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  • in reply to: Football and the Pandemic #209722

    Until recently, this season there has been a glut of goals in the Premier League (average nearly 4 per match, up from less than three), but right after this was reported in the press a couple of weeks ago, perversely the average went back down to about normal. Goal increases often happen after some kind of change to playing conditions, e.g. a rule change, then after a while things go back to normal. Some analysts attributed the increase this time mainly to less pressure on the players to perform, with some matches having the quality of practice matches.

    But there again there have been more goals from penalties, which is possibly down to VAR and not to the lack of intimidating crowds.

    The increase in goals doesn’t seem to have happened in the lower leagues, or at least not as much.

    Some clubs have been lamenting the effect of no home crowds on performances, notably Man U (but if true you’d think this would decrease the number of goals, which seems to contradict the finding above).

    I think the statistics do show an increase in the number of away wins but I haven’t checked closely.

    in reply to: American election #209496

    Meanwhile it seems Trump himself will be facing several lawsuits once his presidential immunity ends:

    Let’s see how he tries to wriggle out of those.

    in reply to: Classism #208801

    There’s obviously a lot of self-serving dissembling in what they say and I don’t care two hoots about MPs as a group but being a Tory MP doesn’t necessarily make you a capitalist. We in the WSM consider people to be working class who aren’t generally thought to be so, including presumably the highly paid “upper middle class”. Most would find that hard to swallow.

    in reply to: 38 Degrees – a campaign for every issue! #208661

    Good on you Alan.

    Of course we always hope our messages will be read and maybe even taken notice of, though I think this organisation is so up itself looking for things to petition about that they are clearly not going to be interested in our bigger picture.

    My hopes were raised slightly when I got another email from them earlier this evening…but it was asking me to sign a petition to stop the introduction of VAT on face masks. Although part of me is tempted to carry on receiving them just for amusement value, overall I think it’s time I unsubscribed!

    I think the snowball analogy is a good one – maybe we’ll become The Rolling Snowball Movement?

    in reply to: Tory MPs out of touch. Lack compassion! Let them eat steak #208575

    Petitions galore. So many outraged, well-meaning people. And yet not one glimmer of real socialist consciousness among them.

    We shouldn’t be petitioning our beloved leaders but telling them the time has come to get on their bikes.

    Time for an open letter to Mr Rashford maybe?

    in reply to: The new recession is arriving? #208179

    As a slight aside to this topic – how does the government overissue currency these days? Is it still by printing more notes, or by electronic means, or a bit of both? I think I read somewhere that “quantitative easing” doesn’t actually permeate into the general economy.

    in reply to: Climate Crisis: Our Last Chance #208158

    There does seem to be a slight shift in stance from Attenborough. At least he’s now pointing at capitalism instead of just saying it’s “we humans” causing the problems. But if only he’d say that capitalism needs abolishing not curbing. And if only he’d see that he doesn’t have to be an economist to say that.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #207096

    “When health and social care become captured by economic burden capital interests of keeping the economy ‘open’ will always stand at the front of the line (adverse health outcomes become an acceptable risk or economic ‘friendly fire’)”

    Collateral damage, indeed.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #206983

    Not all GP practices notify people that flu jabs are available. When I lived in York I got an annual reminder and an actual appointment at a local inoculation centre without prompting. Here in Northampton, nothing. My GP doesn’t even do them. You have to ask your local chemist to give you one – but at least they are still free.

    Maybe it depends on how hard different pharmaceutical companies are wanting to push them.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #206953

    I assume near the beginning he means we would prioritise the safety of everyone.

    Can’t argue with the sentiment but appropriating stored wealth for the benefit of all is the left-winger’s dream, much more unlikely than that people will turn to socialism.

    Leaving economy issues aside (if only we could), there is also the argument that even from the aspect of general health and wellbeing, a lockdown is worse than the problem it’s trying to solve. Either way it looks like we are going to end up living with the virus and those who are most concerned observing everyday ‘common sense’ measures like distancing, masks etc. for possibly a long time to come.

    The general population is getting lockdown fatigue. It certainly doesn’t help when the government does a u-turn every few weeks and is at loggerheads with its advisors.

    in reply to: No staff , no cash, shopping #206617

    I wonder how long all that money lying around in bank accounts would stay there? Maybe all computers holding financial details would be ceremonially wiped.

    Or perhaps one or two which held billionaires’ accounts would be put in a museum.

    in reply to: Eugenics #206616

    “We cannot allow ‘specialist’ educators. Socialism is the self-education of the whole of society.”

    Indeed, the more you know, the more sceptical you can be about other’s views or the information they give you. But we’re never all going to know the same things. We’re not telepathic. We can’t absorb information by osmosis. There would have to be ways for people with more knowledge in a certain field to be able to make it available to others. Of course, it would then be up to the others to decide whether they accepted it or not. But why wouldn’t they? And how would they know any different?

    in reply to: No staff , no cash, shopping #206586

    Just imagine – workers in a shop decide not to take payment (actually, it happened to me recently, but it was just a paltry sum for a tyre valve replacement).

    Then the shop’s supplier decides not to charge the shop – the employees refuse to put the invoices through and their bosses can’t make them. The word spreads.

    Eventually someone gets sued, but the court admin clerks decide not to process the lawsuit. Eventually the whole supply chain is moneyless because the workers have decided not to ask for money or pay, and the people implementing the enforcement machinery on a daily basis have decided not to do anything about it. Likewise the police and the army. So the world is running without money and the owners can only look on speechless.

    Back door socialism? Can the state just melt away?

    in reply to: No staff , no cash, shopping #206561

    I’ll be much happier when people start saying “Who needs money?”.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #206486

    One good thing that may come out of this pandemic is more research into ME and associated illnesses, through the number of people who are suffering long-term after-effects. One of my daughters has ME and I know how limiting it can be.

    But I won’t hold my breath, this is capitalism after all and any such research isn’t going to be particularly profitable.

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