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  • in reply to: Voice of Africa radio #105005

    Can this still be heard?

    in reply to: Can You Fathom A World Without Money And Without Disease? #105000

    I'm sure the likes of Morales are not far from knowing what the real solution is, if they don't already. In the article on Morales in the SS a few years ago he sounded in many respects like us, apart from the money thing: to attack capitalism outright on the world stage must be tricky. His views wouldn't go down too well with the governments with real clout. One could say that, in a sense, Morales is in the position socialist MPs would be in in the UK – seeing the need for socialism but in the meantime, presumably, supporting and helping to implement favourable reforms.

    in reply to: Can You Fathom A World Without Money And Without Disease? #104993

    Wow! There can be no doubt that something is spreading. I wonder if the PLM in the Philippines, and Morales in Bolivia, are aware of the WSM?It would be nice to think of us as intermediaries between these 'socialistic' parties in various countries, and having enough clout to get them to work together and see the need to think worldwide and abolish government itself. I don't think groups such as Zeitgeist will be concerned with that sort of thing, being non-political.Dream over.

    in reply to: One for the anoraks . . . #105022

    John Wark?

    in reply to: No Man Will Stand For Another. Only A System Can. #104977
    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I'm not really sure what is meant by "No man will stand for another"?Perhaps it refers to the practice of men giving others, usually women and the elderly, your seat on a full bus?

    Hmmm…I don't think it can mean that, because how can a system, as opposed to a man, give up its seat on a bus?I may be wrong but I think Paramjeet means that as individuals we are weak and divided and liable to be greedy, and so we need a benevolent state to look after us all and keep us in line. But maybe he will enlighten us with another essay.

    in reply to: No Man Will Stand For Another. Only A System Can. #104975

    I certainly agree that only a democratic socialist system can satisfy mankind's needs. We in the WSM say that world socialism will bring to an end class-divided society (capitalist v worker). There will therefore be no role for the state, as there will be nobody to rule and nobody to be ruled. Needs and wants will be decided and satisfied democratically by the community, without money changing hands (there will be no money).But there again, if you've perused our website carefully, I'm sure you realise all this.As to greed – in a socialist world where everybody knows they can take what they need, not just to survive but to live a comfortable, fulfilling life – why should anyone want to take more than they need? What would they do with it? It's only because capitalist society effectively rations things, by ensuring only those who can afford can have, that people become envious of others and 'greedy' for more.

    in reply to: How can you be a Socialist and buy stuff? #104951

    Who is the speaker?

    in reply to: Scottish Referendum #104327

    I've just been listening to this broadcast. I thought Adam got a very fair crack of the whip.Had to laugh when Elizabeth Jones started talking about Shrodinger's cat and wave particle duality to describe the capitalist economy! 'Look at it too closely and it flies away'. If only!

    in reply to: The first week of socialism – what will you be doing? #104884

    Will the traffic lights still be switched on? I'll be going through a few reds. Safely, of course. Wheee!

    in reply to: Culture for Communists? #104906

    I don't know much about art but I know what I like. But I don't think this is true of just communists.There's The Culture in the Iain M. Banks novels, a vaguely communistic future civilisation.There's The Culture with the Sunday Times every week but it's hardly for communists, mostly featuring people with a new book to sell or a film coming out. But A A Gill's TV reviews are a bit of a laugh.If we see the distinction between work and leisure becoming distinctly blurred in a socialist society, if not disappearing altogether, then maybe the word 'culture' will only exist in a science lab.

    in reply to: Democratic control in socialism: extent and limits #104841
    Vin Maratty wrote:
    I can't see a democratically organised working class being afraid of some bricks and mortar, so perhaps it could become a  (class) war museum to remind the free people of socialism where the representatives of the old ruling class met to administer  their oppressive and exploitive system called capitalism.

    Parliament could be moved to Westminster Abbey instead.I'll get my coat.

    in reply to: The first week of socialism – what will you be doing? #104877
    ALB wrote:
    I know that the weekend before I'll be rushing around trying to spernd all my money before it becomes useless.

    Like it's going out of fashion, in fact!

    in reply to: The Guardian, Laurence Weidberg and us #104789

    Were / are the Weidberg family capitalists, or have I got that wrong?

    in reply to: Quote of the day #104801

    Out of the mouths of babes and Boris, eh? He's priceless.Any prizes for guessing what he might have said next?'…just like me.'or'…as for me, I'm joining the SPGB.'

    in reply to: How do I disable receiving follow-up comments? #100703

    Actually, I don't really understand what the unsubscribe (stop receiving) option in the notification emails purports to do. If it only works for the specific post the email is referring to, not for subsequent ones, it's a bit limited really. I've used it a few times but notifications relating to the same thread still keep coming.

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 433 total)