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  • in reply to: The Socialist Revolution #204732

    Before world revolution can come about people’s ideas need to change on a huge scale. Otherwise it’s minority action imposed on the majority. There’s no way it will take people by surprise. That doesn’t mean we all have to be experts in political theory but people will certainy have to be aware of their position under capitalism and have the desire to change it.

    The campaign for socialism might in the meantime take people by surprise if it ‘goes viral’ (when it might still be only supported by a minority). The change from a small minority into a substantial majority might happen very fast and leave some of us reeling – the capitalist class most of all, let’s hope.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by rodshaw.
    in reply to: Religious Believers in London #204545

    ”Now, when socialists are so very few, a higher degree of understanding of the workings of capitalism and the course of history are required of socialists (at least of organised socialists). This need not be the case when the socialist movement takes off and begins to become a mass movement.”

    Maybe this would become true as the practice of socialism became more relevant than the theory. If you’re establishing more democratic workplaces, helping to get food to those who need it, building a more eco-friendly environment, etc., it doesn’t really matter what your religious views are.

    But I don’t think membership would grow significantly, if at all, if we dropped the religion question. It would probably fall as some people would be bound to leave.

    in reply to: Religious Believers in London #204499

    The Great Britain figure for no religion also went up significantly in that time. Same for the UK, if you lump no religion and not stated together.

    But the figures beg the question – is the abandonment of religion by the majority a prerequisite for establishing socialism?

    in reply to: Religious Believers in London #204496

    Interesting. One tends to think of London as being more ‘progressive’ than the rest of the country. This suggests that it’s more conservative.

    Does it say whether the numbers of religious people are increasing or decreasing?


    in reply to: The Pope #204235

    The eco-capitalists will love him. Maybe some of them will convert.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #204219

    Richard Horton, the editor of The Lancet, has written a short book The Covid-19 Catastrophe: What’s Gone Wrong and How to Stop it Happening Again, apparently containing scathing comments on how world governments have approached the pandemic. Too little too late, ignoring medical advice, scientists in thrall to the government, putting capitalism before needs, etc. etc. All things we would have predicted when it started.

    How to stop it happening again? Pity people like him can’t just go that bit further and campaign for an end to the system itself.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #203846

    Meanwhile, sport is making a comeback, driven of course by the money machine. The richer the clubs, the quicker they are coming back while the poorer ones will struggle. Football League 1 is at loggerheads over whether to continue or call it a day. The social distancing measures clubs have to obey are almost laughable. Footballers can celebrate goals by touching elbows. And on televised matches there will be the option of synthetic crowd noise.

    Would it happen in a sane society?

    in reply to: Podcast interview with Party member #203412

    This is brilliant. The guy voiced most of the concerns people have about socialism and gave Paddy plenty time to explain the case patiently and with hardly any interruption.

    When we get two hours of airtime like this on the BBC, we’ll know we’re going places…

    in reply to: Dominic Cummings again #203374

    I would be well and truly amused to see the Tory party ripped apart over all this hoo-ha.

    According to an article in yesterday’s Sunday Times (though I don’t know how people get information like this), Johnson is well and truly pissed off with Cummings but is feeling the strain of the last few months and can’t do without him. They have in common that neither ever apologises.

    Tweedledum and Tweedledee, but playing with people’s lives.

    in reply to: Coronavirus #203364

    Maybe they’ll all move to Mars.

    in reply to: Marxist Animalism #202940

    There is also no point in trying to decide now what attitude a socialist society will take towards meat eating and the slaughtering of animals, especially when different parts of the world may take different attitudes towards it.

    in reply to: The World Future Society #202747

    As a matter of interest this is the email the party sent them in 2013. Their website had a totally different look then, no paywall, and a far more ‘open’ aspect to it, including a contact email and lots of info about future events. Obviously enough to make us interested at the time in a debate.

    But no wonder we didn’t get an answer!

    “Dear World Future Society,
    Hi there,
    I am a member of the Campaigns Committee of the Socialist Party of Great Britain.

    We are interested in organising some sort of event with the World Future Society. Are you based in London, UK where we are? Would you be interested in this?

    Were you to agree to a debate, off the top of my head we could debate a Materialist Conception of the Future, or as Marx put it;

    “Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language.”

    Kind regards,
    Darrell Whitehead
    Campaigns Committee
    The Socialist Party of Great Britain

    in reply to: Churchill and NHS #202698
    in reply to: BBC Have Your Say #202697

    Ok, I’ve joined in. My post is under moderation but should appear as 1060 or thereabouts, naturally under a pseudonym but you’ll no doubt spot it!

    I can’t believe what some people choose to write about though, looks like we’re shouting from the bottom of a very deep well.

    in reply to: Churchill and NHS #202568

    Pity for them they got pipped by Labour in its actual implementation!

    No doubt he has been joining in the weekly state-backed rounds of applause to show just how much he cares for workers who would much rather have a hefty pay rise.

    I daresay we’ll be hearing and reading a lot more about how the Tories have been a great friend of the NHS during the pandemic.



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