simply allow people to arrive at this conclusion for themselves and 'bingo' Prince Charles will be down the building site toning his glutes. He'll be fine in his 2 bed semi– and Camilla will be taken with his new muscular form. "Everyone's a winner" – which could become a TZM/SPGB catchphrase.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96971

    Mass hypnotism would be required if what was being discussed was not the most rational (only rational) approach.At some point people will realise that handing over personal autonomy to others is a form of slavery ie that all forms of organization controlled by an elite (government, law, corporation) are responsible (each in turn) for some variation on slavery – if they exert any power over our daily lives – which law, government, money and corporation most certainly do.Only a form of voluntaryism can work – where co-operatives which we all sign up to supply absolute (not that we have many) human needs.Yes – that's Prince Charles' botty you'll see peeking out of its pants over on a building site in the coming egalitarian world – and proud he will be of the zero energy building he has contributed to the construction of.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96970

    The basic idea is that either no or all people control the power which is in the hands of the few currently.So – by none or all – we can either suggest that the world is owned by everyone equally or no-one at all.Which places responsibility for things into the hands of all or none ie 'global distribution of power' both in contrast to few.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96968

    "I am curious as to how the majority of the worlds poulation will take control of the worlds resources without some form of mass organisation?"Who voted for the internet ?Wikipedia is a collection of the world's resources – far more important than any lump of coal or diamond.Politics no longer matters – just a stage we were going through.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96967

    But capitalism is a state of mind which we need to overcome.If  you take away ownership from one horrible lot of 0.01 percenters –  it'll just be passed into tomorrow's 0.01 percenters.What we need is an education driven evolutionary event in which people think to themselves – actually having a 0.01 percent of people playing us like chess pieces isn't what we want.The individual needs to be appalled at the idea of a 0.01 percent – not secretly wish to be a part of the 0.01 percent.You can't take the power away from an elite – all people need to want to be a part of distributed (globally) power.This isn't an option in politics – which more or less stands – for one group of individuals trying to make out that you'll be better off if you follow them rather than the other lot.The basic argument of SPGB/WSM is that you'll be better off without anybody telling you what to do – but that's not nor will ever be an option in a political system which is predicated on a few (generally double thinking positive cognitive dissonance deprecated) people telling you what to do.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96964

    What is a political solution ?You need people to agree that global equality is a good idea.Then you need a technical roadmap to support global equality.Science and Technology (actually respectively on those two fronts) can get us to that world without politics.Science (physics and psychology) teaches us what really matters.Engineering allows us to manifest a world which will support what really matters.Politics is a complete waste of time.Why do visionaries like Alan Moore describe freedom fighters blowing up legal / governmental establishment Institutions ?Politics and the legal establishment are a major part of the problem – and I'd argue more so than money.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96962

    OK – in summary:Politics – discussion about what is and what isn't moral.Science/Technology – an understanding of reality and a solution to man's technical issues pertaining to living a moral existence.— Both ending — giving way to:Art – living life for exquisite sensory experiences.-*-Now going back to Brian's initial comment – we're looking at a simple evolutionary change in man relating to people acquiring morality (true) as determinant of action.What do we have to do ? Talk sense until all people are united in the single (only) cause of living a meaningful life.At the moment – living life is like waiting for a bus – you can't do anything for the damage that you cause – any and everything undertaken within a global capitalist infrastructure is wrong.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96959

    Hmmm – I've just read several pages of WSM/SPGB philosophy – and it's pretty much identical to what I've written describing TZM/TVP.You even describe yourself as a community which gets minds up to the point of transition, but don't yourselves specify the engineering of global society post-transition … … so we're on the same page.You guys will succeed and be lost, just as TZM/TVP succeeds and is lost as a movement.As such there's no need for a movement (our 2 movements) when all people subscribe."The World Socialist Movement sees its function as the proliferation of socialist ideas and the dissemination of structural analyses and critiques of capitalism, as well as to correct misconceptions regarding socialism and to make people aware of the structural issues inherent to capitalismwhile facilitating open debate regarding the future organization of a post-capitalist society.[1]"~ie~Education TZM/TVP-*-Do smelly socialists not have the ability to highlight text in colour or use quotation boxes ?I don't know – backwards lot.Ooooo smilies ! supported in the next world.-*—- Summary —politics -> science -> artPolitics – getting your head around equality by arguing with people who want inequality (Captain Capitalist and his Craving Cronies (boo!!!))Science – mechanism of transitionArt – living out one's life in safety composing poems to the beauty of little flowersPolitics diesScience diesArt lives – a life spent aiming for quality of sensory experience.Scouring Earth's surface for pretty pink flowers called Gertrude which serve as one's personal muse.

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96960

    Looks like somebody   has jumped the gun and started.QUOTATION FUNCTION ON MOST WEB FORUMS OPEN HERE >>"Ozymandias" is a sonnet written by the English romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)<< QUOTATION FUNCTION ON MOST WEB FORUMS (APART FROM THIS DUMBO ONE) CLOSE

    in reply to: Zeitgeist candidate for mayor in New Zealand #96956

    The electorate votes for what's best for them, not for what's best for the planet.When the majority watch sporting events – they don't want the guy who has tried hardest to win – they want some guy who wears their colours to win a medal.All around us – there's a clear discrepancy between people wanting what's best for their local and *not* their global system – and politics supports retention in the 'local' rather than 'global' mindset.What's best for the local (capitalism) is not best for the global (Occupy movement) – the 0.01% have what's best for 'local' – but it's not consistent with the 99.99% 'global' set.No problem with 'Local' in context of 'Global' but not 'Local' without consideration of (the needs of) 'Global'.

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