sarda karaniwan

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  • in reply to: Syriza #107189
    sarda karaniwan

    I think somehow I get what Duncan is talking about, that we just cannot ignore the mindset of the 99% or the ordinary people. There already exist a unity. I know what this unity is but I would sound like a broken record or err cd. Although there is a unity, it is still nevertheless an informal unity, but what do we do? formalize it, rather trying to break it. We all know there is force in unity, so why insist on a principle that is yet to have a force, when there is already an existing principles that already have one and already being enforced. What's the problem? Hopefully not because they (or we) are just ordinary people.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: The Holocaust #109062
    sarda karaniwan

    "Remember The Holocaust!", Kinda like the same sound as The Alamo, Pearl Harbor, or 9-11, or even the latest, "Jes Suis Charlie!". I think it is being use as moral justification for any action to be guilt-free.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Saudi succession crisis #108878
    sarda karaniwan
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Can anybody think of another country that is named after the ruling monarch's family? It's like calling England, Windsor's Britain….(Or Battenburg Britain)

    Ah, umm, The Philippines? After Philip that bastard king of Spain?sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: The Pope #106950
    sarda karaniwan
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    The government in the Philippines is facing calls for an inquiry after it admitted relocating homeless people temporarily during Pope Francis' visit.Social welfare secretary Corazon Soliman said that nearly 500 people were taken from the streets of Manila to an upscale resort in the outskirts.But if you want a real taste of patronising…..She insisted it was "not for keeping them out of sight" but instead "Part of the orientation is to familiarise themselves with a room with a door and toilets,"

    This is the country where the spirits of heroes, martyrs, and saints lives on, they have come not to save the country but to destroy it, and destroy it they did. Transcendentalism at its best.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Bob Dylan has a solution for unemployment #108849
    sarda karaniwan
    Vin wrote:
    According to the 'Rolling Stone' Bob has a solution to unemployment.Let the billionaires step up to the mark and employ them!I thought I liked Bob Dylan but he has turned into a fucking idiot. Very revolutionary: Let the rich make profits out of the poor by using them. Fuck off Bob 

    His answer my friend should be blown out by the wind, hehe.Well, I guess, times they are a-changing.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: History #108807
    sarda karaniwan
    rodshaw wrote:
    As socialists we have little time for the Great Man Theory of History but have there been any truly great men or women? If so, what defines greatness, and what makes some people stand out? Or is greatness simply not in our vocabulary?

    I just call it transcendentalism, an elevation of being to be above the ordinary, to be above human. A hero, martyr, and saint are all ideal beings, they are non-human, they don't exist until you put a real people in that category and mostly they are dead people. People who were put in one of those categories are no longer human, but a transcendental being.The downside of being a transcendental is that you may be offered as a sacrifice. In the muslim society where martyrdom is so integrated in the culture that everyone in the community are made to be proud of those who blows themselves up as suicide bomber.Workers will never uphold the principles of transcendetalism, because to them it simply is ridiculous, they will stick to their own principles, that is simply saying, "Hey, I'm only human!"."Greatness" is for the workers, because they know what they really are, just a human being.Of course, there are many books that will tell you about what a human being is, but don't tell it to the workers.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Quantitative Easing #108861
    sarda karaniwan

    You have just introduced a cashless economy.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: The Pope #106944
    sarda karaniwan

    A man who is trying to make himself to have the image that he is near to God violates the law of equality, that's why there shouldn't be a God to get near at.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Lot of good work for charridy… #107503
    sarda karaniwan
    alanjjohnstone wrote: all about stress and empathyCutting through all the academic language, i think it says…if capitalism fucks you up, then you are less likely to be a nice person, but if you are happy then you'll try and make others happy. 

     Capitalist secretly applies the same 5 basic principles by covering  them with hypocrisy.Workers removed that hypocrisy but just honestly apply the principles.Who do you trust?sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Marx’s Scientific Method #107925
    sarda karaniwan
    rodshaw wrote:
     to be discussed by those who enjoy discussing such things (not me), and not to be thought of as essential reading for all.

    Well rodshaw, you're right.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Is this how capitalist rule will end? #107886
    sarda karaniwan
    DJP wrote:
    I don't know where you get these 5 principles from, hazarding a guess you've just pulled them out of thin air, but they've got nothing to do with socialism. Perhaps you could add "Work makes free" as number 6?

    I got them from the workers not from books.Yeah, you may think there is no greatness and glory with those principles but that's just how the workers will treat us, like them, just human. And if still you don't see the equality there, perhaps you need to go out more.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Is this how capitalist rule will end? #107885
    sarda karaniwan

    You have never use any one of them? are you sure?sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Marx’s Scientific Method #107924
    sarda karaniwan

    Ah, Okay.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Is this how capitalist rule will end? #107880
    sarda karaniwan

    I see the end of capitalist rule through the workers five basic principle:1.Don't be a burden!2.Be independent!3. Strive to be equal and be counted!4. Be practical!5. Learn and improve!Very basic and easy to understand, and they already had a grasp of them.Once the workers of the world formally unite (they are already united informally) to those principles there's really nothing much the capitalist can do to stop it. Yes, there will be a bit of reaction and resistance but what are they going to do to counter the principles, become suddenly generous like giving the workers more higher wages?As capitalist rule vanish, I only see a society where the only way of life is education and science.sardaan Ordinarian

    in reply to: Marx’s Scientific Method #107921
    sarda karaniwan

    I guess that's the poverty of philosophy, hehe.I'm not trying to offend anyone especially twc, just a bit of advice, thank you.sardaan Ordinarian

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